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Show Section V 1 Ic 22 Iiusln Chick this out: Brand new Woodlake Homes, various sizes and floor plans, come look at the factory invoice and pay only 10 more plus delivery fee. Care Free Homes across from Gibsons Vernal. 1X118 789-666- 3. November 18, 1982 XICKHL-AI)SAkVSI,ki.- sizes and floor plans, come look at the factory invoice and pay only 10 more plus delivery fee. Care Free Homes across from Gibsons Vernal. 1X121 789-666- 3. 789-666- - Whist 'see BLI 789-006- Aoent 7894815 2292 ustina 867 ' believe. mTiSS Homes"' Fhices from 19,500". East Highway 1. ooseve, Vernal-1X12- 789-354- G 70 Tamarack & & NOW 0 i SStS lee MSS. Slt,01rv1T"men,S tocJfformrest bXomC'Kone 9 3 or detailS was 22,000". $17,950" only Roosevelt. 1V176 646-336- 646-340- Roosevelt. 1W138 m M anfTrnToodair 789-243- For Stic 8x45 Palace mobile 722-21- 32 3 care of 1055 two bedroom Asphalt roof, wood siding. caroet throuohout 900 plus square feet. Large Must sell 3 bedroom. 2 bath, S, SS',. 85 double wide. Take over dining bedrooms kitchen, payments 352.43 per month. 9 two baths with garden tub. Vernal. 1W150 For RentTwo bedroom mobile Wood Western Heavy buijt ostlob" ofthe Take over my Payments ot Mini- - Vernal. 0, on 1983 Home Forced Air Fireplace badHrS Motor home, ed, TV, boat, trailer hitch. Must see to appreciate. 1W154 contract prTvate 722-38- 8, 1979 Kit Companion Come down and save. BLI 78941061. Vernal. 2-bat- h 99 aPay 'To 3 bedroom, WAS $ 16,500 00 jstrn W. 1W131 X4 X 1983 iHome Forced Air Fireplace styling, paddle fan 789-580- d., Phone g i 789-749- 0. homes. Vernal! new small trailer month included in 235" ana electricity, water rent 2 on place, fenced yard 4 Call town. anytime acres, 3 miles from 1W152 Vernal. 722646-30or $450 month. 4109 Roosevelt. 1W139 Moble Home All set up In doublewide, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fire- Rent For rrr air-con- 722-245- 1, cond!t!onkl11 MOBILE HOMES and comfort. Asphalt roof, wood siding. 900 plus square feet. Large Vernal. 1X118 For Sale 14x70 3 bedroom dinln9- Pen spacious kitchen. 3 bedrooms 2 baths trailer, furnished, skirted, The Permanent Professionals at "'T" nniv 7iitai"nrirp For Sih 8 camper shell. awning porch, Care Free Homes are having Call Terry 78W866 with garden tub. Heavy built $9, shed. lawn, in new Mobile this annual open invoice sale 150. One female Dalmatiqn Western Wood furniture Too come in and see the factory free. 2 years old. Phone 247- - Agent Bastian Realty. Home Park. Call many extras to list Cail for over 2652. 1W143 only l Vernal. 1W1 16 cost. 789-666- For Sale: Skyline mobile home 14x66 net, 3 bedroom, Dont wait these wont last 1 bath, front kitchen price long. Care Free Homes 18.945 monthly payments amss from Sbran's 789- - 259 Roosevelt. Mel Check this out Brand new Woodlake Homes, various at Ten Percent over cost, plus Care Free Homes are having deliver charge. Only at Care this annual open invoice sale Free Homes' come' look at come in and see the factory the factory invoices. Care cost, and pay only 10 over Free Homes across from 3 cost plus delivery charge. Gibsons Vernal, You cant beat it! 3 1X117 Tho Permanent Professionals Repos: Repos: Repos: 1? wides. 14 wides. doubles wides. priced at just $22,000". pooproy ' : SLPtnSrted789 S' J S 2439. Vernal. 1W151 othorliyS' hLeixWnet 3beKm Roosevelt. 1X109 fi Permanent Prnfp..ln,a . --; 722-245- 1, SXeninS cone cost and see the factory n pi usdelfvery' asphalt driveway, Vernal. storage shed. Ashley area, lt! hook-up- s, charge 789-666- 1X121 price negotiable. Call 789 5510, Vernal. 1V169 $15,900 0 14 2X 56 Tamarack front i bedroom, kitchen m 0 WAS $13,995 M 1 NOW $13,250 u & 0: 14 X & 80 Venture 3 bedroom, 2 bath, &: wbodsiding M4S $22,900 o NOW & $21,500 & U. & G & & & 0& O 0 & o o 0 0 o X 52 Titan 3 bedroom, 2 bath 24 WWS $23,900 $22,500 NOW Prices include Delivered and set up All Not Be Undersold! We Will m 1o M 0 G: 1 $G Redman 14 x 70 3 bedroom, extras Camelot 26 x 52 3 bedroom, doublewide. M a G m m s Reg. 32,000 NOW 525,000 G Reg. 526,900 NOWS21,500 SAVE $7,000 & SAVE 5,400 r m m Montrose 14 x 70 d SR o a tec bedroom, extras 3 included o: G Marlette 1 M Reg. 26,900 SAVE NOW 21,480 o: 0: In Business Since 1958 ig 0: 8 0: Your Downtown $ O & Professionals d Q G Q 5,380 i: Y our Best, Lasting Investment! Huge Living Room Snack Bar 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath Excellent Room . m. Reed's Nobile Homes $ m ,o: 215 W. Main Vernal, Utah M J G G IV 1 Mile West Of Vernal a a 789-096- 0 ..'I IJ ' .a'..,.......,, .it. ' Vtek.it .Veaee t't i ' tMM 4 On Hwy. 40 789-006- 1 , i Him i : M v. nt e v t .:a 't .I'lI ' ! vJ i .' , . - ,t.k ti.i.t.ttiiiiiMi'iuiUil 1 At tie tot' t ItHH |