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Show HOMES HOME & LAND Real Steal on this 3 bedroom, 3 bath New 3 Bedroom, N kdl4e31el41 975 Style and Elegance in this 3 VV. bedroom home with large bath. Country kitchen with breakfast bar and dish- washer. Double-ca- r garage. Deck. Full basement with bricked stove unit. bath home with half basement. Larger canal lot in Cottonwood Heights.Oak railings and bricked stove stack. Walk-ou- t basement. Double garage, 127-- DSEALTY home. Living room, finished family room & laundry room. Large lot in Cottonwood Heights. Take advantage of this bargain! 129-- 2 N Beautiful H.D. Behrman home on comer lot in Cottonwood Heights. 3 bedroom and 1 bath. Family room DEVELOPMENT Highway 40 finished in lower level. 128-- N Split Level with carport. 3 bedroom, 1 bath with half basement. Room to expand; Solid oak railings, 109-- 789-182-0 N Nick Richins-Broke- r 789-464- 3 John Mazziotti 789-92- Monty Lee 30 789-254- 3 Beautiful Home in Robbinwood Lane area. 1700 sq. ft. upstairs with 50 finished full basement. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. kitchen with desk & bar. Large ed . laundry room. Formal living room with large family room in basement. Double garage with covered patio. Price lowered L-sha- $1500 to assume this 1440 sq. ft. 1981 Skyline Mobile Home. Excellent condition. Fenced 7 landscaped. With storage shed, air conditioner and dishwasher. 3 pe $15,000. 126-- bedroom with 2 full baths. N Move into this new 3560 sq. ft. home. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces and 1 woodburning stove, family room, game room, country kitchen with bar, formal dining room, heat pump with central air conditioning, wet bar and formal entry. 125-- J .r i THE NOW D. TO BEHRMAN HOME! Buy while interest rates are down! IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! 7:: 'li & VSSTOfffyr s Style & Elegance in One bath, huge country kitchen with snack bar & dishwasher, deck, double garage, full basement, bricked stove unit. .Solid oak railings, brick & siding exterior. This could be your dream 3 bedroom, large I . home! . - ' , Luxury with Economy 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with half basement. Larger lot in Cottonwood Heights. Oak railings and bricked stovestack.. Walk-ou-t basement. Double garage. 127-N ? Split Level with Carport! bath, country kitchen, unfinished half basement, brick stove unit, 16'x24' carport, large living room; room to expand in unfinished base- 3 bedroom, ment; R-2- 0 1 walls; R-4- 0 ceiling, triple pane windows. HOME & LAND REALTY - v "y i s . - i J r & DEVELOPMENT 789-182- Come see at 0 500 So. 3500 ' . 9 l W. (CGNST CUSTOM HOMES BUILT WITH YOU IN MIND rtitttir, mi |