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Show ' t November E SiS?2S:iJSS more Equipment Reps. 303-- 2B117 I" A." circles any shape, Junction, and ovals. See at Ben Grand 434-023- 5. K?L,.d ' Franklin Arts & Crafts : Attention Hunters! We will buy Room' iAiinn9 W for equal value. Call ctfof see at Vernal. K0A 21-- 1B171 your deer hides. Vernal Saddletree. 433 North 2500 BACKHOE SUPREMO Custom Vernal, backhoe dumptruck loader West. HORSE SHOEING CALL 789-679- 6 BILL FARNSWORTH. VERNAL 1B173 789-960- 2. 3. 789-545- 789-560- 789-612- 6, service, ditching, trenching, excavation, sewer and water OM u. 1H! I? ,ine installation, septic tank GmShlShPnrt?rt 5iSS and drain fields- - Licensed Itigc 15 Section and skirting production of food. 78 Television s New Dimen- 441 East 750 North sions 2510 W 500 N. 1B174 Vernal. Vernal. 1B209 Wood Splitting will come to Reel Gingerbread houses for your home and split wood. Christmas. Order before Wood splitter mounted on I call 9 tractor. Call Vernal. December, do custom also sewing. Vernal. 1B210 789-399- A. & Vernal- - !, ltfes basin' tfiCKEL ADSAlWSlKI.VI' Royal awnin or 789-02- 92 f 3. 1F121 . . ff SEff 7Rq'i?fi4taJp?n?d Contractor, Gilmer STRIP IT OFF A. Chivers, or radio dispatch .789-420For Sale: Best selection of unit 7500. Vernal. 1A104 789-234- 3, 789-440- 8 0 LmP?.rtld, meats and cheeses: .Ye Olde Deli and Sandwich Shoppe, South Main Roosevelt. 2B1 12 De you need' a jiew For fast, one most model on service windshield? w'nw&lS! appointment or Cut- - Rite Glass, 390 Vernal. 1A103 East Main, take on trade Real Estate, or truck, as down payment on Solar System, Solar Basin and 9 789-959- Energy. Maeser Corner. 2A136 Tree 1 Color TV console. ,jay fUn warranty $199. 789-099- Service 8 ' LET US TURN YOUR OLD, BEAT UP FURNI- oualltTwoS types Licensed 5e cnst i957-1810- TURE INTO SHOWROOM 5 PIECES! concrete work: 24 combined years experience. Drives, floors, patios, walks, footings and yard curbing 6 etc. Call or Vernal. 1B128 789-920- 4 ALL STRIPPING DONE BY HAND. Phone 789-939- 996 W. 500 S. 789-364- 3 Located in Vernal Upholstery 30 60 Huger with 3x9 Redfield scope. In excellent Trimming, tion, $300: topping, detail work, take downs and complete clean- .... 40 .iflure avnarianra Tom Greer. Call PWPninnQ' 7RQl 3456, Vernal. 2A156 545-256- 4 Duchesene. 1B133 BTBE Me On trade, real estate 0r truck as down We Will W"!11 789-959- 9, over 1,000 Energy, movies. Choose from the 1B135 club in the larges! video MOVIES FOR RENT Basin- jUTURE STRIPPING 9 REFIftj Depart- - ment Home Entertainment Center. 1A105 General VERNAL Quality - We will a' 30 on solar system Solar Basin and Maeser Corners. 15 rdxii9mb Wlnd. professional - SuntaLS. only hijht, furniture refinisher. Need to have dining room set per night Vernal Shoe Store . EURMTPRE'BOySE finished. References required. Call JoAnn 145 neoe or 700.4040 wfirnai 15 West Main, Vernal 789-119- frpiixp Center West Main " we makr staying home fun!". 1C114 B20 North 2600 OFF 5 OPEN MON. - SAT. West On The Maeeer Comer S CHRISTMAS SALE! UlormWIncteui WallTex Saves energy.. SeaulifuBBy WARM WINDOWS AND Bolt CUSTOM DRAPERIES Made in Our Vernal Workroom. fOECOJWF NOW . . . ORDER fORTHE i to have new draperies . . 300FF on all Patterns from 7 Wall-Te- x Collections From suggested retail price. Give your entire house a present of a new look when you make your wallcovering selections from over 550 patterns in Wall-Te- x We offer contemporary, .or take advantage of our own workroom and have them professionally made and installed in your home or office. Rush Jobs Available. Call 789-05- 98 for free in-ho- me con- sultation. to 4 p.m. Mon. through Fri. Office Hours: 1 or by appointment . Loss 83 a Ifested over Single Glazed Window e Warm Window is a Beautiful Breakthrough in (R-7.6-9) Movable Insulation. a Materials and Instruction Available Here r or we will fabricate professionally at a reasonable price. Warm Window MSULATED ROMAN SHADE SYSTEM We Make House Calls Professional Designers! hang, too. Sale ends Jessica Jones Julie Murray . 722783 December 17th. Easy k Sew From Re Quilted Warm Window Insulated Fabric. Mur Choice of Decorator Face Fabric Draft Proof Magnetic Edge Seal Reduces Window Heat for the new year! traditional, colonial, metallic and textured wall' covering styles. Simply beautiful! And easy to Yourself... Beautifully 789-05- 98 Window Works And Interiors Vernal Roosevelt. 89 West Main 4 Vernal, Utah above Unique Shops |