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Show lc November 18, 1982 Basin NICKEL ADSAlWSm.vr : Your 3.: May Need Changing V-Bel-ts ,v ft?- 1 i?-- . drive belts. Therefore, as a part of your regular preventive mainte-nanc- e, you should change the belts in youF car after four years. The reason for the difficulty in detecting On todays passenger cars and light duty rucks, its difficult to letect wear on the to drive the ngine and accessories. Traditional cators, such as frayed or worn belt covers, dont hold true on motive V-be- belts and manuals dont say to change the banded and bandless belts is that wear cannot be de-tect- ed as eas-il- y on bandless V-be- flags which can signal impending belt failure. If you or your mechanic detect any of these, it may be time for a lts from the top, the belt may appear narrower than its original size and ride lower than normal in the pulley. 3. The belt may cave-i- n slightly on the top. 4. lts. There are some red belt change. Intermittent belt squeal. This may be an indication that belts are loose, possibly due to worn belt sidewalls. 1. the tors also influence the found bandless in today's automobiles. Smaller engine compartments contri- conditions, belts can easily dry, harden and temperature under the hood. Under these belts more susceptible V-be- lts bute to increased The overcord, belts protective a conse- Smaller engine Petroleum products also break down the rubber compounds in crack, and quently fail. quarters also make to petroleum the belt. pro OtSjnrsBfiisaem missing. 5. Bits of the belt may be worn off the THE FURNITURE or the underside. 6. A low or dead battery may be due to a failing 7. The belt may be cracked. Environmental fac side Load your own pick-uNo Racks. 722-448- 3 PRE-HOLIDA- ML ll. HOUSE INC "Turning Houses Into Homes" On the Miner Comer CLEARANCE SALE!! Y Weve got new merchandise arriving every day, and need to make room!!! There's something on sale for everyone in the family, many below cost. One group selected Mens & Ladies suits by H Bar C and Panhandle Slims. p. Vi Price! Large rack Ladies Knit & Western Blouses. Vi Price! Values to $45 One rack Men's Western Shirts by Dorman, H Bar C and Larry Mahan. Vi Price! Men's Western Dress Slacks (Good Selection). Vi Price! Values to $45 Selected Kids Clothes, Shirts, Pants, ALL V6 & Coats Price! Complete stock Straw Hats by Bailey, American and Resistol. 40 All Sale items please! OFF! final and no charge cards OPEN HOLIDAY IN STYLE: m wrsTtPMiwtAnBBt LUSCIOUS VELOUR CdfiveA'w loyotwoy Plenty honor 9AM-7P- MI Monday through Friday Across from BLI on West Highway 40, Vernal 789-699- 2 Sit I nAftci :svftA5. AMf WCAN Rea 3499 set. So soft, so comfortable, such fun to give or get for Christmas. Choose pullover cuffs In a tops and pants with straight legs or machine velour that's fine cotton-polyestwashable. Easyfitting sizes er S-M-- L. . 87. West Main. Vernal : I : ' :: Mi belt a becomes oil soaked, it cannot grip the pulley. The Bull Bing is having a load pick-u- p If 080 RlaTo.GeftYouriOfficc.Eurnishcd top covering, may be V-be- ducts. belts. Bandless belts, as their name implies, do not have this cover. Instead, the sidewalls of the belt are exposed. FIREWOOD PINION $45 belt When viewed 2. and protect the rubber always notice when a belt must be replaced. And, most car owner when affect cial difference between Banded belts provide a fabric band or cover which surround cant in performance. The cru- mid-1970- hoses, show that after four years use, a belt can fail at any time. Even experienced mechanics however, domestic and imported 'passenger cars and light duty trucks use bandless to drive the engine and accessories. As late as s, the cars used banded belts. Statistics compiled by The Gates Rubber Company, a leading manufacturer of auto- difference construction does not, the majority of both cover. $ This wear is because V-b- elt modern belts that dont have a fabric 29 Section . '. 'I 789-151-9 1 |