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Show s twatitwiawmwmwMmTOWKiMiw" November 18, 1982 Basin NICKEL ADSAWVSIUIXT n Need o piece to live? Short on down payment? Check out all the used units at Care Free Homes across from For Rent: Choice Mobile Home Vernal. Gibsons MOBILE HOMES For Silo: 12 x 56 Mobile Now 14x68 three bedroom. Home, two bedroom on V, Vk bath, set up, only $250 acre land. 22,000, 700 per month. Housing Plus down. Payments 40 000 Mobile Home Sales, 4 miles ll month. 13 percent interest, west of Roosevelt, call Vernal. 21110 2451. 1V121 Now 14x52 two bedroom x travel Trailer. or mobile home set up in Vernal 1977 Impala. Call in and to 722-Ca- 789-584- 2. 'o. 789-883- 1. move io. VernaL 21111 per month. See the park manager at Ashley 1965 12x56 Mobile Homo on1, Creek Mobile Homes Park or acre land in Roosevelt. City see at Housing Plus Mobile sewer and water. Only $800 Home Sales, 4 miles west of down $400 month for 5 or Roosevelt, call years. Call 722-996090 Vernal. 21113 reaoy $218 722-245- 1. 789-1V1- 22 91 8m fJr Silt1971 Nsw 14x55 two bedroom 2x70 Dpomat 7,500 Air mobile home set up in Vernal conditioned, wood stove, washer & dryer, gas heat & appliances. Can be seen at Monument Trailer Park, Kn w nSI evenings. 789-399- 6 21103 one 722-585- 1 enlln 7 no?? 789-938- to move io to month . See the par( manager at . Ashley creek Mobile Park at see at Housing Plus Mobile Home gales, 4 miles west of gjS days, Roosevelt, call evenings. Vernal, 1V1a 3 shopping in Roosevelt. trailers Travel Welcome. Phone Roosevelt. 1V162 722-252- If 789-382- 5, as $20 a sq. ft.! Financing available! Sale or Lease: 1982 Basin Specialties. 14' wides; doubles wides. Woodlake Mobile Home on a sFruitland, Utah. Call Dont wait these wont last lot in Vernal. 3 bedrooms and 5 Keith Muir at 801 5482246. long. Care Free Homes 2 bathrooms. $1500 down across from Gibsons 789- and take over payments of Many floor plans to fififia Vp.rnai ixi?n from or we'll 5 $219 per mont- h- lease Schoos build to your specifica-- 1 terms similar. Call 1981 Wilderness 33'self-containe- d before 5 7 after 5 p.m. " " 722-58- l 68 722-493- travel trailer. p.m. 646-340- 63 Need a place to live? 9, Duchesne. 1V143 1971 Rancho EIRay 11 fully self contained, feet, real UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Featuring one of the newest most powerful steam cleaning extraction systems & & Locally owned & Doug Will Roosevelt, take older cars or pickup for trade. 1V159 ALL STRIPPING DONE BY HAND Phone & operated by Plesia Bahr Commercial & Residential Free Estimates 1972 12x65 mobile home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, good condition. $9000 or best 1V1Q3 offer If You Want The Best - Call The Best 789-860- 5. For Rent choice lot for mobile trailer heavy duty, home. 85x110 fenced and over load springs, $450. C0Se to Schools, and call after 6 Phone 3 shopping. Call IVI63 p.m. Roosevelt. Roosevelt. 1V161 789-526- 1 Utility Vernal, Ut. 84078 15 N. IIOO West 722-205- PMCaS DRASTKALLV REDUCED Westifii&i! EYREE1WOOD mutih MODEL 2562K ATM 14x56. NOW 17,500 13,995 10. DOWN BUY THIS HOME NOW WITH PAYMENTS OF APPROX $173. 14 x 70 3 bdrm., 14 x 68 3 bdrm., 14 x 56 2 bdrm., 1 13 AT bath Was 15,995 24 x 48 3 bdrm., 2 bath Was 23,900 Used 1969 12 x 65 INTEREST PER MONTH NOW NOW NOW NOW bath Was 17,995 bath Was 18,500. 1 Delivered and 4,500 .v. ,v. . 15,650 15,500? 13,000 20,300 set-u- p y .s. V A ( i EAST.HWUO: ROOSEVEL- T- .l 1 . 'r xr Jr . ? i" . V u 722-388i f 789-364- 3 996 W. 500 S. Located in Vernal Upholstery Removes Stubborn Stains Pet Stains & Grease 789-666- 3. WAS ? :A' PIECES! "TRUCK MOUNTED STEAM CLEANER CLEANS DEEPER DRIES FASTER EXTENDS CARPET LIFE COMPETITIVE PRICES 1X119-- KCMOON Parrish LET US TURN YOUR OLD, BEAT UP FURNITURE INTO SHOWROOM 722-418- 2. 722-368- 3, Vaughn VERNAL 1TURE STRIPPING & REFNj BAHRS CARPET & clean, $2495. See at Short on Kawasaki Bike Shop, down payment? Check out all the used units at Care Free Homes across from Vernal. Gibson's 133 South 3rd Cast Roosevelt I 722-374- 0, approved mobile home park rental space available. Call 9, 9 STRIP IT OFF Small down, take over payments $225 month. Call Roosevelt. IVI65 Duchesne: VA and FHA 454-354- Phone 722-211- iS4r. 1978 14x70 Brosdmore Mobile Homs 2 baths, 3 bedroom. 789-654- or Water Tracks 789-468- for quick sale. Call 3 1 or 738-201- 8 Painting Diesel Rigs Ruto Gloss ask for Dave. Excellent condition! Loaded Roosevelt. 1V167 . . Must see mnX "P1""; 0 t0 appreciate! after 5 p.m. VernaUVI64 Vernal. 1V117 In Radiator - 789-609- 789-006- Custom Bodywork Work i - $19,500 Greg at housings i1 little For Repos: Repos: Repos: 12' wides. three bedroom, wood siding, mtoMVanrmonly aC. dishwasher, disposal $10,000 .pash- Two and dryer, refrigerator, extra or insulation, set up at BLI K2!!!!iCa,li7SfJ91 0 Vernal. 21114 isted at $24,800 in April 82 Manufactured Home Home when I bought it. Sacrifice at bulging with triple insulation, top, sides and bottom enveloped with foam core insulation. Almost 1,000 square feet. Lots of Deluxe extras. 3 bedroom, 2 baths. only $13,750. Will deliver. Must sell this weekend. Don't miss out (financing) Call or evenings 646-331V177 Roosevelt. sky-hig- h 3. Pets. $100 Deposit Call Vernal. 1V166 in 6 Make The Impossible Dream Come True 14x70 Northern 1982 Great 1972 Marlelte 12x70. Located 722-245- 1. distance to downtown HiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiB f prices are keeping you f 1X119 from realizing your dream home ask me For Rent Mobile Home. Two about how you can own bedroom $250 month. No s a Buckallew Home for as 5 789-666- sites. Available now. Walking Page 25 Section 5 j- - 1 "s ' |