Show NORTHWEST NOTES virginia airth aged 9 was burned to death at wells 11 neva nevala la her cloth ing having become ignited from a boa fire gu P ferry was I 1 billed in a mine explosion at lane city nevada ferry vas about 2 years of age and a na us five of denver A application has been made to the comptroller ot of the currency for bermis slon to organ lye tie mist national bank ot of goldfield nev with capital john veasey 93 years old probably the oldest man in nevada la is dead at carson city he ile was an englishman and came to carson city la in the early 60 s conductor ilenin L gordy ot of spokane was killed in a train wreck on the northern pacific near heron mon tana the engineer and fireman were slightly scalded mrs E S ream of blair nevada has been notified that through the death of her uncle IN H hartley ot of oakland cal she is heir to an estate of 0 about R if borrow who came to ely ne vada horn from salt lake attempted sui sul cide he was found near the smelter with his throat cut he ile ta ts believed to have been deranged the secretary of the interior tas withdrawn from entry acres of ian land ol 01 in montana and north dakota on account of the lower yellowstone reclamation project the north coast limited west bound the crack flyer byer of the north ern rn pacific railway was ditched three miles east of garrison mont and engineer james graham ot butte was killed no one else was injured the body of alexander huber with a i bullet bole in his head was found longside alongside the cornell road about one mile outside the city limits ot of port and land he ile evidently had been shot by parties who had lain in ambush tor for him am it nothing unforeseen happens the las vegas tonopah railroad should enter goldfield about september 1 grading Is now being done ou on the line in the vicinity ot of goldfield summit or divide divid about three and a half miles east of town gatches bros dros mercantile houe at bellingham the oldest in fn north northwest Kest ern V washington was destroyed destroy ed by fire a along with several smaller establish ment gatches bros loss Is 50 with 30 insurance other losses will total 10 or more worl of opening the excelsior coal mines three miles northeast of rock wo wyo Is being pushed iro reduction Is expected to begin in october at the rate of from 2 to 3 tons a day A spur will be run to the th mines from baxter station while taking a shower bath at the seattle athletic club at night W NV V mcarthur a real estate man of seattle was fatally scalded and died the net next morning at 7 0 clock it Is thought that by mistake he turned on the hot steam instead of the cold water the police of dillon mont have ar ested rested as a vagrant a strange man wearing a hat bat bearing the name of F H clow the northern pacific railway engineer neer who was murdered at the throttle by train robb rs at the hold ip up at welch s spur two months ago fhe the suspect denies all knowledge of the he affair the land and shep she p company one of six concerns recently organized at helena to take over large stock ranches last week declared a dividend of 25 per ant cent and the others will average about 20 per cent this tal makes the second aa per cent divi dividend deril tor for the Winn ecock company within eighteen months after organization the people of ot Pioche do not t to 0 be outdone by the sister towns lu in southern nevada in celebrating the ad vent of the railroad now building from Cal caliente lente to the famous old mining camp it Is not expected that the line will reach the town before september I 1 but the citizens are already begin ning to prepare for the celebration retail merchants in the spokane country embracing 15 square I 1 miles in eastern Nv washington and ore gon northern idaho western mon tana and southeastern british colum bla have been invited to a mass meet ing in spokane july 27 for the pur pose of organizing a movement to force eastern and middle western mail order houses out of that territory ed connell employed in the washoe smelters at butte missed his tooting footing and fell into a flue ahlo agh which air is forced with terrific power to blast furnace the man was sept off his feet in a twinkling before he be could be grabbed by other workmen and literally blown through the tun nel where slag Is cooled and out into a long flume leading to a pond CO con n nelly was dead when picked up V mrs A albertson one of the best known and highly respected residents of hamilton mont committed sul ide fide cutting her throat and taking carbolic acid the belief Is that she became suddenly insa insane 1 e a as F just before belor 0 she she was in excellent in a quarrel between two tao italian sec tion men at ridge wyo one ol 01 them ciro llo was stabbed in the left side by J Lom comparine parine the blade passing back ot of the heart the as ballant was arrested and taken to raw lins it ls Is believed the injured man will die Sand blind from the terrific re fleeted heat ot of death valley ralph shea a youth of perhaps 20 years is tn in reno to be treated by a specialist in the hope that some day he may re cover his eyesight and be able to walk the streets without a compan a ion tou to lead him |