Show r aw z jen BY ta J I 1 ir nM iram A A i KE I 1 I 1 WILLFAM WILLIAM RICKARD OF METAL WORK RE MEMBERS HIS telephones WIFE FOR HELP through scuttle she with A d of po lice gets husband out of 8 g off offee ce building where he was imprisoned new york practically imprisoned in the den adjoining his office and sur rounded by anvils furnaces and in st reminiscent of the days be tore fore he was wealthy and when his hands were calloused by pounding white iron william rickard manu fac of ornamental metal ork the other night gained his liberty by making a key to the lock which stood between beten him and a long mornings vigil I 1 it was about six 0 clock when hick rick ard went into hii his den on west I 1 tort orty second street near by are his of flees and on various floors his fac tory apparatus rickard s books needed attention and he decided to take them into the den which few employed emp loyes have entered on a dusty table rickard placed the books A sate safe stood upon one side and numerous models of orna mental work on the other the cob webs that were ostracised ostracized from the main offices swung from the moldy rafters rickard a self made man who had forged his way up to riches from the iron foundry was mas at home in this environment the halt half hour sped by and then rickard satisfied with the result of his lonely work put on his hat and coat and went to the door it was locked from the outside the watch man evidently believing every one had left the establishment had closed every door richard rickard yelled lustily for awhile there was no answer but a hollow echo from the gaping forge in the corner rickard s keys had been left out side and the watchman bad had taken them believing his employer had for gotten to thrust them into his pocket pounding on the door and hurling of shoulders against it futile rickard sat down and pondered then he made an impression of the keyhole and arid starting up the old blast furnace he used to pump before he wore boiled shirts he laboriously con strutted ted a key after a few plunges of the key into cold water the merchant made it fat fit and he wab out in the spacious rooms beyond be ond the den but he couldn coulden t open the front door nor did his yell attract an any attention coln going to another office rickard burst open the door and telephoned to his wife the little woman bustled downtown downtoN Nn and got a policeman and a squad was summoned they got a U la balder ider and tried to span the space between the rickard place and an ad joining house they failed lets let s get up through this adjoin ing house and bieak break open the scuttle of 25 she said up went the little body of rescuers and arid over the roof the woman in the van the policemen ripped open the they took H m out through the scuttle scuttle and shouted down soon foot steps were beard heard and rickard laugh ing popped out of the dark hole mrs rickard laughed too when she put her arms around the big mans man s neck I 1 raised 57 varieties of rows down there on the fourth floor said rick ard if any apache indian yelled the way I 1 did III buy him a drink and a dinner I 1 tried to break this scuttle open out iut the carpenter was wise and made it too strong so the telephone was my only refuge hen rickard al geared on the street the crowd which had learned ot of the affair cheered for several min utes wl lie ile mr air and mrs rickard waited for a cab |