Show NOTICE OF assessment i mck niev M n ng company e pal r lace of qs f leka teka C tv utah L cat on of in ties T title minine mining district N tice ie is hereby given that at a meet men na ng of the board ol 01 d rectors of the me ale kinley miling company held on the 2nd day of july an assessment of one I 1 ll 11 alt cent pel pet shire beina assessment no a G wa lev ed on the cap tal stock of the kompany iia i led and stand nir pay payable abito I 1 dimmed abely to NV C dewar at his resi lenes in eureka utah any stock upon I 1 wh wit ch eh thia this may mav rema n nn pi d on saturday angust 3rd 1907 w II 11 fa be bedel del lent and advertised for ealo at e auction and unless is made before will be bu H on aag aug at 1907 at 12 0 clock noon at tb tha ia of the city hall io in lureka l city it U utah a to I 1 pay delinquent ai thereon reo 0 together br with the coet cost of adver ab g and doget expense rf elf idalo 1 1 l W U 0 DFWAR DF WAR secretary ecret ary 1 lirt arst pub july 5 A |