Show zuma company has been formed the zuma zama mining and milling corn com pan is one of the latest corporations to bs be laun hd in the eastern part oe of this company which ft as formed this week by local people owns the zuma nos 1 2 3 and 4 and the eleanor nos 1 and 2 claims just east of the clown point the ground has for some time been owned by M L garrity and rasmus nelson and in incorporating these gentlemen still retain the control the company is capitalized for one million shares of the par value of 50 cents the first allotment of tre treas as ury stock was placed on the market at 15 cents and was over subscribed in a few dabs da s so that the company will have an abundance of money tor for development work which is to start immediately under the direction of rasmus nelson mr nelson will put a force at work grading out for a wagon road and hoist at the point where the shaft is to be located and no time will be los in sinking james knowles master mechanic at the centennial eureka mine who is one of the di rectors rett tors has been instructed to pur chase the necessary 3 machinery with which to carry on the development of the ground which la is generally con ceedee to be among the best on that side of the district the officers of the company are as follows M L garrity president rasmus nelson vice vied president jere driscoll treasurer P J fennell pennell secretary and these with james knonley otles constitute the board of directors |