Show 11 V T ay w M ool brief news of the camp a 6 W I 1 D A i ak LIP D IM M M b aji M M 9 jwj aal i M denny do ney as in salt I 1 al at e on NA ednes 1 Law lawrence renee blacket and find w fe are the guests of nephi I 1 fuel I 1 let Is 1 for i fe v day das s NI M D 11 II m lett rot ret arned on balurdi Sal il from a u s sojourn A ith his fan fail 13 il at los adeles geo ge aid w fe eie the guests of the latter a i arents at f goshen this eek miss mis mi s clara gillis and miss A ce I 1 ie je m aare ere ta tie e gue ts of airs alts jos william illiam NN son at I 1 roo this wee i L mr and mis C L hu hit bh sh enter tamed the former s father 0 P huish the first of the ft cel ek mi miss mis s eva mitchell and mi s 3 ida box are g a ten day das a asit isit mith f friends and belati re laties es in ob len mrs J C dugan has gone to che chev enne wyo where she will mill be the guest of her daughter for a few moi th mrs thomas S eward bon and daugh ter mrs george gs as left on oil monday on tor for a vis t with friends the I 1 loftice obe ived holiday hours on wednesday the general dp de 1 anery I ery window only be ng of en for an 10 loir drifter after the morning mill had been distributed john hay len and charles reagan ne hews of mr and mrs john hurley of this city returned to thor thir I 1 omps in new 1 bork ork list week eek after a I 1 laisant lei sant visit in eureka IN W mclaughlin rei rel resenting the hgr cultural college at logan was in f cureka the early I 1 ari an of the week meek in the interest of that me well knonk ansti tuti n of learning mr ind mrs conrid bolman evoi man re fi turned tuesday evening from a afew few months sojourn with mith bends in len ten ivan a they the rel re ort a very I 1 leis i ant trip but aie ale ilea ed to get bick back 1 on e again mrs norman and son john nor man mail left f r their home bouie in ill chicago on oil sunday after a visit of several se eral davs days N ith mr in I 1 mrs airs james norman of tins this city jimes norman aal an 1 wife nife tecoma at led thorn is ts far as silt lake 5 J P tun er n oved his fan ily to S lit lal e r n NN c lues N lay mr turner ins ills el eli 1 I lo with mith bonef one if tie tl e bg b g leala c n i inies ai at I 1 will leae leane for that state as ris foon ois his la fa nil ud is s I 1 in their new home it i X bait i A ake 0 bui it g to tl 0 e fact that sev sea era eral in ni in A lers bers of the lan tan I 1 m ere a ay front to k n on oil sun iun lay there vv is ts i 0 of en t ir co cart hie I 1 in 1 aurnel out on luesia evening I 1 oever an I 1 the select electious s were highly benj N ved ed by h I 1 lur ut d diels I 1 e Is of leaile I 1 eol le A ah it end to be baui ill it th at tint thit tin e 0 W I 1 ra ik higson dan ostrander aeo ball george sel aall ng warren mcadams McA darns ai at d D ck hilnet 11 zyneb di ne e down to the mt nebo reservoir on oil lundn they had pretty good nc cesa and ie 1 nith ath a lice i ice lotof lot of fish there is so go much fish ng goit g on oil there th it the cwi aie are bacon ing 1119 thinned out IV W Thomp thompson gon and wife left on Sa saturny turdy for los angeles where they the expect to make their home as the for el mer s herlth is buch such that he cannot live id fit this altitude mr and mrs thompson have a host of friends who wish them thein all kinds of success and hope thai that mr air ghompson Ibo s health mav may dill rove to such an all extent that tie tle family can return to this city J I 1 n W V hillid as in etoel ton on tuesday aid ai d NN e II 11 1 ie day cranfo it 11 d f fun tin ly are the guests of friends at nel cihi hi ja i es amow knowles lea n ade a I 1 u ess to salt lake on oil IN e P I 1 donnelly ai at I 1 ons eons john and leo were A ere in provo pro 0 on IN wednesday ednes day joseph returned on mon day night from a asit A isit with his family at bait salt lake AT mr r and AT mrs rs P J camera omera were mere in salt alt I 1 ake th s week meek on oil a visit with fr ends mr it aid d mrs jamea morgan have hane mo moved aed into the r new dew home horne on lead ville nille row thomas chope and AT J cullivan eul livan of 0 butte montana mer ft ere eliere here on a jit j it thia this week meek john fole ed last m ek e k from salt like where here A he went ment to attend tf tc rr IT ning bus ness cill ill on matson for horse 0 wagon repairing and all kinda of I 1 lla a asmith NA work orl john holland has accepted I 1 a po in the grocery department of the tin tic mercantile store john tayl tay r and family returned on OD monday ni ht from a three days fish ing the mt alt I 1 ebo reservoir mrs dr hensel and find son lift yes es gerdav for denver theio they will MS is I 1 for a month m mith ith mrs hensel s father misses jennie mitchell all ani I 1 maggie A leahy seit last bunday mit h the forn ers grand parents mr an and d mrs NN I 1 11 I 1 im mitchell li of dral dra er mrs D A lindsay returned the early I 1 brt of the m week eek from provo where she was nias calif called d to attend the funeral of one of her broth brothers ets mrs joseph clavelle mas as hi in ed on tue lay for dil di li theria the case age is I 1 a very nery serious one but the lad lady ii some b it better at this tin e 0 mrs air 1 ihil hil clat chik k returned franj fromwalt from salt I 1 al e on satin saint lay her sister mrs jacks it VIcC hostal m thohas ho has been ill for ome come t i e is now i t great deal bet ter er mrs J I 1 driseoll mrs P J don i elev ar at I 1 mr ind mis george hae vere gerein in I 1 last saturday for forthe the pur I 1 oge of attending the funeral of john hill J acl son mcchristal returned on enes liy fro fron 11 salt lake his ills drotler I 1 roil er dr alex AT and W R NN allace acconio anted him to eu ell leka for a sa s1 1 ort 0 G at gregory and wife mrs ma mal colm ben richter james larsen laren charl 0 e bod and fred fink spent sinday inday at the mt iselo neto reservoir rhey beturne I 1 with a nice bunch of als elih h and arld mrs james morgan ai at d mr and mrs C E hush hit sh drove drone down clown to the mt alt lebo reservoir on saturday mon mori ing ai at d pent the day fl shing it I 1 ng they caught in the neighborhood of nice dice lass A 0 o ng lady livingst living it tt the home of fleary alei ry did n an recovered ree a pocket bool containing 8 25 and a railroad ticket last week meek as the result of a three I 1 ne tie local ad I 1 laced in the reporter rel orter william ferguson Ferg Ubon to lo ind the money ind ad which milich the young lady I 1 sliced need in tie tt e leporter le I 1 apoi ter returned it to the jonii ow i er it 1113 1 a a to ad N ertie |