Show LIFE INSURANCE ACTIVITY the new york life a bus ness nearly up to the legal limit the new ew lork life in insurance aurance corn com I 1 any announces that its new paid business during the halt half ear j end en ea was aas over seventy million dollars As the new law allows no life cona com party to write over one hundred and fifty mil ions pei pet year ear it would mould appear that this company Is working nearly up to the limit the new york life gained such headway be fore the lav law was passed and suffered so little comparatively from the arm strong investigation that the question with its management has been how to keep business down don to the limit rath er than how to reach it NO 0 o other company is nearly as much as the law allows the new ew york life has evidently become a pre berred company the company s payments to policy holders during the six months end ing juno june 30 were 21 61 it is interesting to note that this amount was almost I 1 equally divided between payments under policies maturing bv by death and payments made to living policy polley holders thus while death claims were the amount paid for matured endowments annu itice trust f find ind installments for pur chased policies and for dividends was 10 modern life insurance as practiced by the best companies em braces a wide field and covers many contingencies it is money saved for the aged as well mell as money provided for the families of those who die prematurely |