Show 1 a Guari lift A FRANK STATEMENT from a prominent fraternal man rolla missouri justice of the peace A M light polla folla mo major uniformed rank knights of pythias T third h I 1 r d battalion second regiment missouri brigade says I 1 am pleased to endorse the use of doan s kidney pills a medicine of great merit hav ing had personal ex peri ence with many kidney medicines I 1 am in a position to know R hereof I 1 speak and am pleased to add my endorsement and to recommend their use sold by all dealers 50 cents a box poster milburn co buffalo N Y AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA covered w th yellow sores sorts grew worse parents discouraged cu kitura drove sore sores away our little girl one year and a halt old was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor called it we ue took her to three doctors but by this time she was nothing but a yellow greenish sore one morning we dis cove covered red a little yellow pimple on one of her eyes doctor no 0 o 3 said that we had better take her to some eye since it was an ulcer so we went ett to oswego to doctor no 4 and he said the eyesight was gone we were nearly discouraged but I 1 thought we ne would try the Cuti cura treatment so I 1 purchased a set of Cuti cura rem edies edles which coat me 1 and in three days our daughter who bad had been sick about eight months showed great im provement pro and tn in one week all sores ores had disappeared of course it could not restore the eyesight but it if we had used Cuti cura in time I 1 am confident that it would have saved the eye mrs frank abbott R F D no 9 ful ton oswego co N Y aug 17 1906 mrs winslow a e Sooth loor syrup for forth chi irea dren teething softens the gums reduce la in fiam mation a cures wind colic a bottle every good and great man grows greater as the sunset of his years gilds the glory of his lofty soul r r ALCOR L 3 PER CENT ida two fam promo s 0 Morph tae sad ft b mw lion sour fach Comal re U SiOna fure of NEW YORK I 1 I 1 ua rantee r a exact copy of wrapper WOMEN WHO CHARM health la Is the first essential toward mailing a woman attractive 11 a HULDA KUGHLER MISS ELIZABETH ELIZABE ni WYNN there if is a beauty and attractive ness in health which is far greater than mere regularity of feature A sickly irritable and complaining woman always carnea carries a cloud of depression with her she is not only unhappy herself but is a damper to all joy and happiness when with her family and friends it is the bright healthy vivacious a woman who always charms and carries sunshine wherever she goes if a woman finds that her energies are flagging and that everything tires her if her feminine system fails to perform its allotted duties there is nervousness sleeplessness backache headache bearing down doan pains and irregularities causing constant misery and melancholia she should remember that lydia E vegetable compound made from native roots and herbs will dispel all these troubles by correct ing the cause of the trouble it cures he where other treatment may have failed miss elizabeth wynn of no esth avenue new york city writes luear dear if mrs rs pinkham Fin khaia a F for r months h s I 1 su suf f ferel re re 1 w with it h dreadful a d f u I 1 head headaches ioe hevont pain a in in t the b e b back ac k and a nd bevere se v e r e hemorrhages I 1 wag was eab eak and out of sorts all the time lydia S E a vegetable compound helped me when all other medi mech cine bad failed it seemed to be just what I 1 needed and quickly restored my health people tell each other A about b out good things gwehe bears ears ago lew p people cop it in the world knew of such a lie i luparat pa r at on as a 1 po der for the leet lo 10 day after the u ne merits of alien allen 8 1 oot bare lase has een been ei 1 told year after ear by krate grateful ful per son sons it ie is md ind spen sable to in if 11 ons it is cleanly wholesome heal ng and ant septic and gnes gies rest 11 and comfort to tired aching feet it cures wl ie ou walk over 30 OW teb timon als im ini tat ons pay the dealer a larger profit oil er vise 3 ou a i 1 ever be offered d 4 tute for alien allen a 8 boot bise ease the orenal or g nal foot powder isk for alien allen s I 1 oot base lase and see that 3 ou get it miss ililda kughler hughler of 0 no 23 west street new york city writes i dear mrs tor months I 1 was ill with an intern trouble I 1 suffered ered terrible a agony wee was nervous irritable an ancick I 1 sick all t fony e time I 1 took diffrient medicines without benefit lyd a E B rint hani 9 vegetable compound Coin poun I 1 was recommended a and nd within six month I 1 waa was completely res restore torel 1 to health ani an 1 I 1 want to becom nond it to every BUfter ii g woman women who are troubled with painful or irregular functions function bach back ache bloating or displace ments merits inflammation or ulceration that bearing down feeling dizziness dizzine rA indigestion or nervous prostration may be rt stored to perfect health and strength by taking lydia L pink ham s vegetable compound mrs invitation to women women suffering from any foria form of 0 female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with mrs I 1 mcham at lynn mass I 1 iron row the symptoms given the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest w way a y at of recovery r ee 0 v e ry advised a d v i s e d out 0 nut t 0 of f b her e r v vast a s t v volume ol 01 u m e 0 of f ex experience p e r 1 e n ee 1 in treating re a t ln g female ills mrs I 1 inkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case u her advice la is free and a always helpful SICK HEADACHE positively cured by C AA these little pills they also relieve die ITT anle from dyspepsia in anil too IV IVER kati g A perfect rein rent L eily e tor for dizziness ml na lo 10 PILLS P LI i sen aey drowsiness bad taut in the mouth oat t fil tong ie is pain in ln the tb side TORRID TORPID LIVER they i regulate the bovi bowels els purely vegetable retable SMALL PILL S SMALL MALL DOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must bear fac simile signature lived WITTIE BIVER PILLS 8 ew REFUSE substitutes THE DASY DAISY FLY KILL KILLER E offs 1 fords l the 11 II 11 I 1 III ila comfort pont tort to every 9 entire euon on entire barm ess to por sons one lean deal und and will not dot or of anju a anything d yoa you w I 1 never be W it not kept by de e cent pont 4 t i i ilmi in mi 5 ezpa orloue orl fUe b b break I 1 1 IF HOWARD E BURTON BURTO N As CHEMIST c 8 E ano AND S agmen pr ces ce gold a ler iver lad lead 11 11 go d or er ac god 60 7 no or opper 61 cyan gyan do detent beom ida I 1 ng enve and fuu full price I 1 let at ent sent on app oa ea t ton on on rol and limp unto re work sol c tol ted au lead ead fifille colo reference carbonate national manit if S mor w used th thompsons eye water W N U salt lake city no 30 1907 JA the kind hind you have always bought and which Thich lias been in uso for over 30 years has homo borne the tho sign signature aturo of and has been made under his personal 42 zev supervision sineo office its infancy f allow no ono to deceive yon in tills all AU counterfeits imitations and just as good are out but experiments th that tt trifle with and end endanger endinger inger the tho health of infants and aud children Exper experience fence against experiment what is CASTORIA casorla Cai Ca toria torla is a harmless hirmle sg substitute for castor oil OU paregoric drops and soothing it la Is pleasant it 11 contains ii neither elther opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago age is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays feverishness it cures diarrhoea and wind wini colic it relieves teething troubles Trouble sv cures vires constipation and flatulency it assimilates the rood regulates the Stoma stomach elt and bowels dowels giving givin 1 healthy and natural sleep the ChU childrens drens panacea the tho mothers friend 0 1 N U I 1 ri CC CASTORIA ASTORIA ALWAYS bears the signature Sign aturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years THC COMPANY TT UT aw |