Show addle addie to start work the addie addle mining company own ing five patented claims just north east of the beck beek tunnel and yankee cona cons ground is making preparations to start development work this ground has been idle for nearly six teen ears but preMO lot isto s to that time a shaft i v as sunk to a del th of feet and a tunnel was ws also run I 1 11 i a distance of nearly feet upon one ot of the claims it is the intention of the company to continue work in the 1 shaft and after new timbers are put in the shaft will be put down about 50 feet further after which drifting will start there is said to be a nice streak of so 30 ounce silver ore in a short drift from this shaft and the stockholders of the company are anxious to get down toa to a greater depth believing that when this has been accomplished they will have a a paying mine in order to carr on work at the depth that the shaft is at present machinery will have to be installed an engine and gallows frame used a number of years ago at one of the mines near mammoth will be taken over to the addie company s ground and an effort will be made to secure air from the yankee cona cons about 2000 feet of pipe would be sufficient to connect the addie addle shaft with the receiver on the air line of the yankee dons cons 11 B cole and george W silks of salt lake are among the hea heaviest iest shareholders in ane addie addle and about 20 eh ires of the stock is I 1 eld by local people among tl ti em john aley johp morly mrs A button Dutton and mrs pope |