Show UTAH STATE NEWS olle johnson a resident of oasis was mas drowned in the beaner river while bathing utah had the second largest delaga at the national educational con at los angeles mrs spenst an elderly woman of logan while to board a train fell and brol e her shoulder awrence miller aged 9 of ogden is dead as its the result af injuries re calved by falling from an apple tree the total assessed valuation of the property in summit county for the present year la Is over five million dollars chris of vineyard this year picked from two acres cases t f strawberries and sold them at 95 cents rents a case the oregon short line has freed its tracks fram weeds by the use of salt later ater taken from the lake and distri touted buted along the right of way by means of a sprinkling contrivance A fight Is on between the two gas companies la in salt lake which will result in material benefit to the con coll eumer both companies having reduced ced rates tor for light and fuel gas the old people of were mere given an outing at castilla Cast llla on the by the old folks committee there were eighty five people over 70 bears 5 ears of age present on the grounds R E D stagg while temporarily in sane from drink attempted suicide in bait salt lake by throwing himself in front of df a street car stagg was not serious ly IY hurt and will be given a chance to sober up the stockholders of the utah idaho and western idaho sugar companies met in salt lake last week and ap proved the new articles of In corpora lion in which the three companies are consolidated sixty nine applicants to become practicing opticians oculists and slid eye specialists mere ere accepted by the state examining board last week in ac eirdance eor dance with the law passed by the last legislature A distinct earthquake shock lasting bout one minute was recorded on the seismograph at the university of utah at noon on the tile the move nent was from east to west est the chock shock was not act violent charles johnson who hies in em en pire canyon above park city has dis appeared and it Is feared he has fallen into silver creek and drowned john ton son lived alone in a cabin and has not been seen since july 7 david thompson of salt lake was run down by an automobile and ser lonely injured the buggy in which he was riding being completely de polished moli moll shed the automobile had gotten beyond control of the driver another man an engineer has been arrested at ogden charged with beine one of a gang of railroad men who have been stealing from the southern pacific cars he is accused of taking two blankets from a sleeping car southern pacific officials believe they have solved the labor problem eo so far as it applies to the men employed on their sections west from ogden b importing a large number of greeks from chicago to displace the japanese e melvin christensen Chrls aged about 15 3 sears ears a son of john christensen Chrls of koosharem Koo sharem was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm which passed over oner a portion of grass valley and was rendered unconscious for several hours but will mill recover the merchants and manufacturer manufacturers association of utah has adopted a reso lution expressing its thanks to the press of the state for the assistance rendered in the campaign of the sabo u elation for the up building of the indus trial interests of the state city marshal robert taylor of lehl lehi who was mas wounded while hunting rab bits near saratoga springs died of his wounds mounds some of the shot had pene grated the peritoneum and caused per which required an air operation from which the ned lied man did not rally james hoffman of salt lake was badly injured in an acci lent at the garfield smelter his face and hands being badly burned hoffman was en in placing molten metal in a pot when the metal exploded throwing the heated liquid over his face and I 1 anda landa l R D donough traveling aveling ti freight agent of the oregon short line was scalded to death under a switch en gine near Kerri kemmeier meier ayo wyo the loco motive having struck a broken rail and rolled down an embankment don lugh ugh being pinned beneath the engine the 2 year old daughter of if mr nir an I 1 mrs alvin benson denson was drowned in an irrigating ditch at Paio wait the mother missed the little one and started out to search for her and found her about a bloc and a half below the house cashed R up on the bank of the ditch dead out of more than utah tea teachers cherb who he took the anual examinations in june over half of them failed to reach the standard required by law there will be another series of examinations in august those who tailed failed in june will be permitted to take the august examinations examination james A an instructor in the university of utah at salt lake was ras drowned in the minnesota river near lort port snelling minn who had been si sl ending nib bib vacation with his parents was canoeing on the min desota with a Lom companion panion when the boat capsized L |