Show TRADITION OF THE ROSE artty legend current among north american indians indiana the north american indians of the western coast have a tradition that roses were created without thorns so tall and fair they grew that all creatures were attracted by their beauty and grace animals that browse grass and green herbage eoon soon discover the tender sweetness of the roses abundant foliage and then every rose tree holding its flowers aloft but attracted attention and drew destruction to itself every part of the earth had been given its glory of roses but in every place there were ere animals which sought the bushea bushes to devour them and and tribes ot of roses were in dan ger of becoming extinct in their ex they held a council for in that faraway morning of the world plants as well as animals had powel power to speak to the council all the roses came and each had a tale to tell of suffering and disaster at length it was decided to send for help to the godman of the tribes the hiawatha of the west delegates Pe legates were chosen from among those who were ere maimed and torn and had suffered most oth era ers also were sent who were tall and fair and graceful wisely this coun ell discerned that should justice be denied the tribes beauty might pre vail vall in their cause the conference was long and grae grave at its close an armory of thorns was given to every rose and thus were the tribes of roses delivered from the en emles circle magazine he lie that does good shall find good he that does evil shall find evil turkish |