Show nlWlTJmir men rare Tfifre fTTE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Four JUNIOR SUNDAY MORNINO Tales of Real Dogs OCTOBER 4 1931 BY ALBERT PAYSOH TERIIUKE SKIPPER and MING: Chows That Battled for a Woman's Life They were two elderly and sedate chow dogs past the usual age for wild adventure and presumably well past their full strength and activity Yet they waged a battle which still is talked of admiringly in the northwest They were Skipper ten years old Among and Ming aged fourteen have humans those two ages would and represented at least fifty-fiv- e or even Few men of eighty eighty become heroes in actual fifty-fiv- e physical combat But Ming and Skipper were different Here is their story: The two chows belonged to Mrs Nate Sable wife of a farmer who lived near Portland Oregon There were younger dogs on the Sable farm But these two were the adoring chums of their mistress and they followed her everywhere One afternoon Mrs Sable went with her husband and a guest for a walk to a distant pasture to locate a newborn colt Ming and Skipper trotted along as usual When the they party reached the hill pasture found the mare had led her colt far back into some woods Just be- jy Mrs Sable grew weary 1 er V '"t A rval He ducked the blow bodily upon the enemy But seemingly reckless as his assault seemed to be the wise old dog was using scientific caution He retained speed enough and science enough to dodge the flailing forepaw that smote so murderously at him Shifting sideways with lightning swiftness he ducked the blow and dived under the rearing cougar’s body There he secured a visellke grip on his enemy's hind leg as if with a hope of hamstringing it Even this advantage could have been only momentary if help had not arrived hurling himself Fourteen-year-ol- Ming — 63 d pounds heavy and beginning to waddle with the pitiful unwieldiness of old age and of flesh — had heard that first fierce challenge bark of his pal Not only had he heard it Ming but he had read its stark meaning He had wheeled and dashed b&ck to his comrade's aid in whatever Age and peril might have befallen flesh and stiffness were forgotten for the moment Once again old Ming was formidable and vailant Hounding the curve of the trail the aged chow took in the meaning of the scene before him at one glance Then he went into action Skipper had Just secured his grip on the cougar's flank The cougar was turning its forequarter with snakelike suppleness in order to drive his teeth into the clinging dog or to crush his skull with one mighty swat of its paw But old Ming would not have it so He leaped for the cougars throat missed that mark and drove his teeth deep into the beasts furry shoulder There he found his grip and there he hung on even as Skipper was hanging onto the flank The cougar nd Application for Membership m Knighthood of Youth thrashed about seeking to brush the dogs aside or to kill or maim them with its terrible curved claws But they hung on Bruised battered breathless wounded by glancing bites or claw scratches the chows would not quit their hold— the hold which alone could save the life of the woman who was their deity Mrs Sable's cries and the growling of the dogs and the shrill caterwauling of the cougar all combined to shatter the forest's twilight silences The unearthly multiple din reached the ears of Mr Sable and his guest as they strolled on ahead The men turned and ran back to the scene of strife snatching up heavy sticks as they ran Around the curve of the trail they raced There at one side of the path stood Mrs Sable moveless with terror On the far side battled the two gallant dogs and the cougar It was a picture which told its own story With loud shouts the men brandished their clubs and rushed at the cougar The beast at sight of these reinforcements shook off the two ravening dogs with one last mighty heave and bounded aw ay through the underbrush The life and death battle was over Both dogs were badly knocked about and bruised Both were scratched or otherwise scarred Old Ming had a desperately bad slash across his face But neither of them was dangerously wounded They had risked their lives eagerly for Mrs Sable's safety But neither of their lives had b’en forfeited They had saved her Their foe had been driven aw ay Had the battle continued for a minute longer the chances are that both heroic dogs would have received death wounds The timely arrival of the shouting men had saved them But that makes their exploit none the less splendidly courageous (Copyright 1931 McNaught Syn- dicate Inc) A True Knight true knight isn't one that Just battles A true knight Is one who never tattles A pure clean honest man at heart Doing the right thing from the start A true knight is a man Name A brave Parents name Just how the world of kindness He in't Jut brave and bold But is as pure and true as gold knows Date of Birth Address - (City) (County) Name of School Date of Filing Application Famed Tills Money by (Explain in detail Just what work you did) 4 4 Knighthood of Youth Editor The Salt Lake Tribune I want you to enroll mT as a member of the Knighthood of Youth and I enclose 13 cents which 1 have earned myself to pay for mj first button ribbon and chart I pledge myself to be strictly honest in filling out my chart Grade In School Grover Magna comic atrip 200 Salt Lake crons itord 200 Geraldine Blevert Modena prose 100 Loin Cole Ogden story 100 Lael Woolsey Salt Lake poem 100 Amy Nakaahlma Salt Lake drawing 100 Margaret Dudley Salt Lake story loo Marian Twlaa Price story loo Vprn Ivy Gardned Salem story 100 Zeida Newton Mona pet story loo Jerry Stone Gooding Idaho pet story 10O Loin Cole Ogden pet story loo Naida Richardson Loiran loo Rulh Mabev Bancroft Idaho story HiO story Hugh Judd Rupert Idaho poem 100 Margaret Dudley soap carving 100 Mary Barker Ogden prose 75 Zelda Newton Mona poem 75 Adell Reese Balt Lake drawing 75 Evelyn Brown Caldaell clipped poem 50 Bernice Mills Tooele clipped pic tures ka Carma Morrison Richfield prose’ I!!!!! r0 Fames Kenner Salt Lake puzzle 50 Dorothy Wipprecht Salt Lake poem 50 Farnes Kenner Salt Lake drawing 50 La Mar Reese Salt Lake drawing 50 Geraldine Btevert Modena artle 50 Margaret Dudley Salt Lake yells 50 Geraldine Bievert Modena poem 50 Naida Richardson 50 Logan poem Mary Barker Ogden poem 50 Dorothy Benmon Tooele poem 60 Charlotte Paik Tremonton poem 50 HHen Packman Balt Lake puzzle 50 Virginia Loveland Ogden game 50 Mary Barker Ogden puzzle 50 Gertrude Ollphant Salt Lake poem 50 La Mar Reese Salt Lake 50 puzzle Dorothy Benmon Tooele puzzle so Zelda Newton Mona description 50 Eileen Jones Balt Lake description 50 Margaret Dudley Salt Lake descrip tlon 50 Carma Morrison Richfield article 50 Eva Hallett Gusher poem 25 Amy Nakashlma Balt Lake picture! 25 Wame Hartwell Park 25 picture Bernice Mills Tooele City prose 23 Fames Kenner Balt Lake poem 25 Marjorie McKintay Salt Lake poem 25 Rose Uyeda Salt Lake 23 drawing eVirginia Judd Rupert Idaha strangbeginning 23 Charlotte Paik Tremonton strange beginning 25 Virginia Loveland Ogden recipe !!!!! 25 Fvelyn Brown Ogden curiosity 25 Virginia Judd Rupert Idaho curiosity 25 Geraldine Bievert Modena curiosity 2s Betty Renstrora Balt Lake curiosity 25 Virginia Loveland Oeden Thyme 25 Velma Wright McOiU Nevada rhyme 25 Albert Wright McGill Nevada rhyme 25 Clarissa Williams Murray rhyme 25 Margaret Dudley Balt Lake rhyme 25 Nellie Bryson Providence rhyme 25 25 Virginia Judd Rupert Idaho rhyme eva Hallett Gusher rhyme 25 Charlotte Paik Tremonton rhyme 25 Dorothy Newton Mona rhyme 25 Mary Barker Ogden bright saying 25 Zelda Newton Mona bnaht saying 25 Virginia Judd Rupert Idano bright saying 25 warns Hartwell Park City bright say- Amy Nakathlma Puzzle The walk (Street) Discouraged top-notc- had been unduly long and the trail was rougher and wilder at every turn So she sat down on a pathside boulder to rest bidding the others go ahead with their search and saying ehe would wait there for them Then Skipper sniffed the air and sprang to his feet with a piercingly loud bark— a bark that was a battle He leaped in front of his challenge mistress standing there with bared fangs and muscles tensed Mrs Sable was astonished at her sedate pet's odd behavior She peered through the dusk in the direction of his savage gaze Then her heart seemed to stop beating There scarcely ten feet away half hidden by the underbrush crouched an enormous cougar The brute's yellow eyes were fixed on the frightened woman It was quivering as does a cat which is about to spring Between the seemingly doomed woman and certain death there was only a single fragile barrier her fearless old dog Skipper that had seen his mistress’ danger and had come to her defense Now there is probably no one dog —certain in g not an aging chow— which can thrash a gant cougar in open fight The cougar is not only much larger and quicker and stronger in every way but has its four nets of hideously rending claws to leinforce its teeth If Skipper knew all this it did not make him flinch for a single instant from the unequal combat Indeed he did not wait for the cougar to attack As the creature tensed itself for the death leap Skipper flashed forward Age Get If you were watching a race the winning of which meant honor and distinction and you saw someone who was away In the lead drop out wouldn’t you wonder what was the matter? That is what the editor wonders when children who have placed high In one contest not quite reaching the top fall to go out for place in the next trial Placing fifth or sixth or tenth proves that they have ability of an unusual caliber All they need Is a little more ambition a little more energy Next time we feel sure they will be on the honor roll But next time they produce only a little work sitting back resignedly while others reap the honor If you have ever been high in the final scoring you can be a If you try hard enough Point winners this week are: Si yond So they set out for the woods and windcontinued along a rocky and and ing trail No sign of the mare colt Dusk was beginning to creep through the trees pm? Do Quit Working? TO I i Leaders Why (State) that He dries his duties each day In a gentle and kind way You never see a from on his face Should you meet him any plate Then let we children the knight’a game piny And be pure and good day after day And do our duties with a smile on our face And be t heerv and happv e erv place PAGE MARY BARKflt Ogden Utah Age 11 It costs about $150000 a year to transport rural school children in 8t IouU county Minnesota which has an area larger than Rhode Island I ln 25 We have said a great deal about soldiers aviators presidents and other great men in The Tribune Junior contests but we have paid little homage to our poets The birthday anniversary of William Cullen Bry ant comes on November 2 Why not write a poem about this poet— some event In his life his influence on you his works etc? Your drawing for this week can Illustrate any one of Bryant’s poems and your prose article should be a biography of the poet with a brief summary of his work You'll have to use the library but what fun I ON OUR QUEST (Tune: Marching Through Georgia) Bring the horrid dragons boys We’ll slay them one and all Slay them as knights used to slay them Whether short or tall We will meet them unafraid In field or castle hall While we are marching on our quest Hurrah! Hurrah! will slay Our dragons we Hurrah! Hurrah! We'll do It right today Then we can lift our heads and proudly we can sav — We are marcliing forward on our quest CHARLOTTE PAIK Tremonton Lincoln Ala was named for a roldier of the Revolutionary war and not after Prcident L'neoln |