Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER I 9 1981 JUST A FEW BOO BOOP A DOORS! Odd Lists Things That Hardly Matter By O O McINTYRE VIVID Inconsequenttals: odd pulsing of Wllda Bennett’s throat when she tops a high note AlM AotMwy 0AY Lillian Lorraine’s rose swing Sundown at "The Port of Missing Men" near Mt Klsco Marc Connelley on the hotel run of the Morning Telegraph Frltzi Scheff beating a drum In "Mile Modiste” Barn clocks In Holland Vernon Castle’s pink sport U c Be h The In Hy" if VH !M ' iWH all rrrsTiJ 7 ‘ jtY u I u I A UnjL’f I Nora Bayes’s fan The hitching rack In front of Bell’s harness shop back homo il — — r h t IEMPIE BUILT OF ONE STONE I know of no book so help- II to those bludgeoned by tne onomlc blows of the past years as hare” by M ty CRUSHED STILL ARE SWEETER CoonttHat dw Lost wnose LOW oesceNotNG sun fP°M THy HAN0 no WORTliy ACTON OoNSj The SWEET REMEMBRANCE OF The just Shall flourish when they sleep in post THIS Poem is a or a well known writer Popular quotation EACH Lines of TWO “who wrote THAT? los r ‘r mI Chas HAicttR An&tle iwffiiaar if I'tAAQC CUBE ADDS To 42 IN 44 directions A K neo hop st Running hoCse A Sec $' tiAT Oo noT Run AST arc FAST PLAyeov IS FAST DO NOT FAT YOU ft 57" A IT You f Joseph Diminno o Canton O V is9$kwboi ano has Aa of HlS NATURAL EWf 'UytiT' c TILTH PR0MPT0N AND NO GRAY HAIR Tn ’AirU' IRONMONGER ' : mike GRaOy JjL-A- 78 ? ZpC bnsenh ERRORS Ginnls Ihittj Of JACKAONVIUl rtA "4 YOUNGEST Ctvu WAR VETERAN 9 TT 8 A HOG IM- - L Tjp 1500 T OWNt0 6V L AMcCRAY RepPune MADE 6 ON OHi PLA Tilt Town of IB5 Ito promptohp& derived FROM THE PROMPTNESS NP Vash Young It Is the has nry of a man whosuccess hought” his way to tier failure It is a beautiful ist a he opens — and has roved himself— to those In ie quagmire Mr Young Is 0 theorist In real life He Is successful New York busl- css man 3obbs-Merrl- Submitted I ' Fortune to “A FLOWERS SSfcyllf their theatrical engagements Blx are said to have tripled their Incomes In this fashion 10-1- 7” a heart has learned to glow o melt AT other’s woe are better made ey some ill time Gooo-an- y t Petra Transjordan When Paul Polret gave up his dressmaking business years ago he also sold his name— Polret Legally he could never use It again In the ooture business Recently however he did open as a coturler and called his place his telephone “Passy number tS A MIND OfSTRESSU VACANT —- A Malibu near Hollywood has been called the Bailey’s Beach of the West It is the summer home of Hollywood’s elect The beach Is on the Pacific ten miles north of Santa Monfrom ica and twenty-fou- r Hollywood as the “Old Crow” files There are two hundred cottages huddled together on leased land an old Spanish grant Lota rent for k dollar a foot a month After eight years price Increases tP two dollars and a half On such unstable premises the movie crowd has built homes costing A long high wire $75000 fence keeps undesirables away It has become the most widely pressagented spot In the world A few years ago It was a haven of beachcombers QUITE -- Conklin’S Beautiful show girls often make more on the side — that Is by endorsing advertised products posing for ads and permission for reproductions thereof— than they are with vo SHARe Yet taught by For OIHer's ) U 1 I scorn d ‘f Tr lf(( t 1 “ru K Rf ad To JoY Would win was born a twin Absence op occupation is not rest-- A II - OoUBT OP OS WHO MUCH As Vl53tr or READ TO DOUBT TTie Good p m REPINING a silver lining 'A 1 1 ? desolation street’s fsv MIND the St Louis Planter’s vaudeville trick dog named “Spotty” Collins and Hart the fake strong men The lunch hour parade of bicycles In Rotterdam Black boys diving for pennies at the Key West pier Fannie Brice’s burlesque Spring dance The dead dog scene in the film “Sklppy” Storm King mountain along the Hudson at davbreak The shimmer of wheat In Kansas on a blazing day Tom Mix’s gun and saddle 6 i Must bartender HEART AND CEASE A Lime NONSENSE NOW AN0 THEN Is RELISHED By Tile WISEST MEN And better had they never been Born 1 A after SAD And every grin so merry draws one out ‘ jo mix Reason wnH Pleasure vrsoom with mirth low peace and Good will Toward men cn eaKQL I a H i & In room Wall Ji ?! Kf Indianapolis wise-cracki- r& f The first and only drink of tequila In Villa Acuna Mexico An Impromptu song test by AI Jolson at Palm Beach’s Cocoanut Grove Mrs Flske’s turkey gobbler talk A I STILL AND DARK AND DREARY Carbto oor coffin adds a NAtlNO i sAjJ- -L hotel flatiron-shape- d COLO TIE WIND SEEMS NEVER WEARY Behind caqi cloud is shirt The terrific flop of George White’s first “Scandals’ and his success a few weeks later Lotta Faust’s back Grace La Rue’s wide hats Helen Wills’ eyeshade Paderewski’s thin long fingers Bay windows In San Fran-clsr- q (S It RAINS of nm mi to -- 4 : im Mn hm PMin ns name EXPECTED OF ITS INHABITANTS IN PAYING BILLS ll) Short shavings: Bill Tllden the red before turn-i- g tennis professional Is now ut of debt and has $30000 In And In a good fie bank ank too Adolphe Menjou rent In for bank stocks dur-i- g Rudy the boom days n allce got a on the opening night of Oscar Shaw tie “Scandals” Brian with the Shuberts 'oy was the first talkie 30000 In ova-lo- te or Halllgan now f Culver City was long a oon campanlon of Mayor Those cock-eye- d Valker lommclatlons of Jimmy Du-an- te are on the level 'rank Crummltt and Julia ianderson live In a farm iouse near Providence R I Antoinette Perry who Is svociated with Brock Pem-erto- n In his theatrical Is the widow of Yank Frueauff public utility And was former-- y n a gnat David Warfields leading Cornelius Vanderbilt s ady dvu Using lor his ”'Ihe Lazy le” Nevadi guest ranch gives lls first name as Nell ” Jew hats puffed hair net bus- BUI EXPLANATION OF LAST SUNDAY’S CARTOON THE GIGANTIC BISMARCK MONUMENT OF HAMBURG — In the competition which preceded the erection of this monument in 1906 this design by Professor Lcderer was selected from among 10000 entries for the reason that it resembled Bismarck the least The gigantic armoured figure enveloped in the billowing folds of a cloak and surmounted by a lowered head of colossal proportions has nothing defiant about it but indu'd re the calm republican idea of the old aristocratic free city It is timeless and considered the most beautiful monument in Ger many The old Tlanseatic Queen City had little reason to erect a statue to its oppressor Within the memory of two generations Bisniank had destroyed the political inde pic-sen- ts city-state- 's pro-aietio- ns ’ John Golden’s first play “Afmade three ter Tomorrow” ladles weep out loud at the Wall street Inpremiere siders are betting 10 to 1 the lneis 30 per cent but only A film wrtter temporarily mentioning Constanre Bennett did not speak of her nose this werk Phil Plant goes to see all her films s Gene Barazen times was born Eugene Saiaccln hr ft U 8 bank officials will serve no more time In prison Which recalls George Jewel's crack months ago Urat even ft 7 pendence by a threat of immediate invasion by 5000 soldiers June 1S66 Years later he proclaimed a state of siege when the result of the public elections in Hamburg did not accord with his wishes The individual deputTHE WOLF-MANed here was discovered by a hunting party of the Polish Prince Borodynsli in the forest of his estate in the Uhraina in 171 The man’s condition when found was one of almost primordial primitiveness He had never seal n ffllowman nor had he ever worn any clothes He was inarticulate except for his ability to iHiistle and lived on berries and other vegetarian products of the forest The prince event uallt edueaUd him to wiar clothes but his other attempts to civilize the wolf-ma- n were unsuccessful tually they would Jail the deAlexander Wooll-co- tt positors wlU have a heavy role in support of Franclne Larri-tno- re Lillian Roth was W R born Lillian Rutsteln Cart oil’s Lari Fdrlngton Texas backer is a dfvout Political ex churchman say Governor Rooe-vc- lt killed his pi evidential chances with his stupendous tax program on overtaxed New Yoikers Many wonder where the exhotbilant taxes alii dv paid go Halite lc Bltli Is the big operatic n of Pails Arthur Som perts en-sat- CAPTAIN WILLIAM E MILLER— Thirty-fiv- e years after the battle of Gettysburg Captain Miller of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry was awarded the nation's highest honor —a Congressional Medal of Honor — for an ait inthe battle of Gettysburg which was in flagrant disobedience to orders With a squadron he broke up Wade Hampton’s charge of 8000 cavalry which otherwise would have hit the Union right flank This iinauthorizi d charge undoubtedly saved the battle According to Arthur L Wagner's book on organization and tactics it established a new military principle in that if a subordinate officer defies orders and thereby contributes to the uinning of a battle he will be honored (Copyright 1931 King Features Syndicate Inc) ers Ro he’s sons Jcffiey vLslted and Ilearst Simeon this Clyde the twins at ban summer Benny Leonard was born Benjamin Ltlner Gene Burk rei elves $3r) 000 a year as president of the of Authors and Composers Many magazine publishers have the miseries lieslow and btei le Ls a transfer firm In Seattle Arthur Moss’ btlde Is the former Eva Marvel It Ls hli sr ond marriage ho-(le- ty Uopyrlslit 10U MiNnunlil Inc ) |