Show if 'vr 1 i w ' A tj ’I MUaiMt Telephone Wasatch 599 Real Estate 1 I state Real THE gALT LAKE Tl&BUNE SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 7 Farms and Acreage - 15 4 Business for Sale (Misc) 23 Miscellaneous for Sale Wasatch Telephone 1931 23 690 D For Sale For Sale For Sale Business Opportunities Real Estate Homes for Sale HOME Homes for Bale - Miscellaneous for Sale For Sale 33 Coal and Wood 29 7 Musical Instruments B LINSCHOTErCoituIcrmsm£ fsoAToXlRY ranch stockednXequTpped THI3V£TkTbE5TBi7yS mnt Maker repairin and rebullrtln mod plant with retail route splendid' ( onmiuiion Birta J11 inNow la COAL CANYON will to SPRING your net buyer (300 business very close in Dent fall Half Interest In bakery Wajl4 CLARK JEWEL 4 burner right side GABD1S INVESTMENT PARTY leavina ton 111 aelfbeautifuT baht opportunity to store coal at cost with per mo vestigate ovens bU k CANYON COAL Beand 95 a impr farm excellent water rljbt fiPRlNG baking huh arand wanning grade Ine condiUon’ no reaaonabia piano CONSERVATIVE (DEMONSTRATORS) EXPERIENCED SFRVICE 2421 us Was and all white fore you buy rash otter refined Call bet dam and Auto wrecking business and poitelain trimming ervke Only (4000 for quick sale good soil £4150 2 p m bPFCTAL $15 00 or after 3 p m No It B FU Room 211 U( ih Savings and Trut Bldg Utton good for (jtioo per year BAVEll PER TON A few factory demonstrator washer UNIVERSAL GAS AND COAL comDouala( WTrH PA VI NO PAID Coal under house In good conCHIFF !s A of good land BIG HAVE YOU EVER pictured your "rireiun at a discount big (ntwj new bination range f’rrbox coal Two mce size B x rooms in brhk forre DRUG STORE death I s E Brice m family Tapetrw Last move tomorrow LAT Year alto (1250 dition like new 73 coat (tOdown saxophone home' is a handsome brick structure Living room baking oven aixo 4 gasILurnerx bedrooms and a small one $8 00 Immediate gdle (j- - () include the bldg house in good condition in 8 L HJBy-JTHampto- n Jl-surrounded by well groomed hiwns green GRANITE FURNITURE CO with gas baking ami warming cement bavrnent Full across front home Corner location (7 75 WAREIIOUSF SALE and Mce lot garage Co $50dcwn (moo 1050 E shrubs blooming flowers and 676 So 21st Hy on planoa" J20 t2Z stately oven baut ful while porcelain Hot-a- ir Nlc electric fixtures $6 7 furnace E R Btanlleld Realty Co Hy 7825 shade trees’ Yet in the heart of Salt no MA— all In aood condition at Hadley 50 00 with Till kel trim SPtCIAL Fine double garage Located at 686 4 ACRES fine soil AND LUNCH doing CONFFCTIONFRY Lake exclusive residential district Such arelionse home JA mod COAL at br CHIEF'’" Fdhon CASH coal Call a RANGE COAL wonderful Monday of cost consisting of good looking avenue This is per mo best location possible (3000 BEDRM suite a home with gorgeous sun parlor and Browning All black garage and other buildings Ample waHas water PIANO like new S90 Some furniture aleo Will make terms to range buy for someone terms exquisite solid mahg dresser clullunler COMPANY til modern conveniences must be sold ter 20 shares mountain vnd well A bar10 00 Come on down today and Hy A037 and 8ha table combined jacket rUM party 325 WFT 8TH fi6 WA85'ft7 6158-or Immediately at only (6000 will trade Call and be can Hy gain Just vaiated look at the home many other pieces 2 beds 1 box comh HOTEL 18 rooms all full gtrictly leVERY f ne old violin 20 18a3 South 13th Was 7466 Call Hyland 3826 $5 00 Down— Small Monthly lg mahog library table also bookcase occupied immediately Lat street GRAKDC0ALWAS gitimate Just right lor lady or couple FAST BENCH exquisite home being sac1 5 sections leather stuffed ea-chars Payments (WOO easy terms Tiftoed by lady leaving for the east Seven 34 005 ROOM b fnbalow hdw floors gas 9 Sheep and Stock Ranches KIMBA1L GRAND PIANO brand new has BETTER COAL FOR LES MONEY and other chairs also pictures i lg coal never been sued coat SHOO few mont spacious rooms including music room j furnace newly dec garaee W blk from $6 oO (7 75 UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Lump heating stoves 1 milk separator 1 cream BEAUTY PARLOR close in suitable for Utah ranch with 150 white faces and three bedrooms 139 Utopia ave hardwood floors ago forced to sell will sacrifice State county taxes T N tester canary bird cage on stand also 138 bo Msn Was 500 mo $100 20 will net new one fine (175 per alfalia horses operator ll straight-wamachinery furBrown basement tnroughout Was 3465 PhoreHy 3623 J parrot stand and table vacuum cleaner 29a Grain and some term seed lots of free range good water See nare storm windows for entire home cost AUTOMATIC W ASHFR8 Hay ' new 12 as handsome (150 HOHNER good new (2250 Victrol bass mahog garage Bitner care of— piano arcordian" Ltk (300 landscaped lot with bearing lruit 67RTmod bung 50 newr records Call after 10 30 a m U iie wr $30 takes it 175 2nd ave apt 1 too 2789 caih (20 month 359 Goshen st BITNLR RFAITY COMPANY trees Only $5930 terms LUNCH ROOM close to postoffice DOrrlin Inh hfllmm tn wrimiera houih 7th Fast or Hy 4h67 M 2 ACRES RFALTOR owner (65 for work SAXOPHONE uew much present Conn as goon atj alto bras finish E W a s 74TO D C DYNAMIC SPEAKERS Plenty of water excellent home nearly McIntyre Building ’raw spuds anal NEW DUPLFX near th university 4 Most popular model Flat flay grain flour Cost new new on Highland drive near 19ih So MAXKIFLD FEED & fcOAL CO Formerly (37 50 now (2 50 tooms $30 00 cash L H K 10 rooms nicely furnished all 208 Kearns Bldg (105 00 oak floors hot-ai- r fireplace sou’h-m- st 10 for 00f ost 113 good or trade Sale tor W Trade From 2 ( Was Property bankrupt stock of Nathaniel Baldlieat $4300 with very easyterms full (300 J75 Mt 3rd So UTAH POWER St LIGHT COMPANY Mr Rldt out Hi 7742 or Was 730 Also B cone 50c win Inc B 29 s ii 138 8o Main Was 500 FIRST crop hay for sale (15 delivered 34 Piano Jazz Short Method F "a r'g IL I K eTn C OM E 6 rm 11 SI N D E P K 50c 50 h p steam WTf HAVE several other exceptionally speaker cabinet IE YOU HAVE big ideas for a small in- OWNER here to sell at big sacrifice 517 J 4 Call Murray PROPERTY 6276 12 LFSboNS not© or e a r oov eft TYl so boiler work benches and stool small come GENFRAL ELECTRIC fete Mr Hnkok see this chic little good buys brUk p od head U Make ofter Was tools mail course Davl Method 162 8o Main radio accessories and equipment Ri frigeratorsi homo near 6ugarhoue 30 Pipe — Machinery— Iron Ultra modern new bldg 28 APTS new furniture Lots for Sale down to plant 3474 80 22rd Last Drve ALL 8 TEFL 5 cu ft General Electric ' CO INVESTMENT GADDIS with Biassed in sleeping porch beauti- 2 near a 35 Will month (1450 accept Radios for Sale and pick bargains Dally until 7 p in all Was 730 interior ex bin N M' y'1 rr ‘nTTn f)M El’ a iTno refrigerator) fully finished amusement room 3 years 'vrjrtradeTTouTs 3J78 u h Mu’n at (1600 for f(rm ranch or city property as down nor fuuMird in poror'atn oeaili ful white Sanac md and only (3950 700 Soulli 3rd West Wae 4783 RM’OSBl'SSED RADIOS AT LOW PRICF§ WILL pay top pihe for retail milk route USED electric washing machines (25 up S 36 Trlb Tele contract payment 7 lb ice tuba capacity Sal Krlsp vegeIf ne Used or l2e $10 threaded w)y new p all wk 50c pe 30 Tele W© you One toward pay 8 Trlb m c’ty Box have seveial Jewel and Peter Pan are EVERYTHING YOU could ask for is in- 6 Minute for Jrtd to (79 We allow Ud to table pan Ample shelf NOW 6 tube radio 8 4 ROOM APTS filled east side A BARGAIN— New Flk hotel for sale or Investment all that sold at (50 50— your Property RFG PRICE (319 (270 cluded in smart new $50 for your old washer toward our new home near 31 choice of any one at $2h 95 A dandy buy location Furniture for Sale or will accept la first-cl- rt (10 Down Small Monthly Pavrrent rent Inqjtreat 44‘k E2nd 80 lath East— glistening oak floors exquiModel 20 washer with 15 yeais’ service n t(T condition-guaranteed TnvTsTme gome trade Be© us tube Sc UTAH t COMPANY POWLR in c LIGHT it Ins dept site light fixtures costly wall paper 5 BFAUTY SHOP and hair guarantee bond Best built Dodge before elaewhcie looking Western Furnl- s Wa 5np (8 So Ma n hi st store m Ogden State beautifully decorated amusement room Don’t tnt8 checking over these real opCompletely furnished 135 So State st 135 000 FFAL ESTATE CONTRACT fctureCo low Priced $49j0 easy terms machine wuh Duart waving this is the time PLUMBTNO new bathtubs toilet 117 45 KT POSSESSED radios best mates at payable monthly Will apply as first payportunities as you know cash iy fjnooo COILFOE GIRLS for cash Mihers 22t7 Washington ae and profit I Oil FT ment um good Income properly $12 to spend a little of your complete good as new your own price 401 Walker Bank TAKE IN ROOMERS and pay for your OkdenUtah TANK'S hot water new $7 95 SEAL COAT FUR bhlg $25 home on profits This can be done with Ve are offering two blocks of 3'4 acres PAIN I ii 40 gal Acme faher Williams HOTEL FURNITURE COMPANY downstairs lobby SHfcLL scry ce for rent or leaseave 3242 80 Beautif il 8 room brick home near the university AI TRIO beautiful w afnut cabine lining 8i?e 16 3 fall dresses 2 orr the avenues near where the H HNACF3 new each dining room etc located on best high Inq 19E Angelo blajte st price 2 $35 Glen Key Shop 113 Main Wag 15rtj Three large light rooms in basement SOUTH MAIN (4 (i each light weight coat new enameled HFATFKS new hospital 4s being erected in Utah practically clear Will traiecoNFECTIONLRY price way in Veterans’ sandwich shop and oo sweaters blue fall suit with outside entrance A real Investment each Navy roll DITTANTONE $2 3 HOOFING been Lake plv for Balt large console 115 Have each asking 11150 buxines heavy for only property ’"’town of 2iioo population good 1847 80 9th E Hy 6021-7 (9 cost $25 SAVE YOUR MONEY (2500 terms 57 8 2nd Fas a fte rnoons asbestos tar 65c gallon ROOFING $5000 ror full information write afler 2 p m year around HIRE IS WHKR W flJTempIe UTAH 10 acres on Main st GET DONT We DISCOURAGED almost have if WRECKIN(JCOj1225 on Tele model late OLT 4o P you B Tnb victor radios CLOjE BARGAIN OULLFL BAS FM ENT CHICKEN RANCH and beautiful home BINOTR sewing machine Rood cond have not been able to make a Uade (9750 We have 3 4 acres near Nibiey park Bl BROUGHS addii k mm hine ID Ioiedo and Orthophonlc Vlctroia© Iron S5 00 to In one Just short distance south of EAERYTHING TOR A HOME for ladv Small investment auto trailer cheap ioered 10x10 rods on the aveJust come in and tell us what you want GOOD 00 164 E 3rd 8o for only ((16-uWas 1512 computing scaie 125 Hh p electric meat jTh firebrick co6137 Bandy Brand new Box 8 37 Trlb 1 le m We will for do and nues rest the 175 with paid Uamniell 175 meat sheer improvements chopper 1300 chickens and thorIn t m tlm of dfprruuon ECONOMY Is the lonial design Federal electric radio Console mod-- e Box 6 37 investment 114 W Broadway GOOD position Price 01 ly (12 A) cash Corner 25x110 ft WlID ducks feathered rfeaned 10o each Coxt (300 Take It for (69 50 957 So PROBLEM (need by all HI YKUH either (13 500 oughly modern Draper coops 60x140 DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY on South Main st for only 1250 Trlb Tele 5 Richards A Co t 15th Fat ferma CFMENT mixer trombone and case and John wholesale or consumer retail Holley Our buy re818 of north on (oOQ Was 5460 6th East st Just Libetry McIntyre Bldg PAHTNFR for service station uvar mangel beet Phone Murray log staff !s constantly on the lookout 38 8IDWAY baby buggy or sale cheap 1336 on State 60x140 ft for (800 only 57 lele 8 Trib 53 park Box 2 for QUALITY for PRICE VALUES LAROE FAMILY with limited income quired Our H vrrisou ave street near the New 8outh high school motto is— BFST VALUE FOR LOWEST 100 PER CENT ean enjoy advantages of southeast locaNO more depression Bell Good Luck Midget PAINT (1 60 OAL PAINT NOW or truclTTepahTaTTs for only S I SOiT COST For this reason heat tion of newly paved street hot-a- ir tan euaran-te- e per cent les auto buy s Sample bible iuc GENERAL Elec refcUcxator very reason- Save money 23 WestDdw yWa 4948 Biblf Everybody JackMr call information furthe than scheduled rate In exFor bed5 Coast Novelty Go vour home from you can furnish leeping porch cozy fireplace 4 any 10 bib es 78c ion jjble praeilrallynew Hy 8297 J lor anything equal value Hy HEATER comb nation gn and coal nicke’ in in Whs 710 or Hr 2949 R change the rooms double garage for only (2250 8IANDARD h CO hURNIU'RE mui 1Q84 Angeles 7S73-COMBINATION coal and electric ra ige Just JBox trim like new cost '9ft a barya'n— (35 less thun you planned Terms at such easy out of ore never used eacrlflce time If FOR RFNT —S’enm heated cafe partly UTAH POWFR Si IIGHT COMPANY Farms and Acreage ONF of the best large homes In city Cost terms— t 111 surprise you Jnd So desired :30Wp annd In atum Wai 6752 days Hy 4oo6-- J Was 500 BE FINANCIALLY Independnt in a rist Will consider stock of general (30 000 SNAPPY LITTLE brick bungalow In evenings business nickel low years II you u111 buy or Irede youriEI FCTROPLATING FOLLOWING LIST Is only a small part mdse or small home What have you to district BFAUTIFUL 3 plee overtu!fed living room including 3 glussed crvwer silver All Lew SPECIAL balurday and Sunday greenhouse set (50 2U9Regent ome on tins apartment heue enronuum H Wade 316 Bo State street W our conoffer? ol lot bear mium fruit BARGAINS st It Nicely many landscaped porches for immeCHICKEN RANCHES tain 12 apartments and there is a dou35o and 60c doz Hy pink snapdragon solutions and tanks Compute ing trees (3000— and a real buyl PULLFTS and cook glove nd add-Di- g for potatoei GHoaHFLLB— CASH REGISTERS ble house m the rear heated bv the tnuti 4911R lt)75 Harvard ave diate business btatc street location Very local and national Many Two at res good ground producing or athletic onion old police mathmes exchanged dog 2063 E 39th So bought t You tan pxket better heating plant etents are mm on the boards — etery-bod- y 4 PAIR heup Hv7081or Was 4750 AS “RENT' will bur handsome t BROWNING automatic used only ome (35 brrrir large fruit and aifalfa ExcelGtoshell 249 84ate rented repaired Will trade for pigeons fruit potathan us of out t (3000 for is anxious to listen In If you have ptr year mod home in firebrick home on acre lot south property BUTCHER enop completely equipped lent water right Le Fever double-barr1339 Bryan (room (10 toes or what have you? 639 So 13th E Ijyveb’dg Wh2164 Fvt 43 year after paying all expenses lto radio you should lake adtanlaKC of Drop in at of city Almost new including tile bath verv good condition Coops fof 1000 Established 30 vear Hv 8469 ave bu Mn e vs R ar machine LAC Ql I R PAINT DUCO first the CLOHE-Ous and our let T prv Ft choice RADIO nook HPFGIAJ opportunity figure cow breakiast hens barn and garage Very Good fireplace W1 STINOHOUSF Air compressor sold repa red renied automatic combination it out with you Alaater Kent Malesiic LOT on 10th Eatt near Hollywood ave Will 8 E location Only $4)00 00 Small down 16 Hotejs and Apts forSale A C Whitnew and rebuilt electrc ratine (heap Inq JJ4 No 2nd W Terms Bosch Hrunamck Freed and Phil ratrade for chickens Call Murray 176 FEDERAL HEIGHTS HOME to be sacripmt bal like rent A real bargain 540 Ptate Wra47b0 SA taker diosC 19 sun-rooPALMFR SO BERT COMPANY 24 SO WH1 room TE 21 new elec sewing machine like prices 'APARTMENTS AND DUPLEX HOI (60 ficed '9 50 RFMODFLINO Large inviting living cement work plastering ? R F A 00 ull sold on our EASY TERMS PLAN 249 Pajcton ave SODA fountains table elec close in good $ 2 19 MOD auni adjoining dming room giving won- 3 1182 Emerson 8ingerextra trade for farm produce apt tvti noo II East 1st South FOR TRABE Wasatch 7874 low price used show case derful view glared sleeping porch 27 Apartments 3226 J $ 16 GARLAND heater coal (40 circulating JI CLEAN IN DIRT LEALS 2ft 500 furnaie launMoser Hartman Co mfgs 65 P O Place WAS NOW FRUlr 9 aparfme its 4 11 Chicago complete baths R Was modern col rtrictlv brick 2 pc Chase mohair suite $2s0 00 press nearly new will trade for 14 Ot 0 $79 00 0 nmrtments dry hardwood floors throuhgoul A dou24 FT extension ladder reversible post diill in every respect 1 acre and Jonathan apples Oreeninga and other 3 pc English velour suite 150 00 4 200 COMPLETE watvhmakln real At (9Q0 terms 89 00 ble gaiage NFW APARTMFNT equipment 2 019 Lincoln st D r ex umv bench BUILDING lull water rlht garage and coops for farm produce 3114 bo 8'ate 3 pc bemhes and ahowtase reaaonabie 1150 o 7 0 leal mohair angora The last word in fine con&’tuuion Ifl opportunity Dumex near Liberty park 1000 hens Wt’l take home In town 410 ga ahot-vu- u 23 rifle ve 868 3rd LFAT IIFR gun com 300 00 5 2j0 39 50 OAKLAND touring to trade for furniture parlor suiie beautiful apt Five-roolot well improved St te Nt mod except heat In large brick Dupiev W So 1st 25 69G fine bedm walnut wood 11 coal Hunting clothing AWILL TRADE for unimproved property anything of value Murray 257 R NEARLY new U C A Superhetrodvne radio GADDIS 1N F STM ENT CO apts are finished w th macondition garage1 flowing well and Hv 560) stead 13 00 WI1L hardwood mod brick bungalow Wa 730 cost $300 for $125 German rolhr canary 337 So Main Rt hogany tile baths best Frigidure coops for 500 liens 8 E 3500 00 (35 00 swap good p'ano for used truck J43 10 ©mailer slue circulaALL PORC PLAIN kitchen cab net (50 cost floors built-- ’ ii features garage Southfans in kitchen' So 1M West birdMO Hy 5946 M Was 8448-down and (35 00 per mo or take car Nothing like it brasscageand tors 29 50 east Only (2300 on easy terms $120 Perfect cond 516 Ro fith F Hv in city W1U accept trade up to (20000 aa pmt 40 heater MFAT cases 20 UMd show cases MARTIN HOTEL FUR SALE all size apt breakfast 9 60 TRADE rent in new Call Mallory Hy 7971-fine EC I ROMA nr stoker El 64 West 2nd No Co nook complete KRAAL8 elec Refrl Fine Unirange reconditioned refrigeration garage NEAR EAST HIGH— Unique DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY Western Hotel located 24 Wen Brtndway GOOD used electric vamnim cleaners (10 condit on prue reasonable Box 8 28 for good car 1217 4th ave Hv 1764-- J versal ranges All Ut 818 Mclntvre Bldg firebrick bungalow Just 5 years old and Whs S4W furnished Now T r 1 1 ivi 24 noms tomi'letelv model a 50r a wk new Hamilton Beat h given 8WAP louring car for cement plastering 3TAYKER RICHARDS in excellent condition (3950 Easy terms Will fich furniture and lease to $32jO — 5 POOM firebrick built cohbies’nne trimmed 150 00 44 50 R for $19 50 difference later or beating ac GL NH AND RI1 F3 for sale trade or rent Lca rp en t rj § T7 8 o nth F at a m desirable party Inquire Rental Depart 10 ard cement porches oak floor firtplace Realtor fuhy In your 3’ate Jeukins428 gas and for Stull 50 Trade "h difference b(x tlon equipped (29 homes Sale "For of desirable the tpe WILL trade 5 acres of land near 21st So (Moat me built-i- n A real btauty 135 So Main Nature All late model Was 2 range old vacuum Dodge Electric 245 State ONF dre ser ( I bed Marines and TRUST CO In the city are listed with us We will be H AI 1 ORAN-JUDC- E and Redwood rd or high grade almost m Maxe offer bieakfast 133 and rook 44 50 00 equipped lor natural g& VkflS 5050 new piano for aood registered Jersey cow good tonditton 310 F t as 6 n giad to snow you many others orvith ab- ) RfniaLPi!pt 30 firebrick colonial Tne very latest emulator Trib-Tel- e phone 0 or beFt offer T eima solutely no obligation Drop in heater This heater will Gas furnace Loc in parked bouleTappan gas HOil’L 40 looms in heart of city Good RESTAURANT SUPPLIES WHITF enamel and blatk eon $155 sell bax 240 So Ntflte heat largest area of any YOUNG Jersey cow trade for chickens $50 vard the beauty pot of city Good casli A sna b isuis range $20 REAL BARGAINS H0KE3T at lowfit coal cost n ew b uf fet for H e a t roj a 1064 E 391 h So uteam tables llo leather fumed oak bed davenport (10 MAJESTIC hotel ranae 8ft 00 39 50 May con8ider trade pavmeit 2 1 and room apts of good furniGABM3 INVESTMENT CO y 8 23 W 2 fin© 8 pc walnut dinAil as new Room 311 Utah Haumr and 7’rust Bldg SIX 18j8 8oJ3Rh E Ice boxes counters Gn farm and acreaxe bak bars stool m bU L r trade Yurnltura and model T ture cheap Apts well rented Cash or 110 1 ’a acre J37 South MiilnSt coffee urns di'lies ca h house roops for 800 3 60 00 ing suite 39 00 with 27 ! W4th South THREE UOoTptie Queen incubators trade lot suitable for store for late model car 725 Laconia 7th laree tt action rms apts Qu’ck 9 pc walnut dining suite 265 00 WPTKRN KIHNillRE COMPANY with 400 fine hen Onlv k'oiio 500 cash 79 00 So between 2nd and 3rd Fait for 16 gauge or Remil Mon automatic cioso in will sac’’ fice equity in aie or 10 POOM housekeeping art all full rea-F30 8153 PHONE WAS fVVe sell and exrhamrel 175BOUTH 8TATE Round Onk 75 4 table 00 00 trade Was o5(0 U shotgun J H Shorr 5916 So 2nd West 60 able ea'yteim4f9 E2nd bo odd IL acre with Rood house coop walnut dining UbED PIPF all slza newly threaded Murray chairs for 400 A GOOD buy at (3800 May trade CATTLE ranch five hundred acies fully GOOD lurnuuro of 7 room houee desirable 12 OO 8 00 MON8EY IRON AND METAL Ctf SINGER v sewing machine (dropheadh like Livestock 10 6 pi d 212 equipped 260 head cattle on good h lose in rent 700 So 3rd West 4763 reasonable Wasatch tenants J l&t West W9356 No will run five hundrtd head lor So 5rd Fast newfl5226 breakfast 45 00 16 00 ets 3 acre in Holliday with a SWELL 3 BACK BAR8 booth sal or trnde Box S 60 Trib-Ul- e and meal counter 10 10 IJ '8 (22 KFag (10 Snfhi fne atr mod home Coop double garage painted vanity 3J Richards Rtreet Was 3210 75 00 2rAciE8e-iiidirMWWn--d weekdavs 14 (Hi 41 Was 2429-dresers orchard etc etc Onlv $7500 Jrms Poultry andBaby Chicks 8 walnut tireser “ M 50 00 14 00 sold COMB Kiis and coal range on legs Was home chicken coop garage lruit tree (We EXCHANGE and elU waste time? El FCTR1C motors and pumps boutht FLLC-TRImuv cnoose Why 7 you ration 65 00 12 00 peWoroveThee drcs'nr ivory D THOMAS 11 and rented 8 GOOD cow repaired Hopla Map'eton Utah 135 41 h ate ran5hTckSan3 equipped dairy 7177 M you (2500 can We now 46 Hartwell ave us satisfy 10 Bee room b 7t CO Axmlnster PI 'LLP 13 PLENTY and ail reeded imple ater NEW newjocatlonjJIJ-- ) W2nd8o 8EAIBKIN coat ertn ne collar cuffh A 2500 br'ck home — a real novplty — 56 Hartwell a e LARGE-BODIErug 70 00 19 00 H FA VY PRODUCERS Tin Is ONE OF THF GOOD farm clearROOM NO paper (1 50 up will board (3 50 614 So half 3000 1st West 1st West COMPANY No Owner 40 price TNVFSTMENT 2I0 Mre DAVIS cond 3194 So 6th East Twin 75 29 00 baby WRITE 00 FOR carriage AND ITTFRATURE ing (4000 per year Owner will trade for A4R0 W at hundred phnty of Rood used brick 2360 27i0 st6!0 Fo 1st West SIR M lnlvre HUIk 563 Wilmington ave deer rifle PRICES HATCH-FR- Y for cash THE $10 PKNNGROVE good chicken farm What have WILLlay you? W 301P So 3149 or Hv Main Hy 2600 5 rmi Hollywood (3000 TQtlTY in modern home close in ii h K RMS 30 30 caliber Call Hy 7638 M PETALUMA aell furnished giod home CALIF LOCAL preferably 2250 brick or 818 80 8th E Sacrifice trade for bldg and loan stock AGENT J E MFI I TJ8 BOX 19 SUGAR-HOUincome awavsjrrnted One acre on 17th East st nr 31st South rtftejfi p USED SEWING MACHINES ELFC 2250 brick 844 80 8th E BALT LAKE CITY 8FE OUR CLEAR 'TRADE on home motor bought sold repa ted Frank 2000 25 room botd new furnttuicW ccntraily1 brick C HR KS AT ALL T JMFfl AT 3324 SO 2ND 764 E 8U1 80 SPECIAL LOW PRICES W ax14l0 BY OWNFR 6 rm mod home acre (We BELL and exchange) Soutli nh Larson W2nd hacrlflcc Hv520 2d00 lncaicd 6 rms 6x10 FAST 715 3rd ave PHONE J $12 00 TO 145 00 HY6024-The ONLY are school orchard above church and lovtly iear samples 2i00 Fust class coal gas combination 73 M AIN BT BARGAIN WHITT S M CO 3800 Bo 7th Faxt highway coops for 400 ch rknin Will 17 BUSINESS LOCATIONS BABY CHICKS 2400 1 jQ9 range white enamel tr m 257 Edison Richards st trade for small city home iioue BounREAL ESTATE EXCHANGE DOWN JUNIOR Iron Fin man stoker new tvpe 2500 warehouse Had’ey Lease 7o8 E 5th lnO M tiful or Was 3617 Bent 3846 3 4096 with the deprelon! Get to work Start hiH For R tiMd 4285 8 biatr Was Hy Hy mo275 W L on condit client POOL tables IIv 1897-—3 pe Fill those brooder with fill on 2 be Velour 20 something PLfcA s G Dl acre Jacquard tie fruit t C on 5 MAKE each offer rooms 4 Living L Smith and following Richard street Good homes Wethetbee and winter chick Room Suite reversible cushion fur-naJa ACRL3 on Stale si tlie sinks cement Lavements nr Jordan high Nxtlonal bookkf t p ni-- i aJi regisand terms 100 day plua chick plus work— Monar like new for only 4 baths school for city home Take reas offer oi nun $50 00 Hy 3845 ter cost $900 med 8Ue oak lib t e hie 2 BAT FFRIFS and tires bought and aold 608 STATE 3117 S3 in the bank M South State Jacquard Velour try property 2fl4 So th V Hv Hrtring-Ha- ll showcases 2 ACRFS safe Bee Iliem VERY FASY mod toop 7th East and Social 100 day no ehirHcs no work— StarvaRoom Suite reversible The Cath Phnppmg Center t 228 FAST 2ND SOUTH WAS 85) 6 too ns FINK goid watch Uadyo for ale cheap HOMF Mod ave R D 1 Box 111 Bandv Utah Clear Trade lor DON T PAV RENT tion in the ranks and NO money in the ruahlon for 13x110 50 $69 &ofl J3outli Stale 4M9-rease ai Wai ewlnginach1ne irKBOXfH bank ACRES Beautiful investigate 2S water brlik Walnut house right Dining have COUCH ln verv goodconditiou cheap Phone write or wire your order today and buy now R voin Suite coat 1240 00 now all for (3400 Would sell a part No trade FOR sale or trade — J2500 etnilty in duplex nMvnnrhl & Ictr (79 50 renlaMncIuctM new front A)rV u''1 !' in0’ric‘-- -4 46t Ha el st O DeLnnge for quick RAMSHAW HATCH? RIFS income $62 50 mo What have you'' 17th E 17th So Call Hy 43U-I Mahogany finish Ga Res Estate steam heat hot and oi at io i of interior $5 on and up er sale 3687 So State St Salt Lake City Utah P h on e Mu iray 31 8 - J 824 1577 hU — m Bv°vn Iteatroln 8o used Fast four 9th heater enamel cheap BIUE month TRUST cold wai r HAILORAN-JUDG- E UTAH ROWER & LIGHT CO Phone M urray 474 wa $112 50 now st Wa JJ394 W 2 good lota at Terre Haute for (TO 00 INDIANA— Washington 138So Main Waa 506 MODFRN firebrick home in Eat Mill Creek DALY 0 JOHN Charter Oak Parlor Furnare maWANT ED— Live poultry Lake or nexr Box S 4b Tnb Tele I will call for BEAUTIFUL VUmnev baby buggy first- j5 -- acre Just completed very artistic COMPANY rf 320Salt BO with nickel finish MFA1 niurktt trim (49 fixtures cash rogttr hogany them and pay the top price Murray 30 66 last 4th South ACRfrS Delta 40 ac rla5rond (8 50 355 So 7th EMt Grimm 120 3 Chart r Oak U ground with best water right Ideal place scale 81irera Parlor Furnare 8 showcae Agent WAS 633 225 WHITE 55 sinchare Abraham water clear For clear f ir c) tokens Leghorn pullet starting to Enquire 3015 So 23rd East W L Wetherbee Price right 36 Rich- - FANCY Winch filer latget rifle cost38 $75 gray finish nickel trim auto275 yearling hens 60c home jn citv or county will lay Hy 680 R matic ga control latest thing gle shot wlud gauye sight J3olIaday239 - West 48th ardsjst South Tayimavllu Call Hy 7(Hft J or 1064 2nd In Charter Oak heaters sell (2n for A BARGAIN m heart of poultry center— IS IF YOU have property for trade or xale In Your USED ana oifice equipment UEbKS file ave any time after Sunday choice Salt Lake or In anv other i lace call and acres of rich loamy land mod home (49 50 TOP price for good poultry Cash paid at ft9 0 I Wh 3 L Desk Fx 327 8 ee us We will match all trades Good selection of used heater other 12 85 HAITI STREET STORE I from i on p C ull ng done HUlcrest Ptry H 408 1 KRAG rarblne cartg I! 50 lights water in S E part ?f Draper BRIDGF Beach coal circulator prat new 4 B State REALTY COMPANY Jenkins Will sell all or part at bargain price if boot rifle cap POULTRY wanted E R Morgan pavi highv WFSTFRN misc 252 building For in M Keith lease H t fuel Fmporium 20 W9fiJ0 Kiddle Mies 1871 Was Ifljl taken at once J B Day Druper Templeton Blda 63 South est vrjett 600W 64th 8o Murr 638-ror GAS GAS range good condition (7 also space upstairs So Mim Rt HOUSE SUGAR 4 heats heatrola Estate emulator 6583 q36 W SH 000 BUYS an income of $250 per mo hide Hth FaPt Hy DUCKS feathered and drawn 724 So 2nd prrr molv ?11 Krnrn ReRr rea 7th 164F South rins 10 acre vry house 14 dairy cows 500 Wet i PLAYFft piano Brunswick pauatrope HTURE C0F1PAHY WUirtabli$hed”fTnd exiensivelv adver-thens mod coops for 1000 barns Implelens 8X10 VIEW camera If vt her bellow uiAii nw 9xu 10 BUFF ORPINGTON Larue praoiclly ed bume6 location mitable for showpullets and 26 Whit ments etc close to larllue and school LOCATFD IN RAIMENT OF condition holder a ehutttr and good cost ai plate automobile for $5 Wilton rug lamp standing room and garase leghorn pullets laying cheap 661 East shop Owner will take smaller poultry ranch FOR INSPECTION GRANITE FURNIIURF $o C L Joy 2119 So 6th Ea&t Hy F irat Bo u th 1'UP 1 7 and o forth great sat 604 MHlnn buunes tire bulm 1 15 Business for Sale (Misc ) t Po as part navment F 676 ICa Hv 456 South State Adrire GAS heater ( Ircu ator tvpe (2s practically WILL trade (450 electric Panatrope like (1800 buy 9 acres good truck garden CHFAP for cash 24 Inch gas heater Clark A Keyser Company Walker Bank Bldg new 560 Cleveland ave Hv SU-N- I 1374 AND 1378 new with records for 200 yearling hen FURNITURE’ BARGAINS" ground In new celery district near MurJewel gR range Lorain regulator MIYB'REAITY Hy WaI5fi5 6 7824 502 Was Must be good or laying ray Term Utah Savings $ T0 EUROPFAN made MannlU her Hy pullet 7 Km W spl E 80 211 So YOU k 225 COMPARE MHtT VALUES Apply 3H4 O’h E and Trut B d g or M urr ay 577 R onre OFMCE space with modern’d' SOUTH flAIII UMd 60J2-- J rifh CONTACT bargain POINT’ 998 So BFFORE BUYING 2 V FRY g wd b by beds (4 each Kearn Bldg Phot e Waa 6861 BETWEFN BUYER AND SELLER 30U0 WHITF two pants mi t for man Good heater pulletg 5 DARK blue Leghorn m Pennygrove bed blanket at 79io 10th Fast Hy (I day Farms and Acreage Apply ORIGINATORS A H B Br Inghur t 3 324 South 2nd En si cost (60 worn twice (2o ft 150 lb QFHCL space with model i desk $10 phonograph $2 50 chair at 60 cent TTVE MTNUTFS drive from center 6 Axmlnster NATIONAL BUSTNTcb SALES SERVICE GOOD grade rug beaut 5 Ketrn Mde r Bouth 6th Fat PhoieWa RftftJ two wait ut Ii floor lamp $1 up WHITE LFGHOKN pullet 4 and 6 mo old of town will bnna you to the 115 JH 59io R cond color mnib A6YS I EM winf 3 show bed ill rnvlUli room $2 NDIDT"orr Bire big loca’ion ulte piece living l1 mile so of 48th So on Redwood rd SIT i 835 So ONE counter ahowcase (ft 50 i'arm & Garden Produco colonial horn" JusT tTNISHFD tt 17 In (45 trnde at the Western you will save L H Brlnahiirst Call Murray 571-- J 5 dows cenunt floors 40x00 fl FARR FOR TRADE TO 8ETTI E AN FSTATE growhigh 2 In wide 96 in long W 594B-money Juquire Homes face tait on thl fast 250 WHITE Leghorn pullet You ns 5 mo old 3640 2jx-meat and marKCt si?e Drive) etab Grocery 225 room UTAH (Shop Hide 46 Countv Felt acre Farm FURNITURE WFSTFRN handsome cf CO ronilstln? Five 12 vis ing boulevard Bo now doing over 41500 per nonih in Weal Temple with plenty of water tiled US D DFPA1MMFNT brick hou e Office Supplies Tooms mahogany and oak inlud da amot ticw(iOa firt barn 127 equipt sheds 180 nook fenced fully granary breakfast South Stala CHOKE White grafes-grape1uice' colorful Leghorn kitchen Frlcidaire vtem wpll storked low over- COMPLEffE equ pied good team horses about 10 ton 474 8o 3rd W OUSTENINO tiled bth two ll perhen1 Will aell very rea (rTr'n’fTc up’nYu3 eat- EI Ft TRIO range gray and white porcelain 30 ftrPg of sweet freh grape-tab- le head 5 vr leae at $20 per month Givehav 5 acres potatoes to be dug Will conBo full 'traight-wafect bedrooms 174 PUI LETS 8 mo BEE THESE BARGAINS' extri fine 200 5 mo fniipmfnt K FT LY ro 31 W make annffer away— ALL FOR $2500 Pure fresh grape U)888o3Ui E or sider trade for chUkea char garage janch basement lerge lug and eer1U6 grape container W'AS NOW MUST HATCH Red 85c prr hunwheat Wrod one order e small farm in Salt Lake Bring Juice by waslier 15 large OLD time violin (15 alley Will sell If you work downtown buy 19 dred 1064 E 3ftth 8outh $150 oo (49 00 Restaurant with living quarter doJust south of Vftl Verda Wr tlnut d'nlng rm suite Typewriters Supplies 801 1st ave NEW HOMES y for (1500 cash Price 1000 dining table Of these CLOSEST-Ir'ir CTannei 3 JO 50 rm sun IMHO r mo IJiuuig BUF W Wood J (350 ing per month old Only (550 Orulntoir mantg pullet In city I HOI HI st heater HFHlULI TYPEWHH EHB KLLMAKLH good condition (5 I 33 50 125 00 Wu'nit Bedroom suit 2? 16 VS uhlnilon ve (33rd 80 50p ench TREMONTON Late Fully guaranteed Oax heater good condition $7 so 1 com TuMA I of R G mile south of 33rd South Eft'iy payment Nevv Green and Cream Enam t 2nd West ) sadle and etab Shoe §hop 17500 repairing our PRICES DEPRESSION road Get Redwood 3 on BELLING AT month (5 n vdeiH rented el C oal Rat go 99 00 gasjand c al range $10 677 Brixen ct 8 yrs 80 acres 77 share water fine soil all dung 30 to (400 Buildnrue list Wholesale VDCwriter Co 321 tomato Sc bu prune Bftbv bt ggv 72 60 41b 2500 POOL table ktandard size au tenor banjo APHLFs785cbJ Rabbits for Sale tile drained 20 acre plowed ready for ing property and living quarter 276’ Wa TERMS LIKE RENT So Main onion 6100 cucunbers 3 35 00 bookcane lb feertlotial jlcknng 20 6o7ttik at J12i acres Tin alfalfa spring planting So fiFcflS ChlnllaTandRalnbow rabbitaT 20 Fast bed UTAH (xrhatige ho drcsers Sftte Fangf Typewriter lei than the water is worth We Modern bakery doirg 1600 to (800 spring make price flertric all PARIS and reralrlng TRUST CO Wuh IIAI TrORAN-JUDO- S 1732 6o 2ndEast F evtlnnc In typewriter Tneap Hy 66J3-1 c lb 4500 Firt lane ° tres HOIetcI AND FURNITURF can take some trade washer vacuums etc Dodge Electric CoNC ORD grape per mo No competition Hy 3826 Ry 7493-Inc CO 30 NFW 7eaUnd white and rainbow do© iT C bM IT fi and Cirmu lvpiwnter Br'ng yoir own 245 State of 4Pt h So on Gth Eait r ter RO T6fl 3M RTATF hlgh-rlnsg nek Attractive rental MCKFR cheap Wa 4352 W including Npa urd tvpev CHICftrs FARM fully equipped ronia ner A Buck Garage 1749 Lags at (5 baby buggy tonatoe $10 000 haidware and machinery ageuy 6500 REAL BARGAINS and purchase p'nii hi et il ra' $R39 to RtU PLDKiHEF D White New 7ealnd raid) ' end Hv 7014 J prut m apnh I‘FA( FILS pcr BUNGALOW 40 W 2nd Smith Wa 6 40 ft new (je it WA modern coops 1 N0W does Fine stock 753 So Sth nnotT and young Ifthlartd'e I Nl N elntric eater (7 50 cost (7 2426 pcker4()l4 b i Corner 15th 2 PC L y et d h brooding coop 700 pullets 200 v (125 00 (75 00 Clothing and ready-to-weOreen at Hy 5C4 J Hit UCF table carro hens modern 8 pc 20 yr brlrk home foil walnut dining et 175 00 85 oo inventory betwn 10 and 15 1 rr ' 50 ea t ff Inc f at and WIIL (12 start you in rabbit buainea 6 P baencnr barn garu pbnty of wleat 12 50 25 00 bre ikfast set PFNINKIAR range good water coil $5 thousand 1 ern a Stock guaranteed Call or write Star for fe ding cow D’r e t f tab e 17t acres good land aI’PIFS toniiitoe raoncrry plant 3660 24 O0 75 00 97 F 4U Po On l’Y acre of cholca garden aolL 3081 State at 2 Babbitry biork good water right only 17 mhea from our Cir hiitor Heater 38 50 24 76 30 rm modern hotel and cafe Hlrnlard dve coat right genuhie GIRLS btuk hroandotli Family orchard Splendid water drive us N7wTeaIand oifice 000 While 3d 5ee terms All for 6 rabbit and mo PFUIORFLD Rnd $3000 ic and Rug 17 up linoleum and many other per 14 340 Redondo ave f'lt Near 39th South and Highland (8 yr TOVAToLb Improved hu te 23 Miscellaneous for Sale A real hutche !tir at gr at savingF of T 9th F4 b k bargain 13v3 E19th So F v 1125 M Clove to school and church Formerly blk TO TRADE B A Y FURN INFORMATION 1500 L KINNFRSI Small COMP! FTE now FOR CAJ 4500 CO Price PFDIGRFFT) rex and normal haired rab- 3“51 So priced o d cri XLAYFR piano bench labnet U“) rolls cToTlU N sTtiiMn torn 7 Wet 76 31 (18 GM0 THERE AfvE ! ATrCA w ON ANY OF THEM b it s die a p 25 9 8o 3rd E Hy 3531 down pvmcnt Ralance rental terms Rrnidwy F g 2oo acre bentlng s'ove Ibrary tape Wllte sew9'n st all tillable very good build-iT LRfS CO 3 LYMAN CAI1ISIFR ( ii t PUCE tv f nil ah ' ie b nviriuffed n l”0O walnut rt Uas cond Hy WINR tPAIFS for ‘v e 164ft South 10th rhaei kitchen hlna 42 Pet Stock ing ma htne n'l in IN ANY HI' d ( ( ii phnty of feed for stork full water I? YOU WANT A BISIM RFALTOR Canaries 3 I 2 1st bo table Mr Dogs Hugh1 ne s Cal chair like I416F r u Jum r 4'4 rocking — Hv N T lllrt OVA MF UAVhTHFM Was 1910 right piped "Pflng water silo fill set of ( All KM Pi oi MB Templeton B rg No dealer No H B IH lJ- S- Eskimo cheap W Ml AT H' PFFT "n implement 60 aucs alfalfa 6 milk ius table ar d 6 i) r In firsL- - KM) Bllerln c rnl MU le 5t Bpll Hoton fox terrier )o-li- ce (iRnUIIV CLonilV mil Fort Dougin lnmn Call bet 10 head range stork 300 and 2 old rollle of fm good ewes 6 hog c'ft's cot d Rt ar 4 So fi h Fa t HuT ELb OR ANTTHINU HARDWARE i lie DH-in TO mi d 2 25 (11 pm( h 1735 “ h Chesapeake mil 5 p or ic in' lum pr after 'r Rome 4 hures a fine gong 4 ‘J J cattle tock rhhkep Hv 8mo o'd pointer male 10x7 oversirT P( tires for I j Re qhF (oodver very cnmie ilI n uy TIP RFARir farm Will lake small furm In Salt Lake h 'ml'n h((1r0(m one )M L Dunater 5301 grown S male police tfrrll If you want to B ly CAIL t d l winter 2M ea h Pierre hprlnt jiew H t n rae f r h IK IN 4rtft S' H'h F 't nlr valley What have you? 9th Fat 5350DC9 If you want to ell CAIL JO P rraruyMH IIS ho 3rd 7 b 5 W 6'h Fa birjelp jjs Hv n2jt PeoM aigam liy I It F H CALL 8 I' MS H HV AT AUOIIOV to rent want If M APR! Se’I you MON T Of Wonderful corner lot Three apartment 4" collar M2 c u H ’5 Sue e StKtllioe tn (0 BI At K coal f I U CACHE VAIIFY FARM K ( I D Iri' a' S DOG SHOW lb 7() A M a' 34 J R I Hci u Mr C Y and b g Live In one bln k tMlfili ail completely furnished ill Ifi bite lift i o t $HT nr? (17 5D0 27 E 0 h Ro Hv 4J8 I HI KS Warehouse OCT fl TH 10 70 Enfrlea will be laken all day laday M' rc 1 H Large rent the other two aitun e u? nu dre aN 860 acres rry black today Oct 4 loam 7 tret M 2 S2Q mountain on at c dl 0c id a FDISON NT t M Jt f" k iud SIT AUCTION lo IK rug’ lu w irn nr re (10 t 1558 bo 8h Fast Victor L Ojven (cs home Room for one more home on lot gretn ate ifl 137 V 1st No RU5oiE and pasture that will take care of 50 cows Ml GiMM'f Fnlt Mil I 1ST THALES M fllOROl S' f 1) G4 W st 45 f it 4th f"i on Orb East close to nth South Wr 1J 5Mh VC a re lasted summer fallowed full frci (f K Fi ItFRKR g ih ftfTters 4’j BIO CO GHHRFI) Al LR CTIOM REALTY w Special price t Income 175 00 per month trme tnjj rIob ve water It krt P) iron 8 So2i d W et implement hiclud'ng mmMne 200 at rch tld r) pap onf dre 2r i tr eouftner bed tomit $4 M MtlY few 4ppi Tor Rale f HO Furniture! Cheap few days of $Jtoo 00 4 c nu'h i a t le t)8 SO MAIN (oo 00 cash for 42J liikti- - PIANO can be irrigated balance meal dry farm t w e t an If U1ptf f irh It U Re m rrl J So McIntyre bld7 U4 Fn t fih H mth UFWFIIYN rtterpupl5 (10 10i Hvland 3B26 balance eaiy term WAS f 34 large bam rfeel granary this 'and drtv e thun u gray whs end KhIMF HenfroirThTr sale S M Unwell 1 3 lei ( onihin LriTAlh t Wafth ngion Fl I in RF vie half the value Wa can take some 10 days Rale only witn DRUG SlOKEr Southern Cam Hales ah’ it T 125 (fai range $4 (40 Itilvm bt u net t s’ov nt 4 h H nit h Flowers— Plants — Trees on mam highway Act quick aa thltrad" Md 0 io of furniture to be void in 10 will puppies for aale Stock and fixture a Io oo0 4oo00 year days Will lb Fnpdfth r lipooile lamdry 1 nmtreM I v A I INC Uut a&t d tilt g rmui table er CIIM'UI Tne ea' 7 of new 16 IvrgeM f R re and examine store stork rheap (jwnr iniIiy 4fl6 So flt h W and erl uxed furnire p t Takt half down dejk ot irftu rk in VS IN a id roe roit $30 ix 7 r UAH ''I a v cl uch n a k'i y Manila rA ture at tne In re $4u Bedoe clay dreer Fountain the ata'e et pr te gA rwi ge $8 Retail agency ne kiM I t RF1) and hack coker Bpanlfi also Bog- M 00 rl i?r 1‘ re? jj l0 InUW dll R do re 1 ' 6 V I fore vnu Farm and Denvert S end v e dollar come and KR7 store here No cut-raB r t m 427 JPh E buxines Department 77 W stud Hv7828j-fs ri jirf ir h edn g F ar K OADD18 INVEBIMFNI CUMPANT more wlun IkiU in Itxe new unpare prl e UF M 1N 7 ON kiloiiR'H Why take some real etat tn trade if OHave m park 4 room brick and tlasied ileeplnf porch jay in rteh sleet i bmi safe ( f m files tl 337 JeJ h TV ou 6094 8uuth Main bL ran I enu le Was 730 for Cl I Y Fl RNITl RE PAF7T Persian kitten for eat cheap 2040 8 F ful ot ccsere Hy 8 close to 4ih Fast M Population 10 000 encGet Oh Hollywood ave F ' f v V n A Faxt 2l‘t South (1 2ri re le C" at letlf eft Good FXiHANfK 21 2) St WetTende some exclusive ppnNY I'OoiS basement garage T‘rnn but If buyer BMAI L t ir i uK r hei r l- -d v a'l Ken 4 9 v c WI! L give wv prettv kit tn or nice moth- r h ne I'n e H' 41 5 W sdt ouxinesa have long lease Inquire g H(M r r will pay II 110 iah will sell fur $2100 f r ' n cat uu C Mreti c t hnti r in an tn er Pinna Vatrh 8364 UINTA nt BASIN someone home 11 for fin e trim 2G d pi F Ml n J r W - eru H r V G tr IF F HAIRFI) both father HY 3026 ipu y com- - BANtR Landscape” Gardening terrier pup t 10 In beat Indian Reservation sntlon 320 W AN I ID- - P odu U to it m nuf a e u kftfl TWO MONARCH RANOFS ii 4 burl er a LIKE NEW 4 Mae sf un ii Pier flrr-prl- e p umr wth it tuKOufa whiter Sid re ' ami mo'her v edent nut I er n in proved fair loO a Grim alt A ftr3 'hill lunv f 12 6 f r hi ' w a 1681 East 45tlt fix 6 Pltdiu e OWNFR Ravine tttate ImplexW 5 rm 1ft tr I)v C M N I K rAt n I r t Mx K l -- r r h r lAR I lie’ V Mia Inal I md rhii i 5 NA( li I f H E fa Banhergr 1’ m Pi ia eiv Hv ”'1 111 GARHOt SE P EXCHANGE orchatd PTORF ft and M A wheat C bnv gatden 'Si aie l r r lu as5l l'n n rd rf Ii srrJ nird close c ral b it h t 1fK 4 in rliHir lettbwse val muM iMHtute i Iivmisj fr und ivt hler wpi Hv Jfl 0 i gill on y rit 'red i ir t I re ' n ik ng $10 1 ini e w u ' e lor a -- Young bh V Vn r p e (Jt her il M A 5 I A( IivI in I m from town on good road Ownm (3 MKAGF d S no on new C HIl D S iet FOR BALE by owner 6 room f rehrtek fur Soil and Fertilizer voui if C U'o 21fuintture M5 7rd F WillJifttni e ti 'g a id sal I o w d iw la ly renr Ifv i vet li g at garage wth otte chi d wo'i'd ke to fill J F ip 4 4(w fl h HnWa Mj5fl J fir nace and giirage with coops for 1500 1 hie Waft Purn (o Hiuv Is to Met noNM D ( Ook AD detfl 5 L a to f S ri 4 riresA u room tone or am L I A in gas MAM PK a id i f d N hvered 9 f F r a i in Old I I! FA F US 7 week 410 gtrictly at a bargain er c thicken Bargain gr a H v ei Itej rat H Hy vnlnty l die price li d Ind TO nu S CO IHINti KPT m‘ room walnut dining set on trade In e Jiw 2 healer Th me Hv 1( 66 bi k a e M tn r jt er bal v I h t m 7 il fthM e $5 ca it J6I EhsI Mu n ftt modern elo le tfl N I ” 16 M 'y H MgravelO nr1 und H fiRoffRY srORF ea cheap MI PGII hke 2 e li iiMiiik lhn — (3 VJ LAI UF I HAIH CBIGCEN FAHfl Pedigreed I) I wd cornt r In clfy it ' 0 WOR FOR cAI F by OWNFR H of f ir nit nre and rndio TFR DAY n bei 4P tt IPF Kv R c jino ih H H U ' Y I fl a ft' I I h 4 i t a id t Mi'f II Wa ( o j u ntt 0 bnu j rrp for' 'f' Jt 7 j tt ihv ea p t it 4' ' New 6 room fuebrick with garage and Fn'finre be equity for (25 905 Cone ord t ownr I a other hnin's srd a with atrlcUy piod-er- n Dr Jutfireoffb HIcoGnial v r ( e abo it w $1 anil hit F H Invo Mr r r ton modern f heater in e man ft ljealer ' mk ten tOO ft of coop p ire at to tonal (3 Train FFNH rg CHAU br edn rage p g( K L full baement Holel d) nu g ix (ay he few mu n a CANARY fmiitp e Fl ri fenaen Hv UHi R p il M b e’e m t located on Yule ave must ha od b of e Hn I ofi 4 12500 hi n u i oak Ink Cates HU Hn wnlni io l a gi land furnace § p large finej-i- n porch iiin I Al? water lflatr comb pn aid StreRt Bee Mr F R AM f t si 7M '0 HAIt Ifv VirtVand toke an offer A GAL 'N of Holler 17 f loft l GA rU AM) C tMI'IN feedhouse pgg cellar cemented gixge TN M1MFNT CO (fl11 r!fiait h P) Id Id g bed Hy J 176 R Fiol oNb wi mu rlf re entire PAVl STHu UffiVCI Ml a 'e r HtuIiII la kef A 118 47 F x5t h Ro driw GAK most niodern poib e eo p for RAM'F W A! Nt 1 hnhy”be f r i W a 549 BARGAIN (2roft ftr 818 Me Intyt e B!m — V nd v at HAD r Cn Kid 2 f h l 30o iuvei on W hand a h all parapher$6 femules alf rented 61" IV t er with 9 roi m brRK nuer ami ige 8 1 x in fl nF C A N Ah II H I I M 5ING F CO 2 7 F DISC N br i hr ik h t exr ft a 'ng of all MM v room7 ftf et HouA xuitn2 ( ermpoletnn I F 5 Hr KA wonderful lrraUnn Dml 7 tic hilvef t (id GrhmI-A-M h Gl AY n 1 M Owner hna ARIf'NA ni da btmnev All k n chHP 16tf W 4th 8 iaRflE 6 h Su Hv i4H NW M rm r! o5 nf tr n it fall vVa t U I li H H r w ot k K ra Por U Ai ( u oi O ft pi in twn so will trade for in rt dsD I nn ooore Ht r M2 e n cub n! IK a Hlvinfi i r d ale st lare q W U In 4 rm NeRr e me It dis50 In bHiaain er cent and give H t f al AI t M V H rod 41Hh bungalow k t Fyt rry iter (15 c fit V l?9 Livestock for Sale 4 5 W $ftn irn tithK 4 M air H'ar Ftrtte range 4d t e Coal and Wood rr u Br keis nro'o n Hr re i'UiHI ci mt H iej mn trice N(ar iatk b Sun certainly is your T art Ai tr Jr ox vitiKnrv tnuih of tin llv m 2 7t K ? an Ar i i V it t d W rl i cname cow 15 Went Oregaon tH IF rj h ( k t n le j t jR bAlK-JirrI he a Hep new I a are the S y p t RH f f r ai rr I NI 5 SAI tul r lative n W fl No JV h )l Fi J Il It t ami '01" et h i It p 3M in excellent condition net (225 J0‘1 HiH mi d LjIMM i a rly In w ( 0 C0TTCNT7C7D ' ‘1 t ' ve jrs n e w ter l F t e M r r lab Ml ed on vi q fi in and t m nu fieftb 5 feed' T ( IMG ' 111 I I)' r 1 1 0 feet fall v Uh but I ' j 'r UH ouh Oil R oe r’t ge 29 a r I h M i‘ lame tric y modern home 8 tt t a lr 6 h F 4th Hi Miu Kl A I ID A I! K j its kliift $5 b I omi te 8eJ Of i) I’ll t F ra er b ry e rh ap 1105 Wet lid i '"H ft t Ii Fast a FtSewer and s di ( Ity GAter leaving Tie nil! ieni jinn ‘ 4i-w ! q !r r ali Kiev f 4 Rl MINI I ruN tv r (65 hi d 5 F ict A 1 FWFl ntU h iow and calf r h I I us wa k i d M Ux land all t uluvuie ( full water rant rlMO f r i h Great op iru nlty B Hv F idv Mmr S IX t ih h I aid I M I II ir Ht DINO f 4 un ) 5 f fi'll ri F f wnDhlhg el b u r up T r h le har-gii- u e! W I WO MM 50 AV Y alum wa Iialit The water Iff j greatest r d Pld i ale fiv ery VI T nee lot Y fr 3111 and r fti'e 647 t Harncsa ( Mton fi wagon m furn UK I Wit w ho nwnrr tt'ftt must to $16 bin toilatf pi yet Only MU V) each ( e jim vU a r u lulrm a me ad r J b t en t c p d ?t (I Nor' h j t ne tr b j Will trade for home In arejt r h j Tel are worth (lion Ainu f half Prl w twn P’-a V in Cnr r v w n a RI Iaf mll it U ex ri MT el i U HY 3 "2b n or e on frnnll pnvtm t ri Dun t DIMM rm table ro md J G a lent (X mil' In (Ifl S' all gtu M JAM if f ml j range iim d KAjq ( GAf HI GAR H I On s in 'nv r gll Hv 14 2 J nnd nils t‘ " So mn Ri yearling e r ntrPMlK H5MP ''d a bfuun nutl FaerJ r and H nun n mat r‘ c1( Writ ft'a bMITH RF M I Y COMPANY J FdH HALF at a hnririiln $ U (l hi i i A ( "'iii 1’ayioii VtR7 I Fin a fl ftp nea wi — sJt CN TuE and f an! ui e u t a b‘f i ii u ri) i a iu lime e me ft d ro a If n ll Realtor 6 rn m h ue buthro m h't via’er hi at tu 11 7 M jh u ( 11 Hv (5 F v' f r Mth RiNAI htiea n Jr tit d Onk e iK Irr Ut tl t ary et 't h lependM n jii gaiwee brn wild JIfM 5JiDeerer RukHMg It O h 7K1 So S'h F aU WragJ98T rk h irefl Giro ' (reu to ie duiiOlr fl 7 K lift'! Won H t t r Ffl a e btki it i 4 cl A l I e f ns n I 'I b en ' ft o her ou't i ine ra m permitCuda gra'Ic r t) ill nn t il ft t i n arn rn ftt2 Hi rihvnd e DAI r v u u k ini pm ho t nb i iw tti ri ) $ 4 t S t t t r '! r i e b ’Mg oithard mb nnd n li rr vr KN Hy and hu o rich Al M Mt ( A l or rotlc or Hw le r It f t ft o fl ro ir’ ? ( heup rapt f it er bu iM Ca II e Mi rt ' a C Hy t 04 It o ( Hern ALL ID 'HIF' V w n t i d i new m V liter Jk et r r AT r M tt GI1‘ 1n h H VII'UI t tuna gl t ' 4 4 Uh house K A r I R ACT U F I n mi hrb l r wile an s 5 ro in frn house Rhhi tt vU 4 i tt f v !i li l II il e r u ? ( im t F iu KUAN v “ 0 d f n n ft fini erl I I m d am v i ft r ge ahede etn fianbn net r MH tS '4 b y e f nc r minium tic i h m it ri 4 F I K U I ttt fA h O r hi rne Ft M I’lK od i! st rawbr t rteft i mi Wi I u b H Fslura eGo d ' e nwiar 1il take ft 0 nh fl' t h tt s Dl f u f m b ft iiims at ()tta k HHl 5? I d ' ' !M f f I ( r H i rU trio Wat water r lit end e full City M JL4ly-Wj4i- 4 vs k'lUlke io J fable wjilr V an Ht n (7 a“5lT‘rTr 7 Hwt and Ptfnn RM I 1 i lit a js i IB! Price Alt ' 4 ( OA ranted near Sandy 54 nmlft i on v my town KM A r h II 4’ 4 H Hit f 5 i u " 5J Musical Instiumcnts haemnt gL aip h oOxHO 1200 (iw ball tt M r Rembn ill’et ram I year Ps I nrp flie m ount of own r I j j t 11 KINDI ING 1 MACK DFL (luUOO term COAl BY t in vtnr ct e t tt Nn '’rid r n u'h xt ofN r h i iu ITU CAT Mfl anv 11 el n r OO msirier nv imkligr K LYMAN PMK (MK K R HY a 4 run mi 6tf3 t( in Ll ld li f fv t inwMV tf WauDftlluue ihatrs heuf L hA' MRh t nt i mt k ( t LUMNi) and M hen table RFA1 roti OWNFK leaving c’ y will w 11 equity u ii eiM art ns io- i ml w nito Qlifcy iSd Ml! y linn lj f mu r fT 1 LY pqtjij V f ( fi'c r O h n I' ’csMu nl 81 B it faaCJlflCTU t $00 tun )ii0 p a tl 65 and case J b‘ d tiiniug ruudiUon c mptetei? cr furnished I ne ' at a t a Waa UHL good 10 IrnuMou ion f M Bin m rnd rr rn ideL td lrxvon living quarter 7 Lt i La Jnd ttoW Muinu tl f0 out $1 iw too tove (2 to ttafl JJ17 li nhie Apt 1 ery t'h av rear tost ir i u k a b iU liy 4iU R it m ui dMtj will handle -j street Ntai grade sihool and L uf U ICVmUrued from saio Dexter Yaskrs UHRI8 “AfCQStCASffMArCO 8PFCIAL BUYS ON GAS AND COAL RANGES 2590 m r LOWESrPRICES ' 12BM wtx porcelain ! Are These for Poultry— - Prices? id J MISTIC MIES 'BEE ! COf drer lt lt st SAVE$r“ et "I d fE 7 pi b Score fr rh r rh Sam r(r ist 'it EN en l llTor lt p r IUNSE3' 21? u(r 't J tjiM!atdlt’'fi J (all nl et ctz i:al ” lltt )en r:'?AF:Y cm ll2 CST ueec” lee r4 r'ury niiFil n rt FATil rh ii J iltt r rne ll 'Kbi lt) il |