Show TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE JUNIOR SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 4 OCTOBER Readers of The Tribune Junior have already recognized the fact that life 14 a happy adventure in which we all have a brave share Those who contribute to the columns of our little section have acknowledged the call that one particular vocation has made to them and are beginning an adventure in journalism or art Members of the Knighthood of Youth are on an adventure in character and have smaller adventures to undertake daily To all of these then the new book “High Adventurers" by Mary R Parkman will have a social interest The volume which is published by the Century Company New York tells in a readable and Interesting way the life stories of eleven high adventurers It shows how they heaid the call to their particular adventure while tlrey were still young about your own age and recognizing this call answered it Because of their early devotion to their vocation they have become famous and are heroes to us all Edward MarDowell adventuring lu music Francis Parkman devoting his life and strength to his country 3 history the Serbian lad Mtcliael Pupin guarding cattle at night and learning to send signals through the ground thus laying the foundations of his adventuring in seience and invention Stefansson Lindbergh and Byrd blazing new trails through the air Edward Bok finding his service as a citizen of America high adventure Margaret Bondfie Id championing the cause of labor in England these and more fill up the pages of tlus book with interesting fact and lnspuing example One of the Interesting features of the book Is the way it is illustrated with clear intimate photographs Uiat bring these heroes down to the level of a real friend of our very own Wa feel that here are men and women such as we may become If we declda what we like to do and then do that! thing well 4 Frendt 6aU Lake Delbert Ntmpt Idaho Helen Monahan Balt Lake Bill Downey Eureka LeKoy Evans Freeman Salt Lake Ruth Hudson Santa BUck-fel- dt quin Dona Kone Tooele David Paul Htdee Ptovo May Nett Vance Montpelier Idaho Dorothea Lorraine Kenny Hiawatha Joyce Price Dietrich Idaho Marcaret Beth Ward Park City Verle M Greenwood Pro vo Francis Hanks Tooele Jesse H Jameson Balt Lake Delbert Calliete4 Balt Lake Lois Whyte Balt Lake OCTOBFR 6 Edward Harvey Coucher Tooele Blair Bradshaw Salt Lake Aqullla Nebeker Lake-toArtha Wood Salt Lake Preston Lew Young Salt Lake Carma Kloepfer Rupert Idaho Charles Metselaer Salt Lake Douglas Boll Salt Lake A J Newby Monroe Enid Woolsey Balt Lake Wluifred Kuns Bait Lake Cleo Mary Allen Roosevelt Willma Allan Murray Mary Luclle Madsen Salt Lake Frances Bylund Santaqutn Darlens Philip ZmerslikaL Castlegate Ogden Richfield Clarence Ooodwln Trenton Donna Lee Taylor Orangeville Maurice C Barnett Nephl Junior Jensen Sandy OCTOBER 4 Margaret Lou McCormick Ashton Idaho Sarah Kay Mona Keuna Garringer Murray David AUeman Naomi Sprlngville Shore Murray Frances Martha Estes Jack-so- n Hole Wyo R J Clay Salt Lake Marjorie Jean Folkman Jerome Idaho William 8 Barton May Idaho Helma Jack-so- n Brigham Wayne Page Balt Lake Raymond Carden 8t Anthony Idaho Betty Jo Bedell Coalville Marie Stebens Bancroft Idaho Earl Francis Morgan Melva I Oblad Park City Helen Fay 1 aching Mackay Idaho Harold Naylor Balt Lake Lisalot Mayer Salt Lake Wayne Bates Logan Mary Wesche Balt Lake LaMar Osika Park Oily Marian Skidmore Logan Delia Louise N Parker Logan Reg Charles Tripp Billie West Bingham Ibapah Mane Scartcziua Sunuyside OCTOBER 7 OCTOBFR 4 Claudia Bernice Holt Balt Lake Harry Mangus Rains Pilar Arriaga Hailey Idaho Jack Rockwood Brigham Lloyd F Bowen Colllnslon Ellen Btyler Oasis Jimmie Jar-re- tt Salt Lake Marjorie Bee Oowans Tooele George A Fanuccl Muntello Nev Evelyn Allen Pocatello Idaho Irene Ruth irk Rupert Idaho Bob Hewitt Kcetley Harold Peterson Salt lake Oda Dailey Tcasdale Charles Rees Adamson Garfield Lucille Evans American Idaho Spencer Elmo Nelson Preston Idaho Beth Ar-liTaylor bait Lake Angelo Bavarine Balt Lake Jean McIntyre Price Mabel Okelberry Goshen Dorothy Taylor Salt Lake Marjorie Merisel Provo Dorothy Me&cham Richfield Kenneth Turnbow Salt Lake Thella Rolling Lyman Wyo Shirley Jenseq Murray Betty Ely Morgan Phyllis Bernlson Salt Lake Fred HammllL Salt Lake Alvin Peterson McGill Nev Elaine Thome Richfield Dana Grant Spnngvllle Virginal 8pencer bait Lake' Eleanor Mcrlde Fillmore Joseph S Rollins Lyman Wyo Thomas Balt Lake Dott Schofield Roy Flizabeth Derason Wcudover Evelyn L Wilson Murray Shirley Jensen Murray Toss Cherrlngton Sprlngviile Wendell Bentley Teasdale Norma L Carter Park City Bobby Anderson Salt Lake Bob E Ricks Felt Idaho Golds Knox Columbia George B Johnson Tootle Gall Lee Hoyts vllle Melvin Woolf Salt Lake Beverly Tooele George Smalley Sait Lake Jack Child Sprlngviile Ruby Jor geruen Balt Lake OCTOBER 9 Joe Barlow Salt Lake Beth Richard Balt Lake Marjorie Chester Henry Idaho Max R McFarlane Pleasant Grove Rulon Waite Southfield Marian wilcox Salt Lake Clea Wajj Salt Lake Harold Craggs Jr Idaho Palls Idaho Hose Deseret Wright Coalville Hubert E Stevens Woods Cross Robert Brown Salt Lake Myrth Prke Dietrich Idaho Dorothy Lubliu Salt Lake Phyllis Devenport Balt Lake Beth Markham Spanish Fork Jack Lund Magna HarLamonda Hansen Ferron Cath-rin- e rington Salt Lake Marian Wilcox Salt Lake Florence Easterbrook Eureka Marjorie Gillespie Balt Lake Jejjrl Gale Soldier Summit Edith Tinder Soldier Summit Bernice HilL Elko Nev Arden Olsen Sait Lake Sara Aaxard Utvertan Eudella Hum- Willard Wilkinson Balt Ehries Ogden OCTOBER 10 DeEtta Meuser Sugar Idaho Elsie Pearson bait Lake Ruth Berry Mammoth Margaret Austin Bingham Alern Bateman Bait Lake Bertha preseott Henefer Shirley Iso-b- el 8uow Orangeville Oters Werrett Silver City Bruce Cooper Allyn Plt Lake Kenneth Patten Parson Geraldine Anne Tan Doro-th- ey Ogden Richard Beacham Tooele Tervort Payson Bobby Bills Price: Ruth Clark Stromberc Duchesne Keith Belnap Salt Lake Buddy Smith Salt Lake Aahlon Kenneth Nebtker Salt lake Mador lelne Jean White Burmester William Kill-paDriggs Idaho Annie L MrKnlxht Shafter Nev : Lucille Noorda Sait Lake Iorothy Shipley Salt lake Newell Barnes Karsvllte Chleo Shield Mohrland Rnma Anderson Black foot Idaho Byddy Gibbs Indianola Rupert Idaho Lue 8pencer Richard O Crandall Halt Lake Brrnell Winn 8mithfleld Dorothy Maher Balt Lake Stella Jean Fisher Balt Lake 4- - Knighthood Yells at Here are a few yells you might use your Knighthood meetings: Rah' Rah! Rah! Knighthood of Youth Sis boom bah! Honor and truth: Keep on fighting— wrongs Success sighting — Rah! Rahl Knighthood For Keep on trying Knights of Youth Don t get blue or lose your nerve From your goal don't ever swerve Keep trying! Hurrah for Knighthood Character club— Slay bad habits Itub a dub dub nwsATirn mar knight OARET DUDLEY bait Lake City Utah rae TLrfc Lives of Heroes Pictured Well In New Book AMY’S DRAWING WINS FIRST Bobby 1931 Those of you who are keeping Knighthood scrap books will be delighted with this lovely picture drawn by Knight Amy Nakashuna The castle with its pointed towers Is a symbol of the aspiration that leads us all upward and onward The handsome knight who we just know is as brave as a lion and the lovely princess are the embodiment of beauty and courage This was Without question the finest drawing sent in for our contest this week Adell Reese Salt Lake drew “The Happy Knight" a symbolic sketch for which she was awarded second place Fames Kenner Salt Lake submitted a drawing of two knights fighting as did also LaMar Reese Both boys were awarded third place Honorable mention was given to Page Rose Uydea Salt Lake for her “New Members for the Knighthood of Youth” — f—— ' The Editor Chats a Little A letter from Genevieve Sir vert (suggests that we start a “Book Nook” In which members can teli about booto either old or new that they have read We thing-- this would be very nice and will try it If you people will send in your reviews We think a good book review ought to be worth 75 pornts so we will award that much for each one we publish Now we have done our part let's see you do yours sign his name Hugh Hugh Is a new member of our club and has contributed a poem already Who would Ui Ink that Arval Grover creator of Buzz s Trixie was once ‘scared to death” of a dog But it s the solpmn truth Areal's motlier tells us that he used to run and hide every time he saw a dog even if it was only a fat little waddly puppy! Time etianges us Arval has been drawing cartoon ffjr “The Ojien Road” receiving mention each month for hi work bers dressed like tins take their pictures and send them to us will you? Ikhi-orab- le Knight Banneret Patricia Oondon was hostess recently to 'Betty of Jersey City N J Betty went to kindeigarten with Patricia a few years ago when this little member lived in New Yoik Patiicia was happy to entertain lier old companion and to get the latest New York gossip at first ltand Do you remember Rirhard Rucken-tiro- d who used to write poetry for The Tribune Junior? Well Rlctiard has appeared on the horizon again as Tribune scliool editor for Roosevelt Junior high school Junior Judd of Ruert IcLUio has started to school and haa learned to We hope we have a number of little brother and sister Knighthood members who are wearing these cunning brother and sister suits Wouldn't they look adorable with their K of Y badges on their shoulders the girl in short skirt and Jersey and the boy In a similar Jersey and shorts? If you see any tiny K of Y mem- Knight Wilma Sorenson Salt Lake was In Uve office the other day wearing a spiffy Empress Eugenia hat In the new Sanish tile shade Against her blond curls and pink cheeks Uie hat with its curling feather was adorable Wilnta takes the feather for being the first menilier to let us sec her in these cunning new liahv Tage Beverly Pickett wants to take dancing lessons and has gone about this with charaetertsLlc good sense Beverly lias visited a number of dano-luclass s with little friends and when she talked to us could tell us the chief characteristics of each teacher's method Bhe will get a lot out of her lessons If she keeps on as Intelligently as slie lias begun Grapefruit derives Its naiiie from the fact that the fruit grows In Clusters Tlie first cnnal In the Florida 'Everglades was constructed nearly 40 years ago by Henry Dlsiton Historical Event You Should Know Has Anniversary This week October 7 to be exact the anniversary of the stamp act You will remember readcongress ing in your American history how Grenville proposed the stamp art to parliament as a means of raising money to repair the damage done by the war with France Grenville invited certain members of the colonies to thing of a better easier way to tax these colonists He promised that all the money so derived would be spent only in the colonies to defray tire expenses of the past war and to pay for a small Standing army This act was passed by parliament and was to come into effect on tha fxrst of November 1765 or as soon as they were able to authorize agents In the colonies for the distribution of the British stamps Franklin )xks for such a position for a friend of his At a meeting to talk thLs and other laws over a young lawyer by tho name of Patrii k Henry gave a memorable sjieech against such acts that so stirred the people that even tha papers talked of separation from England The people were enraged at not being able to vote their own taxes in the various communities In Boston the people hung an effigy of their dtstrict stamp seller and burned tho Office he Intended to use on the first of November They partly wrecked Governor Hutchinson s beautiful house and scattered his books and papers in the street One of tho finest documents was rescued from the mild and preserved in a museum where it still bears the marks of tho Is mud Very soon the statesmen saw tho need of a congress to decide wlvio should be done about thLs unjust art So on October 7 1705 27 membeis of nine colonies met and composed a “deriaratlon of rights and prley-anc” They denied the legality of the stamp tax or any other tax so Imposed uiarn the colonists They sent separate letters to both houses of parliament and to the king the repeal of an unjust tax Finally in 1760 the law not ivnx 1 year old was repealed es OFRALDTNE U I EVERT Modena |