Show 1 1 1 rp srjp i i m dl The Weather ! Local Metal Prices tTAH and 4 WYOMING— Sunday Monday generally fair coolrr Sunday NEVADA — lair mild Sunday Monday IDAHO— Fair Sunday Monday unsettled (Detailed Report on Page tleven-B- Sliver Copper ) YOL 123 NO 173 SALT LAKE ClTY SUNDAY MORNING L D S MISSION HIGH PRICE OF Solon Calls HEADS PLEAD DOLLAR AIDS Hoover Foe FOR WORKERS SILVER CAUSE Of Silver (Br United Press) Writer Cites Need of Churchmen Point OuVPq (q’q Opportunities to Ex- - rrr ’’0111 pand Religious Fold NaJ) ail III Feature Day’s Topic ernacle The mission heads told the seven or eight thousand church members who attended the sessions that the time is particularly ripe for carrying their religion over the world and that effort expended now would be richly rewarded "In the words of Dickens” said Arthur Welling president of the north central states mission “It Is the best of times it Is the worst of times It Is the best of times to send out missionaries both from the standpoint of what they can accomplish and from the standpoint of expense” Latter-da- y Saint families he said with a son unemployed should make every effort to Bend him on a mission The expense he added of supporting a missionary in the field would b little more than support- tional Leader to Espouse of Return HARLAN Kyt Oct S (FI — Mrs Frances Williams 32 deputy circuit court clerk was In a serious condition and Mrs Mose Howard 40 wife of the circuit clerk was on bond as the result of a shooting on a street here today Two One bullet shots were fired struck Mrs Williams In lung in a leg and the other No motive for the shooting was advanced by authorities Mrs Williams and her husband are divorced and Mrs Howard has been separated from her husband several months Reports on Progress in Foreign Nations and second semiannual church conference in the tab- 1 Bimetalism Gun Affray SPEAKERS URGE MORE ACTIVITY Describing the present period of economic and political uncertainty as conducive to a worldwide spiritual revival mission presidents of the L D S church urgently appealed for intensified activity in the mission field at the Saturday sessions of the one hundred Na-- Oct Economic conditions in this country will grow steadily worse IRteatl01nal conference is the purchasing power of the silver countries particularly the Orient Senator Key Pittman Democrat Nevada said today WASHINGTON untan SL OCTOBER 4 1931 U t nenucing TRANS - PACIFIC Demo-Ynde- -P- 4 40 685c Zlne 365 RICE TEN CENTS UTES OVERWHELM MARVEL AT BY ELEVEN IDAHO FAIR DISPLAY SCORE OF 52 TO 0 Collect Aggies BYUBeat Armstrong’s Men Run and Wild silver Cougars returned today from the Orient as sertlng that President Hoover is the principal obstacle to such & confer Outplay Aggregation enre He announced he would call his committee together in a few days to draft a report “What Utah makes—makes Another committee member Senator Claude L Swanson Dem- Utah!" ocrat Virginia disclosed that this Thousands of spectators summer he urged unsuccessfully the of nations the upon league thronged to the opening of the fifty-thir- d calling of such a conference Utah state fair SatChairman W E Borah of the for marveled at the and urday eign relations committee vesteiday resources and urged international bimetalLsm upon widespread President Hoover Pittman said thelproducts of this state bril- lowertiIJ6 of monpy standards in many uantiy displayed in such pro- has "destroyed" our for eign trade "How cim a Chinese in Shanghai RUt0m0blle he de n°r Home Farmers Use Touchdowns Eight Montana Nevada both eminent both veteran! western and differing only in that Senator Walsh S Walsh of Montana is a crat while Senator Borah is at "Two years ago a car laid down There are horses and cattle and which is not 'there f°r $500 gold could be bought sheep and pigs minerals and vegRepublican for $1000 silver and many were sold etables grains— a million and one much of a difference at all Today they are $2250 in silver FLIERS HOP OFF both FOR SALT LAKE Investigating PAGES Lead CROWDS Plltman chairman of a special sen ate committee SO 28c BIG BACK LEADS AS YARD GAINER Romney’s New Offense With Tell- in All Local ing Effect Departments Line B Y U IS NEVADA U 14 MONTANA STATE UTAH S AC 6 6000 21 Aggregation’s In vincible Contest See By EARL E HOLMES -A RENO Nev Oct fighting team of Cougars defeated Nevada Manpower as only champions can produce permeated theTast half! "this’ utah university eleven's mas 'moneof the Utah Aggies afternoon dium wildest games ever seen on the loeal won their first conference terful 52 tO 0 Walloping hand-tu- rf The passing and running plays Lame Saturday afternoon over ed a lighter College of Idaho l0r the Wer t0° m 6 The team Saturday in the 1931 woiTpLck (Montana State conference schooh'game mountain Rooky during the first quarter home debut of the Rockywill have to reckon with the eveniy matched with the'Mountaln conference titleham otS the" season1 Aggies Threatening rain starting off scoring holders ured Yrthe?penmg as beln(? weati the Cougars showed their first touchdown after the Clouds kept the Opening day’s every sign today against Nevada uni- first 4 minutes’ play football crowd to 6000 fans versity of being a threat in the mounDuring the first quarter the who cheered the Caldwell tain title race Aggies were successful in making team’s futile effort to halt In Wilson Shober and six first downs as compared with the Cougar) have a trio of two for Montana In the second Utah’s touchdown marches 3- 21-- Brig-w- as interesting displays Every section h of the state Is represented and numerous other states from east to again this afternoon they slipped Crashing over the goal line four quarter a real ball game devel- times west have sent exhibits through and around tho Nevada Captain Frank Christensen Bobwas for which all the on to oped anybarks enough plav good Even the children have special cats On several line smashes big and team Time end football body’s displays of their own and the and displaying some mighty good back led the yardage parade of the lines for gains that brought the limb now pet show of school children from football Keenan scored the only Utes All told Coach Ike Armstrong to feet stands their “I know of no obstruction to an third to eighth grades attracted grid prides bullied the Idahoans up Cat touchdown (Br Associated Press) at for ends and Robison Eggertsen international conference but the and down the field for eight touch- flocks of youngsters who attend- the SAMUSHZRO Japan Oct 4 a sensational The this crowd at their thrill downY got plaved Cougars of the United States” of the fair ed the president day opening the Nevada punter on point of the game when a swaripl day) — Clyde Pangbom and Hugh Team Displays Power No governments except Great Brit White mice vied with goats game rushing Herndon American pilots took off of abLCk°eer rushed ln Bnd blocked Lel?ahmrt & aln and France opposed a stiver con guinea hens with rabbits for atten“ The Nefada hke ntahttacmiteTf' at 7 01 a m today (5 01 p m Sat ference when the senate last spring tion while adding their cries were hit so hard by the' Parke s place kick for the tj Ing P“bfa'fihneYa safety men one caU he said to Hoover Mr asked chickens canaries sheep turkeys urday E S T) on a nonstop transpa P?inLil02'Br!?SaLe'?teLdLlpiay: ber as the JoLhed eleven that adding that the attitude of Great ducks and of course cats and dogs ®ll’L!nd to hold the cific flight from Japan to the United droppingdng some beautiful work let down crushed the Utah Aggies on ThanksBritain and India has now changed all proudly displayed by youiniui t flve times duringpigskin the game with in the third quarter when the States giving day ln the 1930 season's finale "I am satisfied” Pittman added owners Cougars recovering gies started their overhead attack But the man power Is there— and “that bad as conditions are now In They planned to fly at least to Se Fair ' (Continued on Pune Three B Col One) on Pme Two-Col Ftht History (Continued Largest therein lies the satisfied look that which are due directly to foreign attle 44G5 miles If their gasoline hisin the is The the fair could largest not be disguised as bantering markets for surplus products they held out they Intended to continue to left the Ute stadium Satwe tory of the state it was announced spectators worse will until on steadily grow adPass (Contlnued Nlns) could be ing him at home He before dusk by W C Winder president of the via Wenatchee Lake Utah Salt (Column Three) our urday un no markets just have City for surplus am of vanclng the cause the church be Wash and Boise Idaho a total of Utah State Fair association for the The Utes have another championIs done ” less something would his the burden upon family 12 years ship team this yearl Unemployment will Increase If the last increased very little if at all he de- 5205 miles and break the world recexhibits livestock That may be calling the turn Is not met he said silver question clared ord of 5011 miles prematurely but one needs only to He said a higher prire for silver are the greatest feature according Crowd Fill Tabernacle see the strength underneath Utah's The long distance record was made would inflate money but added "in- to Ernest S Holmes the fair’s genBoardman and John The fair this year unpolished preseason attack— Ike s flation is the only thing in the world eral manager George S Romney president of by Russell New York to silver lining behind the clouds — and will Increase commodity prices" embraces the western regional Jernorthern states mission echoedllando who flew from that i 49 hours 20 min a partial answer to the 1931 outlook DENVER Colo Oct 3 (2P)-The silver questions he said has sey show one of the four sponsored the same appeal stating that thejlstanbul Turkey m30 on the hill may be drawn Rios seemed to be deriving more so far been nonpartisan and as many each year by tha American Jersey thousands of unemployed present a utes arriving July Faced Hard Assignment ’ than the usual satisfaction fiom his Republicans as Democrats favor ac- Cattle club Face Many Hazards serious challenge to th religious By HARRY J BROWN Anse Cornell's Coyotes Coach world garden In wUl of It the tion be "but an yesterday issue teachers the Entries ln the Jersey competition Pangbom and Herndon 'carried “That tackled a tough assignment when (Tribune Correspondent) The Saturday sessions comfort- neither radio life belts nor collapsi garden she pays me $5000 campaign If negligence allows the outside of Utah are principally from he boasted ASHINGTON Oct 3— On December 7vtwo months hence they trotted out upon the Held Police looked country to go to wrack and rum” Oregon California and Idaho Other ably filled the tabernacle Sunday ble rubber boats Their monoplane soon the Utes the final Bay Is expected to draw a have come from without pontoons for floating UP quotations on corn and beans and entries livestock the Seventy-secon- d congress will meet for the first timeJcaTiwU eleveTpittedYts' young"‘grid 'decided Pete was a little high on much larger attendance and prepa-'Upo- n Texas ater as far away as Michigan In to state Washington and proceed at once organize But no one 'personnel against Washington rations are being made for overl They planned a course of tremen ihl® estlmtae Kansas and the Dakotas Open class 01 thp a fine hfllOPR l'anird Lry iS?!lee' chamPl01 flow crowds dous hazards For 700 miles they Investigation disclosed livestock judging will begin Mon- even at this late date can say with certainty which party 41-drub0 r takings i bing The first speaker of the morning were t0 the volcanic Kurile crop of marijuana concealcdjn the LWCOLN Nob Ckt S Mh— Bl day morning in the coliseum will organize the new con-- i s session was James E Talmage teams metalism the campaign cry of Wll of Japan often fog obscured ippnpJ' f? lls corn PatrlL Pee Col One) High school Judging (Continued on Pm Two-current prices Pete s estl-jat her of the council of twelve apostles Thence thev expected to swing out ln Jennings Brvan in 1896 was club member and Future Farmers low was mrt of value Chances favor organiHis text was profanity and he gardens Republican for mountainous the the pacific Ten) (continue! nn p zation of the senate although that borted the members of the church Aleutian Islands of Alaska If vtsi police said does not Imply Republican control to reverence the name of God In bility were good they planned to fol after organization It Is a tossup £iMniiin!imiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii!aiiminitiiniiinminitiiiiniiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiimiimiHiwmunimiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiHiMi)ttiiiiiiiinaiiiiiinnit(mpinimimamtiiHiHKiii low the chain for 900 miles until they as to which party will organize the sighted Dutch harbor house as many factors enter Into I But if they encountered storms or that prospect Thus far fate has fog af ter passing Attu Island w estern PHOENIX Arlz Oct 3 GD-made no change In partly lineup 'New I Ork G O P Solon most of the Aleutians they were to Jennie Rutledge 55 who beat her nor have the special elections so far hold to a compass course north of the mother to death because she rePredicts ‘Progrcaaive’ held to fill vacancies caused by the islands and then swing ln a great fused to eat bread and milk was death of members elected in Novemcircle southward across the Gulf of convicted of manslaughter today by ber 1930 Fight for Increase Alaska to the Washington coast a superior court Jury which delibWEST ORANGE N J Oct 3 (UP) At the moment there still remain Prize Spurs Attempt hours erated nine and one-haMx house vacancies to be filled —Thomas Alva Edison noted Amer WASHINGTON Oct 3 (UP) The evidence against Mrs RutVery little land lies ln this gTeat 11 vacancies caused lean inventor and scientist was said been hav there etc Act the of Statement the circulation ownership management was based on testimony of required by waste of water For much of the Of Prediction that the independent or ledge tonight to be "sinking rapldlv" al distance the airway Is Isolated from by death since last November of Congress of August 24 1912 of The Salt Lake Tribune published daily who sain they saw neighbors "no Immediate members elected five members of at the house the though there wa special propressiv throU(?h a and Sunday at Salt Lake City Utah for October 1 1931 in(loWi Mrg Rutledge the sparsely traveled shipping lanes so Demo- w'ould try to force elections all have cause for alarm” been far of adoption Pacific and sweating her mother Mrs Alice Pyle to vacrats "The mental condition of Edison At this season the Northare elected fill Democratic — m of Lake of State Utah County Salt 000 000 tax last April 17 A coroner's Jury increase bill whipped He has been unable to Bering sea frequently Is clouded cancies Of the remaining vacan- $750 Before me a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid personally hidden and dld M th rf8U4 by fogs gales idrided by fective on this Sloane incomes week" John year's cies four are in normally Republiread the past ' by lot the beating appeared H F Robinson who having been dulv sworn according to law depots and two Demo- threatening can to districts are and the delay Is S he the of appropriation that the Lake Salt and be that Tribune The following Sentence wilt says general manager peed next week cratic In only one of th six bills was made today by Represen-tati- v is to the b(jst of his knowledge and belief a true statement vf the ownei-dilmanageTokyo newspaper Asahl for the first is thera any apparent chance ment (and if a dally paper the circulation) etc of the aforesaid publication for the Fiorella H Laguardia Repub(Continued On Pat Six ) of a possible overturn and that is date shown In the above caption required bv the Act of August 24 1912 embodied In (Column Five) the Longworlh district in Cincinnati lican New York section 411 Postal Laws and Regulations printed on the reverse of this form to wit long a Republican stronghold Laguardia said the "progressives" 1 That the names and addresses of the publisher editor managing editor and Lineup Remains Intact would meet in November to outline business managers are The claim of former Congressman their program as "it is obvious that Publisher Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Company Salt Lake City Utah Kunz Democrat that he and not the progressives would have to take YORK Oct 3 W— Tw-- DenH General manager F Robinson Balt Lake City Utah Peter C Granata Republican was the initiative in putting the country verNEW AND VICINITY LOCAL men who asserted permits to Fdltor O B Ileal Salt Ike City Utah riulv elected to congress from the out of debt " firearms were not required ln Crowds marvel as stats fair opens Managing editor O Harvey Hancock Salt Lake City Utah eighth Illinois district last Novem He will propose for approval of carry their home city were in the lineup Fife I Business manager T J Mullln Salt Lake City Utah not her will affect the in-- t tins a party detailed of lineup eluds Page group killers police system Bandit police headquarter today on mliaion-arle- a (Continued on Pt Pour) Church pleads for mor creasing taxes on large incomes and charges of possessing two 38 caliber 2 That the owneT Is- (If owned bv a corporation Its name end address must be Column One) Convict Former Jurors Pare luxuries revolvers found last night in their stated and also Immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning Threa Utah frid loams win Pae I that there hotel room Laguardia estimated or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock If not owned by a corporaTriton Inmate of Killtnlted States srrki fourth man in be memleast would seventeen "at tion the names and addiesses of the individual owners must be given If owmed by a yhe men described themselves as bank embetilement Pag hers of his group which would art JUUI Kla vans 41 a salesman of 429 Two Sisters firm company or other unincorporated concern Its names and addresses as well as those NATIONAL ing in refusing to be bound by parties Klfte-pnh street Denver and of each Individual member must be given ) Hlh price of dollar helps silver of the nd leg" 'iard 'vpHt' 30 n vior’ °f 1639 X0UIv!vo-KanualloLake City Utah Salt Fas I Lake Salt Tribune Publishing Company NFWKIRK Okla Oct 3 (TV-- A Hoover lor lark Solon blame lllncoln street Denver Both admlt- Kearns Corporation Salt Lake Citv Utah Even if the group is not this large ted tnelal aid Pie district court jury convicted Earl Mrs JennleuJ Kearns Salt Lake City Utah ownPrship of the revolvers but merger lantle Railroads bal-8he raid it wall have enough of a d urje Quinn former Missouri convict Mrs Helen Kearns Gabollinl Burlingame Californio they did not realize they wer Decem-ibcFae 2 r anre nf Pulv pr ln ttlP ' Pnt of dlU(- - violating I°r e murder late last aronaeo the law Fdmund J Kearns Salt Lake City Utalu 7imi ‘Sliimn’ Soinlor Coofreas outlook e blit ed house to carry its program of and Yexia Griffith — — Thomas F Kearns Salt Lake City Utah P1 ' He believes that with the expected Blackwell sisters who were brutally VSORID NFWS FIv Remarks Moon barChinese to liberalization of rules it will be easilv their si hools 3 sgm while returning That the known bondholders mortgageea and other security holders owning or Japanese planes bomb e from a Christmas vacation at home tarki Pare 2 Sun Plav Tricks possible to got proposals out of holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds mortgages or other securities are: Pan°borU Plan ’ Herndon 8 to Contnue to Utah if Gas Holds Out (Sun-Borah- s Senator Walshs statement as summarized In a terse headline Sees Revival of Silver Question" and his specific prediction as summarized was: "revival of the silver issue which made the presidential campaign of 1806 one of the bitterest In American history” Senator equivalent statement (made ftProj??? ° tlle action of Britain about its currency) was that “the gold standard has failed the money Question will be one of the Issues of the next presidential campaign ” The writer of this article wishes to sav carefully that he is not— at least1 not jet— disposed to assent w holly to this prediction But the writer of tMs arUclemost emphatlcally does Po-th- e “If we are ever going to reestablish trade with China and other countries who have no gold and can't stay on the gold standard we've got to act quickly This country and France are out on m broad-shoulder- Ses Ag-th- e Marijuana Brings Farmer’s Arrest Congress Outlook Blue-blood- Arouses Interest Fete -- ’ mem-usiad- 4-- CONGRESS TAX Jal1-A- B Verdict Convicts BATTLE NEARS Woman of Killing The Tribune's Circulation Ownership and Management Mra lf ( ef-I- iSS dls-trlc- ls Police Hold Two Summary of The Tribune For ’Toting’ Guns SLAYER FACES DEATH 1Z-- - 1 VISITORS END 12-- B CANYON ’ 1 Jo-si- j British election battle grows Par for Salt Lake World filers leaf Fare (old suspensions tion Pare 1 promise vaat reac- C FEATl'RKA AVn PFPARTMPNTS Pares B to B Rports section C Heal estate Par tdltorlals Here In th Weft Forum letter Par Music dram -- C and and th screen Pes The death sentence was Imposed JamPS Mathers defense- - attorney Immediately filed a motion for a new trial Judge John S Burger presiding received the request and set October B as date on which to hear the motion Illinois (irain Men Mines oil stocks and markets Pares I C to ll-- C to 10-Hoc let v section Pares Pare 11-The (arden (ate n DECATUR 111 Ort 3 W)- -A srll-I‘Pat "Flower of Thorns " serial Pare advertlslnt Classified prlcea-- r I s e to II B adopted by six farmers at a croaa AllPPlFMFNTI roBd meeting near Macon 111 Inal Tribune Junior world’s best Tuesday haa spiead through eight Twelves pares of th pentral Illinois counties and gained ronili s Tha movement la Marailn section with B F James 750 adherenta Ooi er spreading to Indiana Art and literature pare Fannie Hurst ‘Thlnts Well leave” VI I VA It N 1 1 GAL I’OST Kathleen Norris "Hard Time Hare " 1 hrlr xlher I Inlnr " WASHINGTON 0 t 3 V) Te O O Milntvre "Just a Few was Sullivan Spurn Low Prices slogan toy appointed today diatrlrl attorney for th be ond die Huber! I ft pier's DfllfT If Or WOl AlnMui II of trlrt pucreedi Julhi fashion pare iisisiasstiiasiBasssBiBiiBisssiasuti H Hart jealgned for a vote None Tliat the two paragraphs next above giving the names of the owners stockholders and security holders If any contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they apear uxm the books of the conimny but a loo ln cases where the stockholder or secuaity holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or ln any other fiduciary relation the name of the ixrvn or corporation for whom such trtL'ee Is acting 1s given also that the said two paragraphs cdutaln statements embracing affiants full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditloas under which stockholders and wx urltv holdeix who do not appear upon the books of the comivany as trustees hold txx k and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner and this affiant has no reason to believe that anv other person avwx lation or corporation has anv Interest direct or indirect in the said otock bonds or other securities than as so stated by him 4 That the average number of copies of each Issue of tills publication or dudrlbuted through the malls or otherwise to paid subscribers during the six months piecedtng the date shown above Is Sunday only A 5 Hold 52571 71152 T ROBINSON General Manager Bworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of October 19 tl ALMA A fit LA NOT R Notary Public (Beal) (My commission expire January 18 1932) And w ith a defu il than $ OOO 000 000 in that the utmost whuh can be lent from government expenditures (of mrne 1 pros-Ipe- it President's Wife Christens Plane By th Senator From Nandplt (Xpeelal U 7he Tribune) WASHINGTON Ocf 2 O-ZION CANYON Oct 3— Well the is about $100 ()()() OIK) Herbert Hoover will ehrlsten "Th out-ua statement vlaltlng road officials and I drove issued Laguardia American Clipper" tho huge Slkors-- i Zion canyon a few miles and lining his plans attaikmg the ky amphibian plane that will eerv for the miat to rise from the snance of long teim bonds as ln" ns the flagship of the Fan American Great White Throne defensiblc " Airways fleet One of the party (I think It was 1 he coremonv will take place hero Bub Relndollar of Maryland) October 12 with delegates to th that in ihe presence of sueh Fan Amei lean commeielai confermighty works of nature no one but ence in attendance a politician could feel Important I1 won t attempt to describe the scenery I haven't the vocabulary Upon seeing a lot of eactus pears IKXINGTON Ky Ort s (n somebody mentioned that the filer was leans made meeral out of them so1 I picked "one and then spent Uielkl lp'1 '1PI" lat '1My In' an air rate leaped chsi ns tha plane rest of the nfternoon picking the! Ort 3 Ul — crashed but was loo close to the FMRHANKS Ala-kneedles out of my hands Caliand Don Movie Miss Weiden of San Fiamleio ground for his psiaihiite to open (Vnl Allen S velet fornia a minis who filled m an plane fell nem the sister of O R Warden Montana The non-toflight cornmleslonei sahl that the mv ices ana’ hospital about a mile from Ihe tempted Lund was hopped off a noon today foe 'I ai in the anvnn walls gave her the local all port and burned Mnnfntd and oia Wash via Whitehorse Yukon "willies" She enuldn t help think lartng with Ciotty then planes i lashed hut Munfoiil Weithri leports wero that '- Ifni (Con! InuM nn ’tiuns wers favor Ala without lnjui) (Column 'Hurt! p Air Race Pilot Dies in Crash 1 California Fliers Hop for Tacoma ’ p o- condi-Uaoip- iinimitmwnmitiliiiiit) iit)HiiiiMiiMnHiiMiiiiiit)iiiiiimmuiiMi(iniiiniiimiiiiiKiiniiimmnHmimiiit)iiimiiHii()iiimiiiiiiniMmiiimc)miimiiiinmimiimi)mi(iiiinitimmmim T- rd |