Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER Statistics OBITUARIES COL E C JENKINS AUCT £8 BEDS PIANOS BED-BRI- William D Justice HARUACI 5TEPHT H BA VAGI’ LICENSES 39 CXrtrn Jimmy Hannah Knocks Out Star Cowboy Club Loses by 0-in Tenth To Creighton THELMA KNU1SS 23 William D Justice 66 of 46 East Broad- Jm111'' s4'i8t W3v proptitor o( th Black Diamond coal rard died at I 05 a m Saiutda at a lo- -a 85 C ’ DnuTHDMrFE?'i cal hospital following a year illnes I3TH SO MONDAY 10 31 A M In general dibilit suiting This It a tremendous sale E RICHARDS i Mr Junto c"ARUC3 Chieii h Somerset born in county cribs k length etc 60 18 Portland ANNELTGPPINO Ore justnesses ama July 9 1865 and cam to Balt ' HAROID D SUDWEEKS 31 pianos 34 chairs 13 wire chairs 14 chil- Pennsyh Kitnoerly aso dren s chairs 30 stools radio 4 sew ma- Lake 13 yt arsare Idaho In his widow who lives Surviving chines 4 dressers many tables display and Mrs Vivian Groom who RACHEL NEWMAN 18 Jerome Idaho SAN FRANCISCO Oct 3 MV-DriviIns In Neetc lot heavy drapes D 8PFNGPR 40 Salt Lake braska six grandchildren and hfs mother FRANK 37 Orace Idaho IDFLLE MEDFORD qier a ternlic right hand to Mrs Mary Pierce of Bushnell III BLANKETS BEDDING the Jaw after being badly outclassed QI FN PACKMAN 34 Pa’t Lake WILMA JAMES 18 Balt Lake In the earlier sessions Jimmy Han- G Jill 4 1931 Fighter k"'! 3 D turf RESULTS and ENTRIES LATOMA RESULTS -- First rce furlong— Lt Dt (H 32 M won Schulte) 112 15 24 33 40 Monks Fox (Elston) 113 33 80 32 66 second Grand Union (C Meyer) 115 32 42 third Time 1 13 Also ran— Good Time Boy Mad Finn S de Step B g Blue NowaU I rim th Makanda Don t Touch Second race six furlongs — Low Gear (J 15 316 54 $3 38 won Smith) lo 98 bth W 115 Spanish Old Puppet 115 Marldel 115 115 PhrMlParade 115 Star 115 Ethel Win 115 Rose Blossom UpH Ann 116 Shirley Gray 115 aEmma 115 ir Huskers Fall Before Drive Of Wildcats Dear 115 Hawkins entry aLalr Hukill Pourth race $1200 claiming mile and a sixteenth— Keneihaw 107 Best Ace 112 Sun Mask 113 June Bush 104 107 Black Stockings 107 Tommy Woian Boy 112 Monkey Shine 113 Judgb Leuders 107 Belen 109 Lucky Carter 108 Ben Blair no is 62 12 84 second 107 Dark Dawn 112 AnryiEistou''Morrlsonl' bo third in 54Dean Fluid Ooat in Last fc8dy Fifth race $1200 cla’ming ETC 5 Champt Gold and up mile and an eighth— Bide A Wee Big Otto A Ais? L‘?p!’ nah of Pocatello Idaho knocked out! OGDEN 105 Shark Pairy Ring Uncle Henry 103 OVER 100 BLANKETS LOT BEDSpectacular 102 Chatson 103 41 of 3198 Eighth Chrlstlnlc Otto Albert mid-- 1 race six furlongs— Don Ieon (H 108 Oeorge Smith 103 Oo To It sensational Nolnam 23 North Ogdsa: Weber SPREADS RAYMOND Minutes ETC ORTON Harry negro Lot utensils pictures Fast street a Wins Wxominz Over I11!1 Touchdowns S3 78 10 2 30 carpenter and foimerly cuswon 102 Riff Raff no Host 111 Show Down 32 90 lee grUl booKcaes etc 19 Orden ELAINE McARTHUR die weight of New York In the tenth todian of the Forest school died at ft local HAN8 !‘Ep'iVt’fr 110 13 36 32 58 sec110 Vermtcuhte 108 A ANDFRAON 23 Osden hospital at 8 05 a m Saturday of heart of round 110 here ond Bla Business ( Morrison 32 46 their bout last ELEC BREAD MIXER 19 11200 race RUTH TELLFSON night Sixth claiming Ogden 1 11 disease He a as born in Denver Colo Constantly 5 Time ilmd Also ran — Agln-cou- rt and up mile and an eighth — Goodman 108 WALTER THOMAS CHAMPION 19 Otden at Dreamland auditorium will sell this Champion bread tober 1 1890 a son of the late L A Honey Locust VIRGINIA BUTLFR 17 Ogden Lady 102 Peter Parley 110 Little cake mixer— cost several hundred tink and Mrs Christink He came to Sait end came s 8 stunning sur- b race Bull Sandy 108 Blatk Thunder 105 Playfellow Fourth Th 3J futurity— ORFM 8PILLFTT Idaho Falls Idaho lake In 1915 and also lived several years In ramonUida w (Workman) 19i n 63 4 IS SI -- 0 won Air chip Smith recognized as one of nream 107 Happy Hanly 108 Lincoln Plaut I eel iV‘Rockind prise Hitt Soldier Summit Ptchon M P PROJECTOR MACH Surviving are his widow Mrs Mabel $2944 48 22 second 106 Bunch of Lilies 102 Idaho the outstanding middleweight in the OMAHA Neb Oct 3 (SW With Pllot By WILLIAM WEEKES 4 20 130 third (Et Po0 t) Ktka0(o Seventh race $1200 claiming Ti5 THI8 1800 00 HOLME8 MOVING PJC- - Christink a son Elmer Christink of Salt i oe airo rns— Higher (a mil and a sixteenth —Sknp 107 Mmce country had spotted his opponent Captain Willie Worthing 111 EVANSTON FARMINGTON plaving Oct S (yp — E mother L !'3k' nl TURK PROJECTOR Mn Brlmble Marve will be sold IncludOoldl Cathop Sir Milton 24 Roy GEORGE VENSTRA eight and a half pounds ahd had the hero xole Creighton univcrity’siCheck Robert In th fireproof cabinet all In excellent!0 Denver Northwestern pompeius b ciotho to Big Beau turned loose 20 GIBSON RESULTS MARJOHiE West just Weber HAWTHORN a out handed WARDS HALLS MEETING for abape heavy battering JORrEN ALBFRT OLSFN 33 Salt Lake CHURCHF8 TAKE NOTICE preponderantly sophomore football) Fifth race one and This will miles First rare six and one-ha- lf most of the fight furlongs— enough of heralded offensive power 29 Emery Utah OLEVAYATfS Be a big ale 84 108 311 32 $6 Carolyn© (M Lewis) Vs LESLIE TURNBOW 31 Murray The Idaho battler forced the fight team won over Wyoming university m !‘m My 103 in the first period today to crush The Infant son of Mr and Mrs William VERNAL $3 74 won Tea Cracker fJ Callahan) 30 Murray COL E C JENKINS DOREEN TURNER to win the first two rounds Smith here this afternoon by the margin E Jensen of 1593 Major street tiled it 2 05 337 72 $1110 second Celtic Prmc© (Han- Nebraska's brawny Cornhuskers 19 to 1 Manta Bnt 20 Also 118 08 $3 third Time 8 Ll OLDEST ESTAB AUCT He was am Saturday at a local hospital came back In the thinl to take the Of OHS place kick 3 0 CASTLE DAI E nufes ford) xth race ona and - — — iborn two werks ago Surviving rans — Hardie Infinity Maiya Toy La 7 in the inaugural game of the Wildare his par- 12 Ephraim DORSEY AARON BRINHOLT edge but the fourth was even as Relegated to the reserves (iuinglrrtBrulJ Fiesta Relltne San Presto Miss Rosedale £1tton! COL E C JENKINS AUCT 'nu ‘nd slx brothera nd 110 04 18 82 sec$3 21 DF1TA NELSON Ferron cats' season they smashed each other around the tne past ueek Of practice Worthing ond Dark Dawn (Yeltoni W0 $7 40 third Aquaplane 23 Clawson Second race six furlongs — Golden State TUESDAY 10 30 328 W 2ND PO AT JAMES H BLACKBURN Also rans—clownish Bound-bodVernon Manvcill Northwestern ripped into Nebras17 Ferron ring with hard clout to the face and isaw most of the game from the side- - Jlmr 1 46 GENEVIEVE WAREHAM (W Moran) 112 36 12 $3 06 JJ 42 won KEYSBRR WAREHOUSE sec72 32 26 BENNIE WAYMAN 20 Castle Dale Tadcater (Corbett) 115 12 Hues bus was injected at quarter- knvHFn” B?dd F4YSON —John Vernon Manwlll 55 109 FOR MR DOOLEY $2 74 ka with savage fury and before the 18 Hunting-to- n ond Riot (E VIRGINIA ROWLEY ZOLA James) Royal The negro set a terrific pace for back with three minutes to go Thiee SMen-- rce 1 mile 70 yards— icia j third Time 1 16 prominent in civic and church affair died Also rant — Quaker Cornhuskers could regain their Friday afternoon from a heart poise Wav the next five rounds to pile up a com-- 1 line plunges took the ball to the Wyo- - ?BTi‘!nn?no“ siS’A Vs 8LZV Siberia Ipsara EXTRAORDINARY SALE ' suddenly He was road aupervisor for Pay-so- n WTLLIAM EE ANDFRAON 19 21 Frie©i attack one-ha’ race and Third six Pric furlongs— three touchdowns had been rushed HELEN BROOKS 4jWj-and wag directing a group of men at manding lead In the ninth round 'ming 10 yard line Worthing dropped (Turn n 105 so'third Tim 1 s f wonderful furnishings of the Dooley 107 $8 42 $5 34 33 88 over J The Nebraska Okah Neel) rallied and held the home which Mr Keyser has permitted us work on the new Goose Nest project reserk- - cmiodcn won Blue Cloud (Leyland) 112 $5 04 $4 18 Hannah tired badly and appeared al-- 1 back called the signal for a place-'lsuS- 1 DUCHESNE d?'vIb'rteAnnl 1 to sell at their warehouse there being voir gig milea up Payson canyon when aud ftftcond Juslina (L Arnold) 108 $8 24 Wildcats almost on even terms the most unable to weather the storm ment and calmly booted a bulLeye1 seized with the attack 1 20 Ha died beloie MELVTN R PTFRSON 33 Neolai — uch a large quantity 5 of rest Time Kulainan Also the third tans way but that opening ANNA ZAOER 28 Hayden medical aid arrived As they came out for the tenth It from the 27 yard line Wolfy Outer Harbor River Forest Lillian blast left them dumb and bewildered latonis entries He was born here March 2 1878 son of MARTIN BESRO 23 Price LIVING ROOM Tobin Portmanteau Smasher Gettin' Bag fkiseemed that Smith would either claiming B Manwlll and Sarah McClellan MARIE E STEFL 19 Watt! Wyoming's excellent aerial attack The heavy Nebraska line was tom Even Beautiful expensive carved mohair James Manwllle lsh his opponent or win hands down was a constant threat and even after 5!aflH!ChonTDI07'BlaIlvdNl)n'prln and except for two years spent LAWRENCE OPPOCHER 35 Prica Fourth race six furlongs— Suntlca (Mal-be- apart and before replacements could full occasional tables smokers lamps in American 19 ROSE TOMS1C Fork had lived here since Helper 111 52 12 00 10 won $5 $3 Newgro ma prince’ Mnu 110 Bonnet 107 chair taupe 9x12 rug fine Worthing had plastered the hero's voit He was chairman of the Third ward old be rushed into action the damage quality ?in folks committee member of the Boy Scout halo on own headgear a M8tr H0'I'ohiio6 vonme 110 (Moran) 110 33 30 $2 64 necond On Sir had been done and Northwestern PROVO setVood Honey 10 Misa Upset 107 Ruffian (Roble) 114— $2 94 third Time 114 couat of honor and served for seven years CLARENCE HUSTLER BENNETT 38 Salt rans Aho DININGROOM Prince Crystal Beggar Lady tled back to an pass Ross to Rugg carried the sphere 113 Benefit 110 Ikard 110 Locust Mou Black as president of the Second ward Mutual experimental game Lake 108 Memorandum 107 Peggy Lthmana 102 Strap to Most wonderful walnut suite 66-i- n 26 line Another He is survived by his widow Mrs Elizabeth Creighton's yard Fifth race six and one-ha- lf Ernest (Pug) Rentner NorthwestFLORENCE FENTON DALEY 38 Sprlng- furlongs— Grief 107 Boston Hill 110 Keele Manwlll seven sons and daughters hands to defend himself Hannah !pass fell Incomplete across the goal OurSecond ouffy 6 chra table and chins In Calf Roper (Chiavettl) 106 314 16 $5 64 ern’s ville race $1200 claiming fine Vearle J Manwlll Balt Lake Glade penaale design fernery right halfback was the wedge B Man-wi- ll OSCAR LEROY VCFARLAND 35 Ogdea won Hot Shot (Cunningham) $3 30 110 a over shot the to chin and and 105 up Halsix line the second furlongs— in right Doanpour rug fine china elec appliances accesEarly Butte Mont Mrs Wells Calderwood quaiter 108 that split Nebraska JESSIE BURNHAM 27 Kirtland N M apart He was 110 Supreme Token 110 Town Limit $3 94 SJ 66 second Ulumu (Hanford) sories panel mirror etc Smith tumbled to the canvas to stay ithp Cowboys passed and bucked their liard American Fork — 94 $2 Mildred Florence and rans Eskimo third l id Also 103 Jack Ho 110 Jag Mint 107 Loud Burning Up lime supported ably by Ken Meentn a Manwlll Payson one sister Mrs Zoe Slater for the count one was full of 2 the TWO BEDROOM SUITES Elisabeth BIRTHS 112 It to Inch line the 107 Mtsnle way Fair Speaker Creighton Energy 115 and a last charging Isaac Hansen Payson and seven Sixth race one and miles big sophomore FrcB few knockouts ever chalked up therp a fumbls cave ths ball to J°urRfy‘ End lo? Maves Lut 102 Chero- - —Uncommon Spiai'h Fork— Mr and Mrs One In eleg crotch grain walnut bed Gold (Hanford) 108 $67 72 Wildcat line kee g Ridge 107 Claret 107 Surly 102 Harry $21 98 $11 80 won daughter Mr and Mrs Sylvtstcr against the negro who weighed 1601 Creighton 102 Ir vanity ctnfforobe De Luxe apg fine Jim (Moran) Dandy 110 Hleover 115 Lonchan Hamilton 110 $63 02 $22 si second Kinrsen (Oorbett) 109 Bradford son Northwestern received the kickoff mattress also one French gray suite Tiger Princa 110 Broomahot 112 Shackelpounds to 169 for Hannah Three The lineup: 18 08 third Time 1 46 Also ran — and four slashes into the Husker line complete and la rug ford 110 NEW SI'ITS FILEB weeks ago Smith won a decision over WYOMING CREIGHTON bunbeau Tannery ALL-PORCELA- IN Third rare $1300 maidens GAS R race one and miles by Rentner and Meenan carried the Rugg Dsrlins Dihl by A R Diehl tutrdUn d the Idaho fighter Kearney flUies six furlong— My Madam 115 Sunl-da- y — Seventh n rd 114 912 30 Parkhourst $6 12 ball forty yards to Nebraska’s Sklenar (Chialettl) litem s Utah Light and Traction comAn 116 Clark Jewel small cabinet Dawn Mtt 115 Mildred C 116 $4 Spanflow Polonl 16 former Reno won Robbins national 116 Tony Beton Johnson (L Wlllfcrd HanCunningham) $5000 pany personal S125 css range Lorain attachment late injuries line Then a triple pass from Luego U5 Wise Cross 115 ftjorettft $10 20 $6 70 second Treck (Corbett) 116 C Pirkett Hasty son A H Hougaard attorneys amateur light heavyweight cham-'r''T- rr model aluminum ware 115 Chero Hill 115 Glori Diana 116 Eliza- utensils fine MeeTime $4 78 Lindxahl 148 third rg Alo ran— Dis- Quarterback George Potter to wicker baby buggy throw rug !LfKU40r knocked qut Henry Spaletta r turb Red Spider That s AH Blameless nan to Rentner snarled the CornBalderton etc This is a veal important sale URBANA 111 Oct 3 (UP)— The Xr ANDIES BEAT TARS re Damina White Legs Durva Charm Dorwart Petaluma in the first of their sched- - Elfro Marr attorneys Jensen Ind Also I will sell for another party at of Illinois football team miles — huskers up and Rentner raced over Jelen qb Eight race on© and same sale uled bout Poloni out- King parlor suite dining suite University NASHVILLE Tenn Oct 3 (UP)- -A Starch J Ihb Dunn Collin (Arnold) 107 $17 42 $8 66 $6 94 for the first score REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Potter place ehairi rockers tables range heater etc defeated St Louis university today rhb classed his opponent from the start Dir won Ottila (L Lewis) 104 Almaren $6 18 $10 06 summer sun hot saw Vanderbilt Cut this ad out Maud P to G 20 to 6 before a crowd of 12 000 Jackson Harrison Rose second Ormontine (Frye) 112 $6 22 third kicked the goal and needed only a dozen punches RoScore by periods fb 8 block 81 plat C 9 eliminate Jackson lot Carolina from North the 2 5 Also ran— Rushing jo 2 08 Time to Plutarch kick off and elected COL E C JENKINS Nebraska The Illini came from behind in the Herrick 6c Co to P L Harper lot 18 before Spaletta took the count The Wvornmg 0 8 0 0 — 0 Southern conference football race Ed Lark Eleven Sixty Ladrone 10 Northwestern had the ball on its own second quarter to overcome the six-poblock 29 0 0 0 3 —3 8 L ’I OLDEST ESTAB AUC W 4310 plot C Creighton 172 Reno 13 boy and Spaletta Scoring to 0 this afternoon weighed H Swenson to Mr Marr Kelly line Reb Russell the WildCreighton— Worthing (sub for lead which St Louis annexed Eliza HAWTHORNE ENTRIES 1176 lot 3 block 2 University Heights Jelen i placement THALES M DERRICK cats’ battering ram was stopped cold when Ben La Presta raced seventy Edith M Clemlnson to Isabella AckMISS GORMAN WIN Officials Referee H W Hargiaa Emraoe 11200 maidens First MONDAY OCT 5TH 10 30 A M AT NO yards to a touchdown three minutes ley lot 6 blot k 15 plat B Rentner took the ball Mia Lulu Bell Gorman won tha Texas Rodeo Cow Qirl six furlongs — Volery 112 on two plays poria umpire Dr J A Reilly Georgetown 34 J STREET F McAllister to Nancy JorI will sell Without refield Judge R C RuseU Nebrwka head womens fancy dlxing championship la a Bottled Bourbon HO Old Depot 110 Martha out of the grasp of two CornCoach Bob Joseph serve 9 RMS FURNITURE AND RUGS after the game started gensen lot 117 block 8 Douglas D 112 Celtio Queen 112 Oolden Light 112 slipped contest at Austin linesman J C Trudale Cornell Ptuk Partial list 4 beds complete 3 Serra 110 Zenka 112 Beauty Secret 112 huskers and trotted over to finish Zuppe satrted his second string team Mary to Margaret M Conoxer and full sizes dressers chest drawers Verdft 112 Lapidary 115 Prince Tommy 115 a Potter failed to Jaunt lot 7 block 55 plat A fruit Jars chiffon'er center tables VERY Pertlte Noyes 110 Bonnie Brae 116 Rapid JOHN PFSEK HURT os FINE ADDING MACHINE COST 4365 00 116 Darter 112 Booby Bird 112 Lofty place kick for the extra point Maigaret Alblez to George Birdie roll-to- p WHEN NEW IN A- -l lot 7 block 55 plat A DAYTON Ohio Oct 3 W)— John SHAPE The lineup: Heights 115 dffik hie cabinet stove and up Second race 11200 heatms NEBRASKA NOWE8TERN range kit heater office cliri silverware eppcf rtavfnna Vph neavyweignt course — Coady 115 Flag Time Srhmitt Hawthorne Evfar 117 carpet 9x12 WILTON and velvet rugs wrevller will be out of the mat game Double Heart 120 Andromeda 114 Rhea 4 Filey line settee and rockers music cabinet for &t least two months as the result 109 114 Well Black Behaved Lamp a Koster a If Dllley HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER lot books six furlongs Ely Third race $1400 e Wildin SEDAN AUTOMO- of an automobile accident last night —Bert John 110 Diamond Head 108 Lady Juxtire AMSTERDAM Oct S (UP) — phonograph Evan© rt BILE GOOD SHAPE Ara 102 Prince Farthing 108 Mias TuUsa Oilbert (c) dining set In which he and his protege John Marvll rt c) The com3 1931‘ international Weather condition October box couch Olympic 105 Marmion 112 Red Diamond 112 Camp-Dougla- Durkee (THE CAR WILL BE SOIDiRqo re Fend The northwest high is advancing slowly WV® inJurea P":81?®”8 Sflia AT 1 P M) Many other articles mittee decided today that Hol106 Potter Bauer qb WASH 8TATI cooler 3 PULLMAN Oct intend Wash somewhat by a accompanied numerous to mention (UP)— Hnn OLA sufferea and up Bauer race 11400 i will eii fasti lh possible broken lrg Meenan land would not participate in the 1© McGue sixFourth in the northwestern ouarter TIMB lurlonB — Abdel 107 Ell Wlrr 108 Brnsd Penny Rentner rh 0UHfl!and Borls received severe cuts when temperature 0 Camp Before a homecoming crowd of 1932 Olympic In Los Angeles due of thft country although it if slightly warm- McMJlltn 108 Bun Dot 105 aShssta Broom Krelztnrer auct ions fb Rassell Parodl thPir Jones low er Car collided in Meanwhile the northern Utah with another at THALE3M DFRRICK AUCTTONFER 105 Fiddler 111 Islam 100 aBister Mary to lack of funds Score by periods Oliver Washington State launched two Hann pressure area has drifted eastward and Kmchtstnwn TnH T 6 7 0 Besrer 109 Nebraska SFND in your surplus md Austin 103aC Flag Hurley formed a shallow trough over the great rg stock if you deK 19 I 0 Davidson entry Northwestern scoring drive in the second quarter Fdvtards rt Nordeet sire to raise cash at once or we pay cash -- yer-olds plains states with slightly warmer weath31300 race Fifth Bcorlna claiming r Welendorl and up mile and a sixteenth— Prince Athel-In- g Wade g Auctin n house 2 8 So 8 ate er resulting In that region Fair weather to win a ragged game 13 to 0 from Klavvatter Nebraska— Touchdown Boswell (sub fof Fletrher q prevail over the greater part of the coun W H ADAMS AUCTIONEER 113 Mertte Flynn 103 Stone Martin 107 Penny) Points after tuochdown Master-so- n the University of California at Los Davis lh Decker try although scattered traces of rain have 1484 TO 1466 80 STATE 107 111 Finnic Tokslon Prince HY 4800 (sub for Krelsinjrar) placement Dodgson Keebla 103 Sander rh occurred in northern Utah and Montana Aside from the two scor- Colburn Touchdowns Dr Parrish 110 Calus 103 Rntn©T 1 Angeles Northwestern— COL E C JKNKINfi N fb Duncan 8 L ’s oldest estab CHILD—Funeral and showers in Minnesota light services for June Helena Meenan Sixth race 31300 claiming Point! after touchdown Potter State Score hr periods Washington ing marches met 160 East 2nd So Was 4310 Child will be held Sunday at 2 p in in Comparative data at Salt Lake City Bow113 mile a sixteenth— Dusky Boy and plaeement S It 0 0 — 13 the Mill Creek ward chapel Bishop Alma threatened the Uclans' goal line in Washington State Temperature Degrees J B HALL AUCTIONEER 113 Lady Gibson 104 Refer©© Frank Birch Fart-ha- m Officials 0 75 UCLA Cornwall officiating 000—0 ing Girl 100 ll3Ltlfhon Friends may view Highest temperature today 6FL18 EVERYTHING HY 2376 John Bchommar the third period umplr© Prudy Basil 104 Tuftnuf Gnirai$ Touchdown — Washington Bantander 88 Summary the remains Saturday evening and Sunday Highest in this month sine 1874 107 K 113 B HIOH-CLA8- S W Cochrane Kalamaiowt 113 Rasa field Judge Stormy AUCTION 8ERVICF HY 1842 Decker fltate Davis Colburn Try for point — wat Hiannlsport For the visiting team 50 morning prior to services at the real- - Lowest last night 4 4 LIpp Chlcaco 113 Baby Booter 104 Basilica 107 linesman head THALES M DERRICK AUCTIONEER Dahlen Stale 1874 33 dentil 340 West 39th South Interment L°wet thia month iince Fletcher and Duncan furnished most Washington Seventh race 31300 claiming Substltutlona Mill Creek cemetery under dhectlon ofMIfln or today CHARLES L ROACH Auct buy furs up mile and a sixteenth — Essie 108 of the groond-gainln8 Normal power while Washington State — Guards Benn Mitch- and Sells on eomm the Deseret mortuary 815 West 3rd South Volt Meter 113 Lenny 105 Hold On 110 Wallulla ell taeldea Shannon Taylor Old Bill Inches Precipitation Coates and Oliver were outstanding ends Kelly cTiRISTINK— Funeral service for Otto 108 111 J A Well Euonymous Btagnaro halfbacks Barboe 113 Louisville preclphation for th 24 hours 113 HowtlJ 113 Jack AlexChristink will be held Tuesday at 2 Total most in Duncan line the stopped Luft Richardson Schroeder 6 p m quarterbacks at ending T 111 Deerfield 108 Wartime 113 Top P m In the mortuary of the Joseph Wilander for thl month to date Ingram — T South tenlor high school gridders at the Washington State power drives center liam Taylor Inc Friend may call Mon- - Total U C L A Guards Smith Williams Hattie 113 Sour Mash 118 Harold Ormont deDciency for this month 108 Prlnceaa Edith 110 toward the center of the line Sar-bo- Relnhasd day from 11 a m to 8 p m and Tuesday Accumulated tackles ptmas Jacobsen tnds 108 Tom Vernla to date 12 Saturday elected Dick Sorenson capWa-J- ia of until time service Interment liallbaek Henry full- Ormonhark 113 41 Total since October 1 to data Haight Maxwell T tain of the 1931 football team Personals sophomore half for Washington back t ch Lawn Bur(al clear Track fast Weather p a rk Herdahl Grossman Accumulated deficiency aincg Oct 1 quarterback 93 Pie 104 The Duke 113 Harry Kuhns 107 Sorenson who was a reserve guard State gained ground consistently as center Coates REDUCE safely at Physiotherapy Center 630 COLE — The funeral services for Alfred J Sun rises 6 28 ft m gun sett 6 06 p m Ogden 113 Trotwood Cole who died September 29 at Palto October 4 1931 Referee Torn Loutttt Port- Leoden 113 Master Officials Ollft bid Madame Sylvia Kelly exp for L D S high last season appears did Dahlen while Parodl and Ed- land 113 Dandy Man 113 Maiel 109 Cabama 110 Ban head Alto Cal in his forty-fourt- h Francisco Huebel technician formerly with Rather Ralston will WFATWFR OBSERVATIONS umpire year line were bulwarks wards the in the YD3- - headed for a TAKEN 113 Bun 110 Marsala 104 Harvest Hllre Ore be Coleman in that linesman posiEugene conducted by Lieutenant Clarence E regular job btilhs specializing in treat- Ralph Hollywood The lineup: Allen post No 409 Veterans of Foreign intDAY AT 6 P M MoUNiAIN TIME field Judge Norman Barker Los Angeles Blast 113 Kathryn 104 manta for men and women Was 1056 tion with Coach Bob Davis’ eleven Wars at 2 p m Monday October 5 in this fall He weighs 148 pounds FEET HURT? Consult DRW? COMP! ON the Qualtrough-AUcomortuary 644 Foot Specialist 300 Bcott Bldg Was 6060 South Mam street Interment in the Davis is rather pleased with the Veterans at the plot REGISTER now for dancing City cemetery swimming showing his second team made on eja a work games pea ret Qym W 14 24 Jl STICE Funeral services for WllUam E-NEVAPLAY-BY-PLAY Friday when it journeyed to Moi gan Sherman Justice will be held Sunday at CHICAGO Oct 3 (AV-- A homo run MINERAL b’Uhs massage by skilled nurse 3 p m in the rose room the Rev Mr where it lost 7 an encounter to by Jr'vaMcNaI!ey ttljrd EJVas9790:M Lew Fonseca in th fifth inning by Goshen view Friends may officiating 13 Paddy Davis director of BPFCIAL weight reducing treat for nervous physical Mr Justice at the mortuary prior to serUth two runner aboard and Vie women Dr treecher 303 Brooks Arcade education at the school is in charge Interment City cemetery under vice ' Frasier’s fine relief pitching in th direction of Deseret mortuary DRAMATIC art and expression Private let-sotst vards Third down three to o Both to Bldilulpta on B T tJ FIRST PERIOD of the seconds fill! on tha final two innings enabled the Whit Harvyh waa or class work Hy 1388-offside Third down threa o Wllklnaon punted lo whara All 621 MTLI FK— Funeral service ITIkh kicked off Nevada defendln southern for Walter J Bolae downed a:" B Y U 49 yard Una 4 Sox to square tha fight for th 70 30-Miller will be held Sunday at 1 p m in f’hevenna SCIENTIFIC N Longer kicked off to Nevd'a 'nh Swedish manage wllaSP goal by expert Harvey Hill lost two yards at right end 741 L1 84 the me room of the Deseret mortuary iChlcaeo 335 Constitution Bldg Hrs 11 a m 8 Hill Chicago city series ehsmplonjhip to yard line Parson ran it back to the 35- - Jack Hill on Nevada n Second down end 13 lo go Harvey Ht line 76 i Interment 70 Denver 3ayard Wasatch m Lawn Burial nrrtunri line w P )etf mn Jack Hill vent yard park r bad pass from center and "j' Cuba 4 to 3 66 73 for about eitht yards Second down two fnr°n Bv YtT UnnmN?virta got Another penalty wag day by defeating tha EXPERT masaxe Miss Walker 534 So OBORN— Funeral services for Bertha LueT-- 1 5lui!inc by Robison &2 68 to Hill throufh niht suard for I yard !?? doJ?6ber SeTU thrnuth Vlaht smeared la Oborn of Vernon 15 yards for holding in the fourth game Utah will ba hed Mam Was 8993 Hra 11 to 8 p m on Nevada called 80 8! Third down one to o Banker made it n?‘ down 35 yard! to go on their Sunday at 2 p m in the Vernon wardinokiw Al Thomas weakened in the finsl Frd Second down n in Third Honsurgical Injection treatment of hemordown through center on the Nevada 74) chapel Bhhop Joseph Frederlckton offl-T- t yard! at cenHarvey HU1 made flva 78' 86' rhoids (piles) painless permanent Dr line First down there Harvey Hill went ou" 'VS line ir?t dnwnd ten line Friend Wilson on the B innings and Frasier relieved him to ctatm if to Hill kicked may view the rematna ter Jack Nevada C 8 Lawrence o )l Templeton V aa 4140 68 781 Amnnrf ruin end for nine yards and at the mortuary Saturday and at the wLvfiJV Ha returned 10 the B shut off a dangerous Cub rally With line MftUhfWg ll1tde five yard throuah Y V 0 fQ 66 70 HEALTH massage etc baths exp masseuse stopped by Bhober It waa 1 Inch to o rlfht residence in Vernon llna Sunday morn‘ng JJ” Second down five to go Y V tackle 981 92 second down Jack Hill hit center but fum402 Was 348S for four yard the tying run on second and two out tackle Wilson hit prior to services Interment Vernon ceme- - New York center right Templetyi bid to at failed 70' 821 gain d Matthew bled and the ball rolled to the B Y U teiy under direction of the Deseret and it was flerond down aix to go Matthew hit cen-t- to in the ninth he ended the game by Wilson made four yard 78 86i Omaha B Y U was line recovered it where by Third down three 141a Advice and Guidance one to go on Nefor three yard out Billy Herman 921 b8i Phoenix for fourth down and about LATONIA Ky Oct 3 (UP)— Two First down Bhober ran off left tackle Wllklnaon punted over the goal and striking Wilson started around go line 641 REES—Funeral aervicea for Moroni Rees Pocatello M two yards second down eicht to no Fifteen-yar- d vada line Thomas and Frasier allowed the was offside and It wag first down on Nevada Nevada who died at the family residence October Poriland but end left stakes JjQOO 60 breeders’ 62 the B Y U On the for on CONSULT Mme Merle on private and holdmy futurity penalty fTJJ yards 781 2 right guard tor four yard Cubs but seven hits holding the Na 1961 It was tint and five jack Hill hit and will be held at the Lindquist Pueblo 83 Dusincsa affairs 74 E 5th So Wag 9031 for uveniles and the Covington cond down with 27 to go Nisonsrr pu med penalised ilx to go A reverge from tional Bhober made Second down line Son C&rlqutst 3128 701 Bouth Reno 74' mortuary r H “ on the Nevada down leaguers' collection of safeMADAM GERALDINE 30 yr exp readings handVap for center Second down and four Jack Hill to Harvey Hilt mad© a first and at State Monday at 11 i m E R Stan St Louis 76 Hi' yard for V U line upward ©nd on Nevada s a touchdown tha ran ties for the four games to twenty-thr- ee dally 167 N State Wag 7083 for around right to do Matthew L field 72 8 C 75 ward Southgate conducting down pen- the officials called twenty-fiv- e first final at center inaugurated to to failed Hill day fnlled gala line Jack own left end Bhober MttfMK ERICKSON Friends may call at the mortuary Sun San Diego 72 82' First down on around his Bcore Reading dally Fxp meetine of the Ldltonia jotxey r1H ally on Nevada lor holding B Y U 12 Nevada 7 Second down and tea to go A reverse 68 goal 62 day evening and Monday before the ser- - San Fran 4a K Bdwy Apt 41p Was 10011 Nvlda 37ytrU llll( Backer failed to fain kirk mad© a drat down Wat wood’s double a sacrifice by Bhober kicked to Keats on his vuea Additional aervicea will be held at Seattle Harvey Hill to Jafk HUU 58 60 down to at ten Jack go center Serond today EXPFRI&NCFD tea cup reader E 35Nevada th© on Mary line and he returned to the Nevada through right tacklereverse Jack 66 the Lindquist Ac Bona chapel 2620 Wash 60 went CiKsell and Jolley's single gave the Buckles 154 Bo 5th East Was J)022M The Hill as Of run Hiii th over fuka a first went Ou line guard futurity Jack right p!iVendJUredYSmVi avenue 78' lugton Ogden Utah Monday at and was White Sox their first run In the Ini3 30 p m PROF MATHFW KEIXY’20yr the twin features was won by C V yard line but was lulled back for a five 84l through center for on© yard Friend may call at the morexperience Second down nin to tial Inning All the Cub scores came Griffith Was 4351 Meredith apts 160 1st axe by 70l stopped 76 name tuary In Ogden from 2pm till time of offside for on Nevada being penalty Whitney’s The Bull which after de- yard 831 go Harvey Hill went out of bound around 601 aervicea Interment following in th© Og- - Yellowsl SPIRITUAL 7 30 lf In the last two Innings In the eighth With the ball on Nevada a 32 yard line jack demonstration tonight th© right end for about a nine and one-haYuma 94' 961 laying the start snd trailing to the Hill kicked den ( tv cemetery o clock —all week line and to the B Y U Highmarine Hall 17fi yard gain Third down and about they counted two on Cissell's error was stretch came on fast to beat Air It rolled out of bounds there It Fast 7th So MADAME McCOY brought from SIMPSON— Funeral services for Ida May Rob Johnson replaced to go a half yard Herman's of Englhh's hot roller on the B Y U 12 yard line A bad pass South America Messages questions anMarshall Simpson mother of Earl L Pilot Kakapo and nine others son at right ©nd for B Y U Hill packed t He In fieversl piled on from renter was fumbled Admission will be hMd in the drawing room of the Free swered out of bound for about half a yard and It walk Cuyler’s single snd a long fly $7 62 in the 32 jtraight mutuels It and olllclals ruled Nevada recovered It paid 12 “to Wm Fourth Tavlor down Inc Sundav of Joseph DR LE VYNl Advisor a were offal Inchea or lacked flrt Towlt tntda It by Bell which sent Herman acrosa daily business 25 yard but both team P m Canfli led from start to finish of First down lor Nevada on Young Bishop Alston officiating Friend k down about a foot to go any subiect 617 So 7th East II xr 8679 Nevada Tassei Fall Hill tore around B Y U fori line Hartnett's single and English’s douHarvey at the mortuary Saturday from on tho B Y U for Nnada down Circles Mon Tues Thurs and Sat 8 mav call flrat e Covington being timed in 144 first down nn the B Y 30 p m Sunday until time around right end hut (Tsck ' yyuSOB Tardi ovr ble gave the Cubs their final run lift m to 6 Interment lm Jark Hill mad tlir (rted p m a end Hill fast of aervicea skirted right toing and track iovcr Bountiful cemeBfconil down paving better riaht tack) on a reverao and Prsons recovered for MAE RAE psychoanalyst and numeroloilst Hill kiiked goal Score fumbled hdown The score: tery under direct on of Joseph Win Tay'than 12 (A 1 Cousin Jo uas second tout No 6p Kenalng o n ap t I g line Jick Hill e j7kl HaP hit Kada on BOX Wg WHIT 9)64 NeNtdl7 B v u o lor M'Ttuarv Inc CUBB for two rtrda Third MINNEAPOLIS Oct 3 bn-T- he and Dark Set third B H O A line and ball down fiv lo go A ptM Hill to Ltt wg B YU kicked Exchanged runts VAN LOAN— Funrral services for lea 4 I 3 0 UniVCMltV nf Mlnnenta tin was 8 2 2 3 Wtlvrood ef 141b It where 10 line u Parlors vsrd to liouncfd rolled fnglBh the B ndd th ouartrr Beauty loan win be held Sunder at Inromplrl t i Jack Hill licked off to B'ddulph for 4 CifsfU M Wed up br WMson Hrmn cf2b 114 Thirty-secon- d Nevada 14 B Y U II Bcor Y ward chapel HLpVirhniF Oklahoma A and M for the aecond on his 6 ard lin© and lh© Cougar J J l down J 1 1 0 Inll'J rf offside First Cuvltr for on MerruTwent Nevada ally 1 Friends line ihe 1 4 mvMew officiating remil time In four ca ra t nday by chalking rOVBTB TERIOD vrd timed it to hic 4 S 0 0 Fona U Bell 7b J down io to go for Nevada on their 11 yard ltn6 at the mortuary flat through renter lor one yard Second Bln lb ball on down br falling Brton rf 4121 20 to 0 th loit Hill punted to Rhober on th© Nevada 4110 Jack Robison 267 dence to Concord Newest triumph to safe steam permanent nine paired $5 go Biddulph 4 0 0 0 Rulllvio 3b 28 yard D Trlor If 4411 It to Nevada on h line U B T to want returning nine to ball Th aentre Ing prior Interment riiy Rain fell almost thiouehout th but It ws knocked down Third doan 4 1 1 Special Betty Kay permanent S3 60 finI I 8 2 Krr 3b Ortmm lb First down (here Wilkinson passed tl enlr cemetery under direction of the Dereret to ©o Tim© nut wai railed by B Y u line ger wtre 6V with shampoo 75c mar-ce- U 4 I 8 Bhohr falld to gain Huinilt e 4 1 0 Grub lacking about half a foot (nr thflr 43 jard line maklng it difficult to handle 60c 174 Merrill punted out of bounds on Nevada i to Matthew So Main Was 3478 Inst a yard at xxlrrboul 0 0 0 0 Thom tackle hit at Biddulph MaMhtwr Second down 4111 right a down irk and the (lrt was a high the ball An Aggie fumble paved the to Miilon ‘ line It 11 3 Frultr a Wtlaon i0I i 9 klrkgd 0 and down 1L canter Third Third t p but dldn mtke 142 Florists wind blew It out First down for Nevada on center haif line H xUlair for Minnesota' Bhober made Jack Hill on tha Nevada touch- to go foot first way l a about Hill hit line Harvey Hill May P Uncom-161- 8 their own 0 0 XN TH track Nevada In on 3 his downed Harvey CHICAGO DISTRICT COURT OF TH i5iN8TniMB6uRlsirriirVirT waa tackl Oct a down off first (UP)— right down by Sommer nd MecDougall yard Second down right tackle for two UtvtUd State for th© District of Utah — was thrown for made about thre© yard© at left guard Har- XJuHemalry 10 0 6 Wilkinson Balt Lake oldest nd leading Hon yard line aold on the midtveit atakes eight nH jjbl to go Jack Hill on a reverse nit the 28 Notlca on Petition for Dtscharg© in Bankloss on an attempted pas Sec- vey HIU mad© about one yard at left uard f00wej with one each ’ ail mon Third a of th lm lor about a center 7 24 11 Trfait rac was 34 Jack with on was Total tha I A Jim man 27 play ruptcy— In Bankruptcy No 12142 — In Nevada hart FterU©n to gecond pass today down Dandy ond In the first half fo seen to go Harvey Hill atarted COURT OF THE th© matter of Maiouf Brothers © Part- Ilf THE DISTRICT punted straight Hill mad© a first down around left end on x— Ratted for Malon© Inin 7tK and Kincsen third W S Kilopr's down right knocked down th Wilson Ota around left end and cut back through United States (or th© Dutrct of Utah Hill was of bouuda th© Nevada sx— Kan for Hartnett lin© out Jack ball going consisting of Charles Maiouf In th air nership up was penal on Nevada a 46 vard Un Sun Beau was an odds on favorit In tack© for six yards but Nevada down Neal H Maiouf and Georaa Maiouf and In th© matter of John Pen y Hower vol First down and hurt on the play First down 10 to go for jux— Bitted for May La 9th on Third 15 for holding ized No untary baukrupt —la bankruptcy yards Bcor br inning line HarJack Hill threw a Nevada on their own individually a Bankrupt the field of seven ©o for Nad o eeo etl- -J Harvey Hill hit 10 to Intended 12767 ten vard line Nevada Notlca Is hereby given that Charles for Keta but it was over vey Hill lost fives yards on an alteiruit at whiMSoi' pass 100 030 Co— 4 Raclntf close up while Jim Dandy right guard for about three yard' Fourth creditors of John Ferry Bower lo th©Lak© Maiouf Nea! H Maiouf and Georaa MaHarSecond down 10 to go on Nedown 15 to to his head end Second on hi Twn-bsi- te bound of out right k Hill Fon©ca of CUsel Jac down punted Salt iouf partnership as Maiouf Brothers and Error— City County of Salt Lake set the pace for six furlongs Uncom- 45 yard line Summary vada Hill hit left guard for threa yards 011 blfW Horn© run and th© wind and district aforesaid a bankrupt a vey hits — Watwood Ensllsh Individually hava filed their petition on tii© Nevada 29- Jack Hilt went around left end for Third down and 12 to go Young replaced — mon Gold Claaell command hadfirt"down'n Cuzlvt Nolle© gained th© hTyu7 2nd Pacrlflcea— turning on Har1930 of line November hereby Konseem 21st that for the day given Tima out first down on B Y U praying Towle at quarter for Nevada line day of October A I) 1911 th© said John Double play— Mslon© t® Hermaa1 for home and finishing the mile andlM'd Thomas ft discharge from all their debts in bank ' vey Hill went through right guard for for H Y U ball— Malon Rases on Biddulnh went fH© yards Mhhn een- seven Perry Bowers tax duly adjudlcaicd haul to Grimm both as to partnership aid indiflreond down about three lo on hit to ruptcy debt Wilkinson Hill yards punted le J(k 6 Ptruck out— Malon 2 May All creditor and other vidual Towle replaced Barker for Nevada at go 12 line He returned to th© B Y U Thomas 2 Frasier 1 n n© son interfiled are ordered to at Thomas Horiarher replaced Nlsonter for 27 yard line a at quarter made 7 Frasier Matthews In yard In 7 horn 2 Incom0 was in Hill th© hearing upon said petition before the Mav B A bv I U Jack Y go io nine down pas Becond tackie left Losing Thomas Wlnnma pitcher— United States Dltrirt Judge In the UnitSecond down 10 to go Jak Hill Matthews mad fit yard through left plete ed Statra Court Room in tha Federal passed to Harvey Hill but It was oxer his ChlcaRO to BUrt In thn Hawthorne oc’mk Halt lake Citv Utah on tie Iflih m7r'hich"tima'ihVid B'dg rred lor may attend prov© their riatm Gold Clip In making thp announce FAftrir roAaT day of November 1931 at two ©clock in the afternoon thereof and then and there he :n!U rnrnb'uihn:Jnkmup If anv they have whv the Show cans Raid hi next lmportiint fntrainpr properly com© before ©aid meemg praver of the petitioner should pot be MrrriNNHi By general rule of the Court tt RaRbmpnt Bin be In the Marjiand r sranted further ordered that any credurr op p'r"’ Laurel at October 24 handicap poalng thl application mall etUer hti apneerame and file ne iflcatlons in vr In onntion thereto with the un IN THE DlhTR!Cr CO R T OK IMF derstsned Referee in the manner and at United flste for the f) etnet of T’tah tha tim as provided la General Order of Farl W Putt In th mailer hunlary bankr ipl — In bankruptcy No 12“M £imher 62 Lake CHf Utah Or‘ohr 3rd To the creditor of farl W Pra't of ida 7 B Y V U 19-- 6 duiPh k'eked "to Canon on the Nesda Wu’2three yards Third down about (our lo! 1931 J T MrCONNnL Masna County of Salt Lake and district TllfRO FPRlOO line lh ran it ha- k U M “ 36 yat d Tim© out for RYU so ts hurt Hon Refere© in Bankruptcy yard a A forward aofenid B R bankrupt Y Ir kicked off but went bat k In th© it bll fuinbVd of YU anxeard 1 same Rh rher niade UPi Salt Taka CHy Utah AND Ort FVTf A Notice is hereby s ven (hat on th© 2nd riegOli jpR(li hy Mrrn w as Incomplete Biddulph 2f'6 bnfl (V2 — 4 I Neuida toal Hue They ruled ft a i rt down throush center on B Y U s Los Amelra th of day of October A D 1871 th astd Farl nv Backer u to NORMAN Nrvradll n 1 teemed 0 0 b3l (Ko -- J Okla Oct 3 (UP)— atinni were under wav today n 1( hf( th ball and pbmh b rt it ws 79 vard line Matthews hit center for 0©l la)d ©by W PraU aa duly ahidlrated bankrupt In© First n don Bhober to a ichdnw It for on iiannftR and y mMn two rds I) Fneaef n1 Ohm PeMy fr( Stele naileries Remnd down eight to so IN TH "A -- V lniT DISTRICT COtTRT OF THE f hound and that tl ftrl meeMnt of h t tediior 'JKlalKMIia It mu university i ophomnrem8l( Notre Dime '1 Score RYU k fur mn was hloiaed Nisiihrws failed to salu at right guard Joiner and Read United Slates for lh© I lLr lrt of Diah Notlrs ou petition for duel urge in It) the matter of ( harlea bankruptcy a bankrupt —lit bankrupts No 127”4 Notice hereby ilven that Charles Peter of Halt Lake t itv Utah ha f rd 51 his petition on the 4th day of M m h for a diafhars© from sli his debin Praying in batkrupHr All rrnh ors and ether parsons interested sre ordered to attend at the hearlm upon raid petition before tha United Btstr district )U(U© In the v 111 rn wiivon fiiM gl r ntr m N- -" jbeii hnii!lon and Wyt 'ihlxrl-piVe'b- T Ihiri Hill on' an lu'rrv t nhed States ronrt room in Die Federal k i I too irurh t in il to go Wilson made about U cl'n nil A k 8 P8i 'Z rtn sards rv tin n Norirr io iai di ai ms build nr RaU ake ( itr Utah on the WU1 Tii© of FduraMott board recelx 2 J731 o flock lOih day of November at bid© at 311 City Ac (nunty B'lll(1)n in th© thereof and t) n and lueadav () until L thtr stow cau’ve if any tl ey haxr d wlTi p m r ii1 the prayer of th iitinner s' totier 13 H)ll for furnishing and di© sill fed Ry ©enersi rule of th Bulld-limronri a to all bchnoi Public tlllvrry tt Is further nidered that any cril tor In halt lak© ( iv the Coal Ut ixlloji all ent r hi onpYsil ( this from Oftober 15 19 ij to Jun© upearanre andf lie spec flui mu In M 30 H2 In! tn qj joeitinn therein wi'h th uniter m lit© manner and at t e S toed leieree Gene al Rpecficnnrn© and Tnttur XX dtsnert 8 Y u f tl ths IJ i hr I r i1 iirVrd rift&n un lh 11 Y U 70 Yard) i No 32 tG tim© aa ptoxided in feneai h'louA offr-iulvAmpH ip our il ki iip ii i) 1tna to R d ler mav be nhianed h© Anfir 8ninv V FonTRMI 'fUMIsms1 g Icxit Huff two vr'la d aho u 10 vmO I long Hoi na‘ l©frn© (hat only h do n ie T VefNlNSFl I inn mi"iB fpofi un f h i et n th Ihtlxhurg ond d' tbii e glit t f i B 'm k H 'I iTXed to the BY 4 d re 'er diU M vnu I x rd hr md ’ Refer la Bankr iptcy Ha t 1 aa C t p bnnH lHEVGARGV'FDtlf'AlVN OF jump 1 n r N in r a o n f © led io In e w i e il i ii rr ed o it of bo r fh mnn niajr (Pr a'H 0 J or Jt1 MrllUniftl it tr Jrn I 4 T’ah ° vi at j r found lexai 4 6 ft I liti© M m f'AIT I A K F ( ! i Y t MU ' h h h ) Gaed Oeteber ird 1P11 Halt Ijk© City Fitrr RrihiI r i h- r i ylia uit 4 p atd d om J( (k if' n p 4 dium UhIij i tim x'irrn hrn tl ull l rombm l' lfuHGE KN'I t’lnk ty ©'I a u i tu (Ksh Ten Pound Three in First Period three Christink Threatens Te Infant Jensen n“nl(i0SRoV'8t‘ 7“nrdIL8 IS John ir fcr0! rrt' J5 Illinois Rallies To Take Victory aXoi Holland Out Of Olympics Has No Funds Washington State Takes Loose GameFron UCLA tor hont South Griddcrs Name Sorenson As Team Leader Chisox Even Series With City Rivals Announcements U B Y t j Lalonia Opens Fall Meet Willi Two Features likNoB "J'L'Vriflll Gophers Blank kill UKJallODia At ucl tr BEnYMPEOAlTsf rnlr 118 llitfifiiiiiiimi 10m Wins Stake Race mar I (Twenty Gmml Races at Laurel iFar pnsvriiu Oklahoma Upsets Rice CIuI) n Ftr Tpv'n IIrTpiIk ' orln 'Ieihi " I ii |