Show s n J ” ' : i4 1 ffe ?f3 f 12 ji $ Bison Hunt Stirs Wrath Of Texans ® $ 3 OCTOBER L THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING D 1 Your Opportunity to Save COUNTY OPENS I Remnants of Once Mighty Herds RELIEF STORES! Officials Stock Commia-parie- s With Food for Hove Starts to Prevent Slaughter of Famed Ranch Herd Unemployed HELPER— A commissary for the relief of the needy of Helper and vicinity was opened at the city hall the Texas Panhandle where milthis week Henry Flack newly apare once lions of buffaloes grazed pointed administrator of the district relief work announces the commisrallying for a last stand against the will be kept open Tuesdays sary hunters" Invasion of “hide Thursdays and Saturdays to care for On the famous Goodnight ranch the need yof Helper Spring canyon near Clarendon Tex a small remdistrict Castlegate Rolapp Spring Glen and Gordon creek vicinities nant of the once great herds has Similar headquarters have been had refuge since the lata Colonel at the Carnegie library established characCharles Goodnight colorful at Price to care for the workless of calves ter of the west placed four Kenilworth Cothat community under fence In 1878 to save them Hiawatha lumbia Wellington deci from hunters who wantonly Mohrland Sunnyside and Kiz ranks mated the thundering At present the two commissaries Present managers of the historic have been stocked with more than I owned J now Staley old ranch by seven tons of potatoes six tons of of Wichita Falls Tex have anwere purchased from the Carwhich nounced they will open their range bon county experimental farm also to sportsmen In November inviting 1500 pounds of beans purchased eastern hunters to shoot the buffalo from the county farm Four caron their native plains loads ot coal have been donated by Each hunter for' a consideration the coal companies of the district would kill one buffalo nnd receive and those in charge of relief work the animal's hide as a trophy The are communicating with Cache herd would produce 250 rugs the county for the exchange of a carto that calves having multiplied load of cattle and one of farm prod' four unyears number during fifty-thre- e ucts to be paid for with coal shipped In Texas may ranch photo) (upper old on about the Goodnight Buffaloes fifty der fence There are from this county Z50 of thtmntmit are There hunters for be destined slaughter by ‘calves e“Ced A list of other foodstuffs stocked ‘h® that calves four my the tended from Those opposing the slaughter lahn°'Tbr’dnight at the county commissaries for dist VAllld from "hide to save them 53 there and years ago up the buffalo are tame tribution includes milk sugar rice be no sport In "hunting" them macaroni coffee tea condiments told author Texas Frank Dohie flour matches butter lard and soap j be would "It the state legislature: with purchases made from local groIn a cows milking hke slaughtering cery stores The needy of the district seeking IPThere Is also the appeal that the will assistance from the county fundhivesTexas of a part cases buffalo represent their be four the of M A registered I rAYSON-Tjind he and Relief DETROIT (UP)— But for the In Cross Red 'history and should be preserved the s are tigated sponsoring wards of Pav?on s As the fight continues early day ventlveness and effort of the late Er consist societies assisting in this work cattlemen are reminded of protests nest Edw in Bros Detroit jeweler our community40 male chorus to Mr Fiack has announced that in 70s voices of about they made back In thB cases of dir necessity the county more today might still be wear the from recruited were They endeavor to furnish school bra0 mature voices and will be trained fund will with E!jhf ”& u clothing although no children O Nelson their hides have been estabIn St by Carl died oncJBiW recently who provisions workspecial the call for were that Tentative plans distribution of cloththe for lished from a of opera community ing in " at this date this beginning for later in the win- ingAn idea of the need for assistance an this for program and making ter is modern wedding ring by many families of the countyMr LODGE HONORS MEMBER annual city allair by gained in the statement made MURRAY E G Davtson will be He met ith stem opposition from more past week on vcteranthe more conservative members of fractures skull in sleep Fiack that in the presented with a $200 has been expended than business Fraternal his in evening Monday When jewel (UP)— LAWRENCE Kan Broxs’ persistent efforts however thirty families whose circumstances hall by members of Murray lodge No Carl O Robert Walker 19 walked In his sleep have been investigated and found 33 Independent Order of Oddfellows and those of his brothrr he fell from a second story worthy of help Omenia Rebekah lodge No 15 will Broxs triumphed and resulted In thejrecently by Mrs A F Drury appointedcomporch fracturing his skull new ring being accepted join in the piogram Governor George Dern on the of assistance mittee of 100 for the unemployed has been Instrumental rein assisting Mr Fiack with local of lief work She is also in charge which the donations of this district will be collected through the heads of the business houses A & STATE 1864 In order that the public may be BRQADAvW Established STORE Jt THE BIO kept informed of the disbursements ot moneys donated for relief work Mr Fiack states he will Issue monthly statements listing the amounts of donations sums paid for provisions number of families CHARGE fed and other information which Optical at CUSTOMERS may be of Interest to the county ' large MAT Dept t t i 4 of Tex AMARILLO 1931 At Isis Dc Luxe Hose Wky Jo Grant's ‘ The J Detroitor Designs Wards Sponsor Choral Group! New Wedding Ring J" bM J m ilte With ’ THEIR GLASSES CHARGED MONDAY TO SATURDAY THIS COUPON WILL BE ACCEPTED AS SI CASH in our Optical Department ONLY on or the purchase price of Glasses Lenses if work on he Frames or can repair applied prfHtMiicil at Auerbach's Optical Department before October 11th ONE ONLY COUPON m&aOmi yjsion lenses lensf Pr READING GLASSES— Complrtte P C X Lenses fitted in New Style Shell Frames $r795 Folly guaranteed Special this week If? " $ met rf ti Q Staff of 8 Fxperieneed Open Dentists to Sunday 10 to 1 HONEST MONEY WORK PRICES PHONE WASATCH K Biilne ri i I nioil DrnUl omtnv wrlromr vlxllnri to Kali Lake (Hy and extrnri a llportal Invitation to ?na to frrl at homo at tht hi Dental Offitr ivhoro You will bo rtlmdPd fvrry courtly to drop In to rent and renew old friendship whrthrr you rotjMirt Dental work or merelv People requiring DenUI herlre will find IhU Old Itrllibl Dentil Company better prepared than ever before to ervf them faithfully and fronomlratly In alt brandies of dentistry Work will ho eompleted In one or loo day (If nkii ro of the work permits) and all work Is unconditionally and laiet Dental oflUe iavei you time pain and money (xuaranlred to aUfy you Itahi 4 I Vi IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to roftftult t nlon Dentivti and learn the mndlilon of our teeth and mouth aerur the opinion a of etperienred dentuta and find out evarllv what U will cost to put your mouth In condition Open htindav 10 to 1 Como In' (liht-cU- n Painless Extraction I XTR A( TIONS f AC II 60s ( ( U NIX R nl rR byTOOTH adtnmifttered tujerlenrcd DentUt) Urown nnd 11 ri1 "o Woik Of 22-Gold 55 S5 Per Tooth FREE EXTRACTION When rule or Rrldrwork Drnlhta ar la Ordered Yulrnnile With Trubjte Teeth No Better Teeth Made by lvperlened movable Hfldfework the trshnlque of Aker and IiiUu lift nine and I’aifAlt (I nbrr jkahle) flates ibilted In S10 I’lnte We Feature Nitrous Oxid Gas Thii vafe and pleaaant anelhetlr personally adnttnKfered of pre- shrunk i“ T cloth snappy collar attached Long 7 button front style assorted sleeve roomy cut lengths Sizes 14 to 17 broad- - -- You Men Who Values Will Appreclato This One— Dwrutgiy I’orceUIn Crowns Know 36 Real Inch 6 You can now buy good quality fabric gloves at new low prices You will be pleased with the dressy appearance given by high quality chamois-sued- e fabric They are washable too Many new slip-o- n and cuff styles Inches Wide Former Pan Fabric A fine array of new fall terns in the above materials An unusually Rayon Hose 36 -- 6!c Quality pat- New Fall Styles INCH Women’s Purses Velveteen Patterns Sensational Price Pair Attractive The season’s slock of new shades Including black and white An outstanding value —A Zipper or Snap Styles $1 Yd § CRFFK— Fdward M was elected pi evident of the assoLincoln school Parent-Teachciation to aueceed Mrs D R McAllister at a meeting held Thursday was evening Piincipal N H Webb and Miss chosen vice pi evident Rosemarie Llddle secretary-treasure- r five members of an executive committee elected were August Geh-rm- g A Dlckev Mrs A G Wallin Mrs Mark Ilkkley and Mrs William Thorup Supervisor P T Farnsworth was the pi incipal speaker discussing the White Hons conference on child health problems Music was provided bv the Thorup ehildien's orchestra with songs from the second and third grade childien 36-l- cretary ORV HF AT HAMAGIS RYDAY Kon (UP)— Tlie intense heat which prevaded in this srrUtui ireientlv damaged rorn to surh an extent farmers believe their v leld w til tie rut mates lally It ripened the corn prematurely in some tnei Alices Bargains like these happen once In a lifetime 36 Inches Percale wide Guaranteed colorfast to home washing Every yard —at a price that Is — another feature you has bren would never expect at this price "Bloom-of-the-Sout- rock-botto- m J pre-shru- Job Lot Shipment A Medium weight Blankets for men and boys would cost twice the price! Firmly knit suits very romfortalily cut Ideal weight for men who work outdoors part o the time © Long or short sleeves ankle each length Aen's Sixes soft 74x“4-lne- h each piece 3 'i () e In normal times these Union Suits m "M" MN TAKE OMICE MURRAY— Officers of the Murray First ward M men who will assume nffue Tuesday evening are Charles West president Milo Fliown vice president and Grunt Williams se- Cl Here Is a bargain that we challenge yon to beat elsewhere In town — h rayon damask for draperies at 15 rents a yard Beautifully colored In blue rose green gold and rust Come early get a supply at th ColorSasf Percale Drapsi'y Eamasli Elect Officers il Bloom-of-thc-Sou- Rayon Cc cot- ton sheet blankets in rose blue green and orchid pUids large assortment of Scarfs Pillow Tops Vanity Sqts and Buffet Sets Some of these pieces originally sold for as A Boyi’ Siir$ 25-J- Co high as 10c 0 You UanY Lose— You Must Be hnlisfietl or Umr Money nefiiiuleil i 4 C w® Cravattc Prints 29c Yard Gael Charmcuse Yard 39c Peter Luvlce Crepe 39c Yard Men’s Fancy Parent-Teacher- s MILL Manager and WELCOME CONFERENCE VISITORS! t 35-3- Made 1U (UP) — William A PEORIA 46 Slmonton who left Peoria over a on years ago an orphan to work the title farm recently returned with Honorable" by reason of his being sen a member of the Delaw are state ftt£ Senator Slmonton worked as a farm hand and a teamster and then jumped to a Job In the traffic of ft railroad of fthlch he later became director He was elected to the Delaware state senate In 1922 and Is now Its g Dimfng Ids visit here he stated that next to his home town in Delaware —Wilmington— Peoria was the best Illinois city In the country and that i as a state Is second only to Delaware 1126 IFE WH1TKX 4 38 inches wide st Hcthatvrccd 19c Yard Orphan Returns As State Solon l! H0HE5T All color-faYard each day PEERLESS FRAMES — The new lightweight stylish and comfortable Peerless All the new styles and shades Frames Priced $Q95 TtOSnSO I pair ral— street Floor) Save You TIME FAIN and Printed Foulards MrDart reports that about 1000 acre feet are being signed up lor( e HOCRS A Gloves Can't Be Told et $Q75 Ff FaDi’ic Shifts The Dry Gulch Irrigation company is sponsoring the project under the explained reclamation service They be used in will about 22 000 acre-feabout that Lake Fork river valley and to the 8000 acre feet may be taken Uintah river valley It is expected this project will cost in the neighborhood of $1200000 or about $40 one-pie- $ 'it! I? Great Value at $1 ervoir project tj (Auerbach —Optl 1 Deep-curv- A heels for woven to He'QSS AT" the Gateway DUCHESNE — Luncheon club Wednesday evening Louie O A Dart from My ton and outlined the Roosevelt of Galloway lake respresent status of the Moon Same Low Prices and the Coupon Is Good for $1 This Week double BIFOCALS— RITIX DOL- "Pennleigh" Water Troject PON READING GLASSES— Complete P C X Lenses for reading and close $ work Fair beprices are low but full cause you get value — and you get your money back if you aren't satisfied Women's Tell Status of ON ANY PURCHASE ACOtPTtD NOT COOD IN 01 HLR lit PAK TMtSTS fill Not just because the CAN BUY! Reinforced toea and added wear Lace-to- p prevent garter runs A Economy Store "i Lire LAR Roosevelt Men ©PT1CAL C®9JIP©N WEEE4 ONE HOSE AUERBACH C© Registered Experienced Optometrist in Charge (orgeotis top — this added feature make more emphatic the fact that Ms De 1 uxe Hosiery is the BIST '"' HAVE tley coll 9 Years of Ibcttcr Values - :i- 239 211-24- 3 SOUTH MAIN STREET i Iiinirr- - jb— You Can't Tone-- Yon Must He Salinfieil or Your Money Hefundeil i |