Show t 10 A THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MO'RNINfr OCTOBER SEE UTAH’S FINEST PRODUCTS AT FAIR THOUSANDS L D S MISSION PRIMARY 4 1931 HEAR FEDERAL HOME AUTHORITY LEADERS PLEAD OFFICERS AWARD DINNER NOVEL EXHIBITS TOPS YEAR FOR EXCITE WONDER It Is the right of every child to be purpose of addressing the Primary ofbrought up by properly trained par- ficers during the semiannual confer OLD ents Miss Ellen Lombard chairman ence of the L D 8 church of the home education department of Miss Lombard explained the alms the bureau of education department of the horn education bureau and ' " of Interior told stake Primary suggested methods of carrying out a r of parent education locally officers a at special meeting program Churchmen Foinl Oul Op- In the assembly hall Saturday night through the Parent-Teache- r New Officers of C of C Pet Show Proves Unique associnaMiss Lombard who Is also the ation and extension divisions of uniportunilies to Expand tional - Displays Croup Stage Fete Educhairman of home education versities and colleges She commentRepresent ’ on for the national congress of ed also the White House confer Religious Activity Talks cator All of Slate associations was Invited to ence for child welfare describing It come to BKtt Lake for the special as the most stupendous study of child s J Jk ) ' ' (CtmUnusd form P On) a' 5 j V I 1 I f welfare ever undertaken by any govOne) ernment In (Continued form F Nearly 700 Future Farmers of deed and thoughts as well as Milton Bennton dean of the school America members of the agricul- of America held apeech judging cotnpell- ZOO of education at the University of ture clube of Utah’s high schools tlons “Profanity” he said "i IndeUtah discussed the White House Saturday concluded their year’s activities Satfensible It is demoralizing and Fair officials were prepared for conference In some detail and told when base the mark of an uncultured of follow-uactivities In this state night when they received an- a record attendance Sunday near-burday y of the character But profanity residents of Salt Lake and Miss Lombard was Introduced by $ CROWD a at awards nual by given banquet In not Is this to offense the the only to flock are Ups towns Mrs William Reid president of the expected of the Salt committee livestock the in the To In wonder r respect falsely speak association fair grounds to exclaim Utah Lake chamber of commerce Earlier over the multitude and variety of exname of God to use his name and Miss May Anderson general suIn had In the without authority Is to profane competed of the Primary associday they hibits livestock crop and poultry Judging bis name Extendi Invitation perintendent ation presided Horsemen of the west are groom- — “For members of tha L XL 8 Society at the Utah state fair as the last ing their mounts for the horse ehow to All Attending Church to be held in the coliseum Friday project of the year a church who have taken unto the year the young and Saturday evenings On ThursThroughout ths name of God to steal or to Meet farmers under the direction of L R day Friday and Saturday the sevbreak any of His commandments Is Humpherys state supervisor of ag- enth annual kennel ehow will be ricultural education have been en- held at the fair grounds under suc pollution of his name” gaged in livestock dairy and poul- pervision of A G Mackenzie Special preparations ware made Recounts Experience try projects and the results of their Tuesday morning the fifth an- Balt Lake by Zoological Saturday 7 Golden Kimball a member of society officials to cars for a large work are on exhibition at the fair nual intermountaln pulling contest with The annual dinner was under the for draft horses will begin f the first council of the seventy crowd of conference visitors at the direction of new officers elected teams competing for $1000 In prizes and one of the morning speakers Hogle Gardens xoo Sunday during the day who were announced Several lecture tours of the ani- Utah Commission Permits Stock Exhibit Outstanding brought a ripple of laughter from the mal at the dinner They were Scott Hawwill be made during enclosures The'llvestock exhibit this year Is congregation when he announced: ley president Garth Olson vjee the day by members of the scientific Is doubtful If a Installment Practice in president Marcel Young secretary outstanding ofand It cattle has ever feel like saying cheer up the worst committee of the society end the dairy and John finer array treasurer Lund Wilbur I two Just blackbuck to Indian Is yet come” antelopes Collections C Patrick reporter Dr C N Jen- been seen in the west The children V Future The speaker recounted several received from San Francisco will of the members Utah— of of state sen public superintendent missionary experiences telling of ap- be on display for the first time elected to honorary Farmers of America and the was Instruction on the priwas done Much work difficulties parently Insurmountable clubs— have been Important factors membership in the organization Utah farmers this year will be mate house during the past week which were dissipated by prayer in contributing to the success of Year’ Awards Given He likewise told of some of hts society offleals reported and It Is given the privilege of paying their livestock departments the business experiences drawing from nowcofcipleted for public Inspection taxes In three equal payments InFollowing an elaborate program It Is expected that some of the the year’s awards were announced entries of these youngsters in the them the conclusion that an honeBt With the exception of the elephant stead of the full sum In one payment The Salt Lake Tribune plaques for sheep and Holstein and Jersey cattle man owing debts which he cannot the hyenas and the beara all the animals have been removed from Ttacy R Welling of Riverside chairpay la a man in hell sweepstakes honors at the state fair exhibits will win many leading places Reverence for places of worship Liberty park for the second time awarded to the In open competition with the entire man of the tax committee Utah “Wa extend to all conference was the subject of a speech by ProState Farm bureau announced SatSpanish Fork high school In the class livestock department of the fair next A division and the Toyack chapter week All exhibits In the general livea special Invitation to visit the urday fessor Levi Edgar Young a memMx Welling made the announceFuture Farmers of the Roosevelt stock competition will be judged ber of the first council of the sev- new roo” said Dr George A Allen high school in the class B division Monday and Tuesday The judging enty Professor Young told of an society president Saturday “The ment following a meeting of the tax The Tribune annual awards go to will be open to the public and will experience with a Buddhist priest L D S church is taking an active committee and George F Stalling the teams making the highest rec- take place tn the coliseum beginning part In the campaign for funds to president of the farm bureau with Trails Association Unveils contrasting his reverence for a place ords In all divisions at the fair and Monday at 10 a m of Christian worship with the at- build the zoo and which supplies the Utah state tax commission at the Include livestock and crop exhibits Piotitude of many Christians toward many days work to unemployed la- capitol Saturday Shaft to d I Includes Dairy Exhibit livestock crop and poultry Judging thetr own churches borers" Mr Stalling said: “For Instance club comneer Outstanding among the exhibits and plonts obtained for individual Party If a taxpayer owes $150 taxes and “We should enter this taberSaturday morning the city awards The class A division includes entries are five big dariy has only 75 rash on hand he may nacle” he said "with reverence mission voted 0000 to the zoo park of pay half of his taxes and all schools within & radius of 90 from Weber Wasatch Utah Salt and with the Idea of hearing the board to aid in the construction thereby but heroic overland The miles of Salt Lake City and the class Lake and Box Elder counties The word of God We should have the an elephant houee the money to be save the 12 per cent Interest and trek of tragic adDonner party the B division all schools outside of the Future Fanners of America In same attitude toward every one added to public subscription now the delinquent fee of 3 per cent was commemorated In enduring dition to their many entries made radius on half the amount It also will of our meeting houses because being solicited and bronze when a monuOther major awards were In the by 225 boys and girls from all partshelp the farmer In that he will granite v they have all been dedicated as ment erected by the Utah Pioneer livestock Judging contest won by the of the atate have at the fair 18 poulto to sell not have his crops pay CALLS of worship” places livestock 31 NEVADA SOLON association Landmarks Trails and and teams school which try judging Spanish Fork high his taxes at the low prlres which Clarence H Tlngey until recently unveiled Saturday evening at earns the right to represent the state judging teams HOOVER “SILVER FOE” prevail when taxes fall due but waa of corner the the State southeast The Future Farmer of Amerpresident of the Australian mission In In contests Kansas City can pay In parts over a period of Judging sufFair grounds reported that Australians-arthis fall In the dairy Judging con- ica In addltton to thetr prize anihe aald time” exThe monument is erected near the fering far more from the economic test the North Cache high school mal have a fine array of (Continued form Pm On) Both Mr Stalling and Mr Welling site where the Donner party led by buildhorticultural In s the hibit depression than are Americans but state won to the the right represent Saints In that echoed today by his brother Gov- urge taxpayers who are able to meet George and Jacob Donner and numthat the Latter-dain dairy Judging contests at St ing which will convince fair visitaxes not to take advantage of bering 81 persons country are doing comparatively ernor Charles W Bryan of Nebraska theirnew camped on the Louis this winter State farmer tor that the state also raising the f ruling of the commission well Wages he said have fallen off banka of the Jordan river while In a statement he said: awards were made to 19 young farm- a capable et of potential farmer The new ruling also is expected to traversing Salt Lake valley In 1846 33 per cent whereas tithe payments “Unless there Is another unusual new features tn th of the One ers for who the by degree qualified have declined very little and Immediate discovery of almost aid In the collection of taxes because on their way to California general llvestqck department will be Scenes at the Utah state fair at the opening day Saturday Above the Utah Bankers association unlimited quantities of gold the lead- the taxpayer will be able to make a a aeries of special premium award Takes Optimistic View Officiate Utah Pioneer erected the monument Smith by Donner George of the Gives party Educator unveiling oth- part payment where he formerly Speech for the best county herds The Idea ing nations will have no recourse la assoc Smith Albert association Left and Trails Landmarks George Mr Tlngey took an optimistic view er of Albert Smith president could make no payment unless he George Dr Jensen was the principal of the fair board in creating these than turning to silver or bimetal-Is- had board fair state of the W C Winder Uon and was of president the association master of economic hardships so far as the president trails the full amount they said They to be used in conjunction with speaker at the affair He stressed awards Is to encourage the building block Below Boyd Ivory Future Farmer member of Fountain Green proudly the church is concerned expressing the gold to give the world sufficient expiessed appreciation for the atti- ceremonies and the Importance of the work being up of complete herds Among the old the snow-whiten steer months shorthorn his first exhibits Only prize WinC of W was unveiled conviction that a few years of pri- money to maintain prices" in taken tude the matter by the tax by granite done bv the youngsters under vo- counties which are making a strong animal weighs nearly 1100 pounds vations will make the church The situation today he asserted commission J R Beus of Hooper der president of the state fair board — cational guidance and urged the bid for honors in this class are Utah and J W Jensen of Roy are the farm Mr Smith said the monument Is In stronger and Its members more Is similar to that of 1898 youths to make the most of their op- Weber Davis Juab and Wasatch of bureau of a faithful band honor brave committee pioearly brother waa correct beyond portunities James Hooper secretary Although the wealth of blooded 1 neers blaze who trail Rulon 8 Wells a member of the “My the helped of the Utah Woolgrowers associa- animals took the spotlight the manuperadventure when he urged the use western wilderness and first council of the seventy took for of the through tion presented some of the problems facturers’ building in which are disboth gold and silver as basic his subject the Bible the Book of make wav for the thousands who facing the farmers and urged Inten- played the Utah-mad- e goods atThe Mormon the Doctrine and Cove- money" follow Donner were to party sive study of distribution methods tracted much attention on the openGovernor Byran said England as a Smoot-IIawleto Itself nants and the Pearl of Great Price creditor of commends the attention y Short talks were given by William nation forced the gold standday It presented a bewildering All of these books he said are text- ard on the world and now as Utah people he said not only beM Nielson chairman of the cham- ing of colorful and attractive merarray cause of the tragic story they made books of God and should be used debtor finds Itself caught In the commitlivestock ber of commerce chandise food products machinery but also because Brigham Young and to educate people In the things of "lemon squeezer" It originated Amer- SIOUX of tee the Professor E J Maynard and household appliances CITY Iowa Oct 3 MV-T- his band of God Utah State Agricultural college L pioneers followed the ica clinging to the gold standard first of a aeries of three debates trail Four Awards Slade made Farmers Future He championed the publto school he added Boys In they and R J trade between Benator ts at disadvantage Humpherys supervisor Harrison Dem2 p m to 3 30 p m —Grand awards were made In this Four of Salt Lake system but held that It should be with the silver standard countries of ocrat Mississippi Pat H Recounted the Manderfield History and Benator L J in t Judging stand show whippet races and A welcome to the youth- building Saturday as follows: Most supplemented with religious or spir- India China and Mexico Compete of stockyards Dickinson Alter Cecil the be Iowa J wtll secretary Republican circus acts itual education He entreated memful farmers was extended by Gerald artistic display Ostler Candy comheld In Sioux City Saturday Octo- Utah State Historical society and Clo2 p m— Public band concert of Livestock bers of the church to give their chit PREMIER DENIES RUMOR King of the chamber of commerce pany most educational display ber 24 The topic for debate will be editor of the society's quarterly mag — 7 30 p m Grand stand ver company dren the best educations possible OTTAWA Ont Oct 3 Dairy State Bankers the Utah Awards of y the azlne gave a brief history of the tariff law show fireworks whippet races end criticised those who place acassociation were made by N J Salis- most unusual display Associated R B Bennett after a cabinet The second debate will be held In Donner party telling Its origin deand circus acts quisitiveness above the welfare of meeting today officially denied re- St Louts Monday October 26 and tails of the Interest r&n high Saturday at the bury chairman of Its agricultural Sugar companies and most effective across the west Journey All departments will remain thetr eons and daughters and Tribune awards were advertising Utah Oil Refining comstate fair when the exhibits of ports that Canada w as going off the the third In Cleveland Ohio Friday ern plains and mountains and the all childav of open Judging made Science Religion Discussed Moloney dlrec- - pany 30 October gold standard tragic fate that awaited the little dreds of young Utah farmers mem-dren's pet stock will begin The judges were Mrs L H Groes-becof pyubBervlcs band In the snows of the Sierra Ths relationship between science 4 H clubs and the Future the John D Giles and Simon Robers of dlacusaeif to added It He also the Nevadas and religion was discussed by senblatt were America of Farmers Judged of work A for Callla president of the object and the necessity Charles The largest exhibit In the horticulsouthern state mission He con- the dead An Interesting phase of the work tural building Is one prepared by Incomtwo not are tended that the Urge Curtailed Funds waa the Judging by teams composed the Salt Lake chamber of commerce patible but supplemental of members of the two organizations Parents of missionaries were adIn an artistically arranged display (Continued form Pat Ont) Reporting on conditions In his vised not to send their sons too much It gives a panorama of Utah’s reExpert Judges from the Utah State waa work that the mission he said on their Elias Woodruff passed S what college sources— mining agriculture and Agricultural Ing If presithere money by might happen and predicted dent of the western states mission should be an earthquake progressing rapidly work and rated the teams manufacturing In this building also that out of the hard times will come Mr Woodruff said that In spite of are the county booths most of which Among the Future Farmers of Moon Misses “Date” & great revival of spirituality America the Judging team from the economic conditions some parents As ws are devoted to enticing Ulsplajs of Mt The opening hymn of the mornthe passed through North Cache high school won first luscious fruit amF vegetables The supply funds liberally Carmel we was "Tho tunnel one session of at Deepening stopped ing tn the night high Davis county booth Is unique conplace In dairy cattle Judging and Is Registration “My experience" he added “has the “windows" of the In business Frank G 66 Trials Throng Your Way” Profes- been depression naspite Carthey president of entitled to represent Utah at the school at West high school totaled sisting of one huge mass of the flowthat a missionary receiving E C Knowlton maintenance en- Yellowstone park travel during the the Carthey Plumbing sor B Cecil Gates conducted the $49 per month does better work company died tional dairy show at St Louis on Oc- approximately 500 Friday evening ers for which the county Is famous was for road Frank the Utah commisorganand gineer Aaper singing more than that sion as at his home 55 Twelfth East street tober 15 In the Judging of all classes It was announced by Arch M ThurIn fact there Is something at the than one said that owing to certain past summer fell off but little ist Invocation was pronounced by turn" receiving of livestock the Spanish Fork high man director of adult education for fair to Interest everyone— farmers It Is shown Saturday after last with In year the compared faults walls tunnel reinfoiced David R Langlols of ths Burlej John V Bluth will school team won first place and of the and livestock men artists and stuthe Salt Lake schools stake after which the congregation Canadian mission presidentthat many concrete would have to be used by a report received Saturday by D noon after several In order to give everyone an op- dents mining men and manufacturrepresent Utah at the national livereported of Illness weeks' So Home Mrs Dear' E “Our Mountain shouted on “Hooray!” Mo Ralph sang S Spencer general passenger agent stock show at Kansas City new converts are being won in his portunity to enter the echool regis- ers housewives children and sports arteriosclerosis whose husband The concluding hvmn waa “Zion field and that the church November 15 la steadily Bristol of Ogden tration will continue Monday eve- enthusiasts of the Union Pacific Mr cement sells Stands With Hill! Surrounded" and rising In esteem He cautioned 4 members H the club Carthey mishigh ning with classes meeting the same Among A total of 221248 persons toured was bom In DavBuildings Attractive After dinner at Bryce lodge Suthe benediction waa pronounced by sionaries not to assume however liveclasses of all of In score Judging evening for two hours beginning at Both the Utah State thla year as against 227901 enport Iowa July the u to Allen William L Adamson president of that their work Is and park Agricultuial Weldon spoke Freeman was perintendent made stock by 7 p m completed by mere 1 1865 and In 1889 last year and 260697 In 1929 the ths Blaine stake college and the University of Utah of Salt Lake county First place In been students has of the The responsibility of the said geologist estimated that Biyce conversion Enrolling to Lake Balt was between 35 million end high record Those arriving came team Judging went to the Salt Lake slow as each adult has to be Inter- have their buildings attractively Bible Topic Reviewed missionary he saut is discharged mnyon 150 million years old and then he in- prior to June 19 the official open- where he estabcounty group consisting of Weldon viewed aa to hia or her choice of a decked out with exhibit suggestive The afternoon eesslon waa opened only by keeping the new members troduced Morris 26495 a numbered lished plumbing compared Cope a man he ing date Freeman Guy Zampcdrl and Ivan course of study said Mr Thurman of the work at the respective instiwith the alnglng of “Prayer la the faithful which same of business for 20612 last the with period Second place was won The classes wlil meet on Monday tutions The women’s building is Mortenvon The concluding speaker of the said who had grown up with the Soul's Sincere Desire" bv the conwas to he the report president Mr Cope advised us to see year aromdtng bv Davis eountv represented by Fer-ro- Wednesday and Friday evenings un- full of marvelous handicraft and of the canyon of was his time 1931 at classified as travel gregation Robert I Burton presi- day George S Romneystressed the The Bennett Hannon Barton and til next June legular high school the art exhibit contains some of the the the canyon both by moonlight and follows: Rail vlsltois 18929 auto- death dent of Ihe Mt Ogden stake gave the northern states mission He was a sunrise accordingly we went to the Bulden Cottrell third place Weber credits and diplomas being granted finest work of Utah artlRls 180380 Mt 219 member of opening prayer and the congrega- responsibility of the church in commobile As usual the fair grounds aie remotorcycle but the moon didn't come over oounty Harold nd Donald Taylor A total registration of approxl tion then sang “Come Come Ye bating crime and de reaslng law- rim with concessions of various presea- Moriah lodge No we horseback and afoot 677 aa so the schedule plete mountain Markos fourth per and school place 1000 In George the lessness through character building went night niately Saints" son unclassified as to mode of travel 2 F and A M kinds and lunch stands candy add to to the Ben our cabin await eountv Bob Watson Wasatch end of Is the classes the he said of our problems Charles H Hart former president The solution expected by 21043 Utah Consistory shops greet one at every Whiting and Orltn Steebs and fifth week by Mr Thurman 4f & of the Canadian mission and a mem- lies not tn legislation but in proper dawn California with 18 460 contributed No 1 and El Kalah turn The decorations are gay and Dawn” Donald the Box “tame Elder county place council of ber of the first seventy spiritual training more Y’ellowstone than any temple Nobles of dally concerts by Held band add Stumm Lynn and Boyd Iverson Those attending tha wake were oilier state Visitorsvisitors The final hymn was “Lord Disdiscussed the Bible from the standftom the next the Mystic Shrine to the carnival aspect of the place the of exhibit beef the rattle In E Bristol Mr Mia Ogand and He end miss With Us Ralph Thy Blessings" quoted Mr Carthey nine highest states were as follow T hose In direct charge of the varipoint of a lawyer 4 H clubs the Summit Baby Beef club Edden H bv conOffered was Bigelow of his in 4 the Lyniun benrdlction Mr superin Monlans 17521 Idaho 11781 Utah la survived his his ivent attorneys support arthey ous departments and activities are as memfour of Woodland of F works composed Hawaii of temlent Montof a the In la C Bible ward Rich belief the public tention that president 10239 Illinois 9673 Wyoming 9310 widow one ron and two daughters follows: the matter of reason and said that legal pelier stake Martha Smith Jenson IK Everett New Hampshire R F Crdoi ado 5837 Iowa 5783 Washing- - J F CRrihey of SflltLake Mrs El- bers of the same family swept The Agriculture and horticulture “I Going Maryland Guy Kelcey New ton 5773 and Minnesota 6595 Ev- - wood H Dorland of Ogden and Mrs boards by taking all four prizes minds who refuse to accept It are and Donna Gunderson tang a duet diaries H Smith and G Btuait members of this club are Clair Ruth Would Not Part the Curtains ” tiot considering the evidence Jetsey E M Fleming Chicago Bob ery other state In the union con F B Shepherd of Glendale C’aL manufacture! s’ exhibits Horsley P-- T Eva and Omni Wlnterton In addition to the generul confer- Relndollar Maryland Samuel Eck- trlhuted visitors Greetings from Mexican members Harold S Jennings and W A The by the teams of boys Judging H E Sargent Of the church were extended by An- ence sessions Sunday sevetal depait-ment- els Pennsylvania The lepoit shows there were visiart Mis D W Moffat fish and girls was done under the dlrec toine R Ivins president of the Mexmeetings are scheduled The Vermont and V L Glover of Il- tors also from 23 foreign nation and game Newell B Cook women a tlon of L R Humpherys and the fol ican mission He stressed the Impor- semiannual conference of the Deseret linois Canada lead the list with 72 Miss Ellen Iambatd of tho Unit- building Mis Elmer K Smith end lowing members of the Utah Stale races Sunday School union wtll be held at Came the dawn and w went to tance of the Agricultural college faculty rated ed States department of t duration Mrs Johanna Youngdale rabbit exthe rim again but the sun came up as a field for church work stating 7 pm in the labernarie Leonard Williamson coliseum them: Crops — J C Hogenren Alma will make three addresses In the in- hibit that there are 150 OdO Mexlrana In The M I A Joint officers’ con- on the wrong side of the canyon and associations A G Moken7le poultry and pet Wilson and Franrls Coe Poultry— terest of parent-teache- r and around Los Angeles Ha ex- ference will be held at 8 s m in shone in our eve so we couldn't ses Bvron Elder and Carl Frlsehknecht at the Civic center Monday Mrs Htork George Abbott sheep Ernest pressed the hope that the home mem- the assembly hall and at the same the scenery Went bsrk to breakfast Beef cattle— Harry Smith Dairy catt- Arrh J West president of the Salt R McKay and Arnold P Kenston bers of the church would continue hour the department of education sore and dissatisfied On the wav hei s an- hog exhibit Abe Hanson catlle exle— George B Caine Sheep — Alma Laka cornu ll of parent-tea- i to support missionary work and that conference will be held In Barratthack to Cedar City w passed hibit John M Ritchie Lyman Rich nounced Satuiday Esplln Swine— E J Maynard they would find themselves able and hall 7 he semiannual conference forthrough some heavy limber and and Geoi ge Winder and concessions is chairalso who Miss Lombtiid Lake hold folks Letter Carriers’ the Salt The band LUah Rresbj terlan will the deaf of the church will be held bad Just finished telling the willing to carry the burden man of the home education division lleihertM Schiller John W Halt a member of the at 12 30 p m in the Missionary home that tha tree were spruce when the will gle a concert and parade Bun twenly-thtrannual session of the of the National Congress of to welcome conDobbs h announced radio Kerr driver Kn Hugh church auditing committee end pree- and the Dut and Scandinavian lhti!ay at (he First Rreabv terlan —Major General Douglas MacArthur associations will speak at MM FACES MLRDEll QtIZ Went of the Rigby etaks spoke ference will be held Immediately fol- w were looking at one of the finest announcer and his company from state synod TOLEDO Oct 3 (1’J— Pete Idea 10 i m to the leaden- class of the A 7 8 has who 9 II of 8 and chief staff spent here church In October was Mr in Dobbs San FiamNoo of stale low the members of the the afternoon geneial session stand mg briefly yellow pine urging 1 30 m she will volt long wanted aa a suspect In here at association French week the p th for three Prominent revlrwing Lake In the Balt tha strumenlal of In in hall Lund came guest and hall At speakers to the the their having rhnrch Assembly parting ft Barrett The German display pride murder of Jerry Buckley armv maneuver address the cltv and slate parent-th- e conference ways each happier for new frlend- - band broadcast ofr radio while vis three dsy meet Include Mr Jessie and Jugoslavian respectively llgtnn Elll missionary from rerala vailed for home tonight on the Le teaehei board members and at 2 5 t r olt radio announcer woa arrested “I personally" lie said “bate is scheduled for 12 15 p m In the whips made yet a little sad that ths Itlng the Pacific coast this summer she will speak to the Federation of last night by two detectives who Frnost Rewrite manager of the Icb Rev David H Mare v nodical ex- - vlathan neter felt like apologizing for b£ Assembly hall and tha German re- separation should com o aoon 35 omen Mr William Reid recognized him from police devcrlp Mr Idaho ('hih and for hand ecutlve Satin ter said Utah dav Carriers’ that 8 o m 1 And held S be the with will L of union a it mrmber the Monday p representative Ing as lie walked along a down also leaders state president of the association In the Auditorium on Rlcbardi street from praetlcally every atale In the Lite band will assemble at the Union Roe Cloud of the American Indian of national mission Church” street with a woman com- the Slate ton Utah 2 40 p m Institute Wichita Kan Mtsa Marcia and members of th at ranged meetings Bund tv station of on home bark Union musical theacltle feature their the The of Clawson way Sundays Rodger president for panlon An Informal lea u sc hcduled After hla Identity waa council of the twleve stressed the general sessions will be “God of seventeenth annual meeting of theiand then will evott Mr Dobbs to the Kerr Pacific dlatrlct secretaiy Ban Christian Endeavor Union ent amionm cd All checked bv means of fingei prints of Utah hi 10 p rn M rv women - Newhou-- e The Mr Dobbs and his Franrlsco Rev Murdock Method hotel synodical v Iatter-daFvarv 1st of Association American Highac State the bv Israel” Paints Stephens of Importance tc t ni c luv lied lo nt- - tie dec Is i cd ha would fight extrsdt-Phlll- p wav Official cam to a eueressful 'company will stage a dallv entertain dlvti lc t dlt ector Ban F ranc Isro Rev w III hold separate sessions T hut daj v ho ai e lulcrv cepilng a of tha gospel adding thatjwlurh will be sunjf during the 'tlon itend uicnt at the Utah state fall conclusion Pajpe rej'rcaeutlDg the board anvl 1 ilday can be subtracted from It or einoon FOR WORKERS FARM i&f ' r awo-raatio- - YOUTHS OF YOUNG ' ' Parent-Teachers- - NEW LURES VISITING Parent-Teache- them-selve- FARMERS GAIN TAX PRIVILEGE Old Timers Pay Tribute To Dormers vle-lto- fe Ill-Fate- H le y 1 stx-fo- ot te Here’s List Of Sunday Senators Debate Act CLUB EXHIBITS STIR INTEREST Fair Events he 4-- H Leaf-Harr- (UP)-Pre-- mler is Smoot-Hawle- k F G Car they At Yellowstone Plumbing Firm During Summer President Dies Throng Stops e pop-cor- n Federal Worker Schedules Three Addresses al Church Synod Latln-Amerlca- n Band Arranges Sets Session For October Concerts at Fair 1 d I’arent-Teaihe- - De-L- 1 ' V i A t i e |