Show released rona ro na congressman Congress mai howards recovery congressman gee H whites case la grippe is epidemic catarrh it spares no class or nationality the cul aured and the ignorant the aristocrat and the pauper the masses and the classes are alike subject to la grippe none are exempt all are liable have you the gripe or rather has the grip got you grip is well named the original french term la grippe has been shortened by the busy amer lean to read grip without intend ing to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the case As it some hideous giant with awful had clutched us in its fatal clasp men women children whole towns and cities are caught la the baneful grip of a t monster na tor grip mrs dr D powe 1 president of epworth league also president of loyal temperance legion writes from chehalis Che halls wash I 1 have used several remedies in cases of severe colds and la grippe but none I 1 consider of more value than peruna mrs dr D powell after effect of la grippe miss emma jouris president golden rod sewing circle writes from 40 bur ling street chicago as follows this spring I 1 suffered severely from the after effects of la grippe As the doctors did not seem to help me 1 bought a bottle of peruna misa em ma jouris congressman howard s letter fort ala the peruna medicine co columbus gentlemen I 1 have taken peruna sow for two weeks and find I 1 am very much relieved I 1 feel that my cure mill be permanent I 1 have also taken it for la grippe and I 1 take pleasure la recommending peruna as an excellent remedy to all fellow sufferers M V howard member of congress ba grippe leave the system la deplorable condition D L wallace a charter member of the international barbers union writes from 15 western avenue min nea polls minn arters little liver pills must bear signature of 2 aee fac wrapper below tory mull and easy to we 03 sugar a HEADACHE DIZZINESS fon BILIOUS ICESS ld LIVER constipation FOH tallow SKIM p I 1 purely Teze tabie vulf CURE SICK HEADACHE no amol smote meat w tb LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE fade from h caory wood del flavor than old way and for calar u il bro milton pa NEW DISCOVERY fives S I 1 ere book of tei mon a tand ie dili treatment az U U 1 GOS bi I 1 Itla ata u following a severe attack ot la grippe I 1 seemed to be affected badly all over one of my customers who was greatly helped by peruna advised me to try it and I 1 procured a bottle the same day now my head Is clear my gervea are steady I 1 enjoy food and rest well peruna has been worth a dollar a dose to me L D wallace grippe cause deafness Deaf nedS mrs M A bearick chaplain GAR woman s bellet corps writes from fremont wash when la grippe was the prevailing illness in this western country I 1 was laid up the whole winter I 1 partially lost my hearing and had a very bad case 0 catarrh of the head and throat I 1 read of peruna tried it and had my hearing restored and catarrh cured I 1 cannot speak too well ot peruna mrs M A sharick la grippe cared in it stage lieutenant clarice hunt of the salt lake city barracks ot the salvation army writes from ogden utah two months ago I 1 was suffering with so severe a cold that I 1 could hardly speak our captain advised me to try pen runa and procured a bottle tor me and truly it worked wonders within two weeks I 1 was entirely well clarice hunt Con greeman white letter tarboro N C I 1 am more than fled with and find it to be aa excellent remedy for the grip and ca I 1 have used it in my family and they all join me la recommending it as an excellent remedy aeo oeo H white member of congress remained in feeble health after cored of IA grippe mrs W colllns treasurer inde pendent order of good Tem plara at everett wash writes after having a severe attack ot la grippe I 1 continued in a feeble condl tion even after the doctor called me cured my blood seemed poisoned peruna cured me mrs W Ool llna address the peruna medicine co of columbus 0 tor a tree book on catarrh beer poisoning scare ehg beer poisoning scare has had the effect ot diminishing the consumption ot beer in london by at least 20 per cent most ot the licensed are now displaying placards guarantee ing the freedom of their from arsenic and all other deleterious sub stances cannot be anred by local applications as they cannot reach the d ceased portion of the ear there la only ona way to cure deafness and that la by conati tut ional remedies deafness is caused by an inflamed cond t on of the mucus 1 ning of the eustachian Eusta chlan lube when this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing and when it 1 entirely closed deafness Is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucus surfaces we will give one hundred dollars tor any case ot deafness caused by catarrh that connot be cured by halls catarrh cure send tor circulars tree F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by druggists boc ball s family pills are the best the st petersburg society for the distribution of useful books at mod erate prices is contemplating issuing daily newspapers for the masses ande sam aim to buy the best ct everything which Is why he uses carter g ink knows what a good it is proposed to introduce metal instruction into the institutions for the education of the priesthood in russia piso s cure is the best medicine we eseo for all affections of the throat and lungs wu 0 vanburen ind feb 10 1900 cussia is said to have an average of one physician to 30 population when the bar Is th n and gry 1 renew the growth and or the beet cu e for diseta in siberia one has to ride as much as for a doctor dont drink too much water when adama pepsin kutal brutti Is an execute at ut the power of the prea ie a common expression but few realize its actual power great as Is the influx ence of the press it cannot begin tv equal the power of hostetter s stomach bitters over disease tl e bitters strengthens the stomach p rifles the blood and cures dyspepsia indigestion and constipation it will tone up the nerves stimulate in active kidneys and as an appetizer it la unequaled if you want to get well and keep well use hostetter s stomach bitters according to the berliner post e new german warships will be placed in commission this year TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE all druggists refund the money it it f a Is to cure E W grove s signature Is oa the box begot at ona are pending in new york which if successful will result in the carnegie company abandoning its plan of bu id ng a great steel tube plant in conneaut Conne aut 0 inflammation of the lungs it used to be called it is now called pneumonia if you have a cough you are in danger if you survive pneumonia your lungs are weakened and con easily fastens itself upon you 0 will cure our cough and thus re vent pneumonia it will heal sore lungs and it will positively cure consumption always sold under a guarantee write to for testimonials and free illustrated book on tion bold at boo and el 00 a bottle you are not return tl e bottle to conr drug Klit a d get v r money bade W hooker 1 roars buffalo N TAKE NO FREE CATALOGUE SHOW NC FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND hata A J TOWER co BOSTON MASS the russians minister of railways prince has ordered that women shall be eligible for station masters in minor town 1 I feel if I 1 should as 1 I am so nervous and wretched fly how familiar these expressions are 1 little things annoy you and make you irritable you want you are unfit for ordinary duties and are subject to dizziness that bearing down sensation helps to make you feel miserable you hive backache and pains low down in the side pain in top of head later on at the base of the brain such a condition points unerringly to serious uterine trouble if you had written to mrs pinkham when you first penen ced impaired vitality you would have been spared these hours of awful suffering happiness will be gone out of your life forever my sister unless you act promptly procure lydia E raa vegetable compound at once it is absolutely sure to help you alien write to mrs pinkham at lynn mass i there is anything about your case you do not understand you need not be afraid to tell her tho things you could not explain to the doctor your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential mrs pinkham s vast eapen ence with such troubles enables her to tell you just what is best for you and she will charge you nothing for her advice mrs valentine tella of happy results accomplished by lydia E vegetable compound DEAR MRS PINKHAM it is with pleasure that I 1 add my testimony to your list hoping it may induce others to avail themselves of the benefit of your val bable remedy before taking lydia K pinac hains vegetable compound I 1 felt very bad was terribly nervous and tired had sick headaches no appetite gnawing pain in stomach pain in my back and right side and weak I 1 could scarcely stand I 1 was not able to do anything had sharp all through my body before I 1 had taken half a bottle of your medicine I 1 found myself improve ing I 1 continued its use until I 1 had taken four bottles and felt well that I 1 did not need to take an more I 1 am like a new person and your medicine shall always have my praise MRS W P VALENTINE ferry avenue camden N J owin to the fact that tome people have from time to t me quo onca the ceness of the acs mon al letters we e constant h n we have depos ted with the national ty bank of lynn man wh ch w 1 be pa d to any person who can know that the above test li not ne or was p b shed before tbt n a the wr ter perm si on o 0 that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out purified and disinfected the year round one whose liver is dead whose bowels and stomach are full of half decayed food whose whole body is unclean inside is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis if you want to be safe against the scourge keep in good health all the time KEEP CLEAN infidel use the only tonic laxative that will make your bowels strong and healthy and keep them pure and clean protected against appendicitis and ALL EPIDEMIC DISEASES it s that will keep and save you take them regularly and you will find that all diseases are absolutely aa wel trouble 1 B S bad breath bad blood manil lej on tile bloated bowel foul w 1 pimple pain after eating Iroc ble allois complexion U lien your boimel don t move regularly you are detune hill anore people an all other disease it tarter for the chronic ailment and long of nixerine niR erine that come no matter nhat all you start truing today to day for yon will never set well and be veil all the you put your borrel right fake our advice tart witti today to day under an absolute auar aalee to cure or money refund iu TO cirilli 11 1 U 1 1 11 the fart 1 1 8 ii H fa 1 I 1 5 r 5 81 u vr oia 0 iollar clae la th world proof of krent merit ir beet faith and biell CASt CARET italy r to cure or refunded t todar two aoe five them a fair nonet trial per ample and if you are not at laed after albir box i eburn the n ud apty box to u by mail or the from TX bom inq it and for bobb boxes toko oar a avico no what 11 ecart et art today health will nichar follow n d yon the day i tiie W or the statement is made in shanghai that russia besides indemnity wll demand the bum of 30 aaela restoring manchuria v ikuo WILL MAKE YOU brett cat permanent brssi ho k 1 on earth ard we hav U a wor d over to and it equal G lowi where a 1 k 1 a d burn up fro n heat d lack 0 luff loleni n where a 1 othen winter k I 1 and t beeze t a to f tone hay per acre aluta of t rage dee 1 20 and up a barrel larnet potato and vegetal e cho rarest beahl bayle dinge tock ay delit relit for 10 cants and this nobce our b eata loRue wl 1 be mal ed you free to aether w th 10 ramp e pac Lagee of the 80 bu up it wonder t e arl the loll 1011 w th 1 e tartt e Pea oat tart in the victoria 1 u buchel i aan etc in a I 1 JO p tu wor h t 0 to get loohn ta p send today to day LACROSSE i bvm 1 mn fsr EC tm EC IN 3 4 YEARS AH ASSURED it you take up your homes in western canada the land of plenty 11 rated alvind exper ances of ta uno have come wea thy in farow wheat reports 0 1 ao delegines dele giles etc an 1 full rates can b ds to railway bad on application to the superintend n ol 01 department 0 interior ottawa canada or to W V bennett N Y alle biag omaha neb S no us AND V of 1 tood 1 nr 1 tal you k tn ab 90 pf af book f add X i A brooder co III V WITHOUT 7 U 1 tle w on pl I 1 0 tb loaf dl 2 14 h street reet detroit branch ora apo cleveland nd books periodical your gadard juveni d chool aul kurat booti office euln and bua and oarda aaa B by sturn mai from A XI arff co kolt latke 1 CLAIMANTS i dant 1 U BL w te to I 1 1 anton I 1 0 they I 1 I 1 will re elveru jtb cortna pro cut ba cla ms since 1878 W j cost o 0 barup bool in t roo bo d by arta aa W N U salt lake no 81 |