Show canada plane to operate telegraph with the postal service the dominion government has taken practical steps to purchase the tele graph systems of canada extend them enormously and operate them in con lection with the Bce department it is also seriously proposed to follow a similar cobrae with the telephone but in the case ot the latter panties will be licensed as in great britain to operate the system within their own areas the question of the absolute control of the canadian telegraphic service has long been d but not until the present liberal government came into office has it been possible to talk pur chase ith a surplus running from 6 to 7 for 1900 01 and a prospect of an equally lare surplus for 1901 the plan seems feasible the great desire of canadian state men is to see cables owned by great anta n under tl e atlantic and pacific oine at each ocein to wires owned by the dom nion crossing this country and thus practically girdling the globe by a cable abdol clely under imperial control the bus ness men of canada are unanimously in favor of the scheme |