Show nation warning to mrs carrie ration on friday last bent a personal letter to all the saloon keepers in topeka kans warning them to stop their business the let ter was addressed to the Joint keep ers of topeka my dear t ell bound sinners mrs Is aaion suggested that the joint keepers appo nt a place of meeting with her at which the situa t on could be carefully canvassed and the dee sion concerning the furuie d s position of the joints arrived at she said tl air joints would be raided if they did not comply the rev mead U D of new york city one of the speak rs at a re cent temperance rally of the connetti i cut sunday school association in new haven in discussing vice and intern perance in new york city talked of intemperance among girls he said that the rev mr furry one of the missionaries in the boyers street mis slon in new tork city had recently canvassed his district and had found american girls living with china men there of the he added twelve were the daughters of clergy men the downfall of the young wo men being die to their thirst tor drink |