Show cash demanded of neeley the military government of cuba will demand a cash bond from Y neeley the alleged defaulter what the amount will be has not yet been stated as neeley a lawyer absolutely refuges to deposit cash fearing that it will be seized the charges will ag I 1 regale an of over with a possibility ot the amount being materially increase 1 the judge of the court of first instance is inclined to hold that neeley is guilty of stealing surcharged stamps to thy 0 and as the question of ball at present rests with him the cash to be deposited would exceed that figure in chicago mond ay saloonkeepers were arrested charged with keeping places open on the masonic temple coledo ohio was destroyed by fire monday entailing a loss of of 50 is on the building the army appropriation bill carries approximately as against estimates of about made by war department ofle bals th total of appropriations general and deficiency for aggregate sits I 1 |