Show castle valley alle is covered with a mantle of 0 sno inov v ahe f timers ir ners say that enough water is ass ired them for next summer a irrigator irrig aton on and the stock men declare that there vill be enough feed and water foi them hence everyone Is 13 it h pp beci becire ue on these two industries alone ve depend for our daily breid broad A lon on er enalpe atit 0 estimate est imite ot of the snowfall in the valla the past five day da s is 13 believed to bo be 12 inches and possibly in the hills the amount is double with the four inches of sno v thit that tell fell some two weeks ago the total snowfall for this winter exceeds that of the t two 0 former w in tat s combined a few inches to spare hence ate a avill hear no more of drought tor for a car at least st good crops are no nov v assured is well as feed for stock the prospects pacts ire looking pretty good in E nery cou ity thinie you ou nov no v bring on your railroad rail roid |