Show UTAH STATE NEWS provos schools has reopened to all healthy children whether vaccinated or not claims the honor of having named the first school in the state after the late dr john R park william campbell was last week sen fenced to one year in the penitentiary for stealing a salt laker s overcoat in the future the silver king sena tor kearns park city bonanza will pay its shareholders per month or 66 cents per share two communications were read in the lower house last week urging the establishment of the whipping post in utah for young toughs there is not more than three feet of snow at alta whereas the amount re quiren to insure a summer a supply of water should be ten feet the people of glenwood dedicated their new assembly hall on the persons sitting down to a sumpta ous spread in the new hall representative king has introduced a bill appropriating 5 for the pur chase of a site and the establishment of a fish culture station in utah it is said that 1 has already been secured for the purpose of placing a baseball team in park city to play in the utah league this summer the report of the salt lake board of health for the week ending january 26 showed 73 cases of smallpox in exist ence against 79 the week before the utah society of the army of the philippines has been presented with a handsome silk flag by the enterprise company of patterson N J there is no longer any talk of an 1 adjournment of the legislature ind it seems certain now that the ees will go the constitutional limit of sixty days the report of the board of public works of salt lake for the year 1900 shows the amount expended during the year for public improvements was 87 hay is not bringing the price farmers anticipated last fall on account of the open winter alfalfa baled bringing 9 a ton and timothy 11 50 a ton in the salt lake market those interested in having a commis elon appointed to negotiate with the indians for the opening of the uintah reservation are very much encouraged over the present outlook rev J M dansen who as a meth odist minister presided over several charges in sanpete county is an aspi jant office of united states con bul to norway and since the abolishment of the army canteen by congress there have been sixteen applications for a saloon license on the piece of ground near fort du chesne known as the strip agnus carlson a young lady of salt lake v as last week committed to the state insane asylum her mind having been weakened by the excessive in fulgence dul gence in light literature the bell telephone company has put on a force of men for the purpose of giving nephi a local exchange most of the business houses and a number of families having subscribed the old folks of lehi to the number about were entertained by the ald folk s committee on the mrs M A pox aged 84 and william bone aged 90 were the oldest couple present by a mutual agreement the public schools of lehi were thrown open mon day of last week to all healthy children the smallpox epidemic has almost sub sided there being only one case in quarantine according to some interesting figures on emigration just published there were aliens and 29 american citi zens landed in lew york bound for utah in 1900 as against aliens and 20 americans in 1899 placing etab ahead of all the western states as re gards foreign immigration experiments are being made looking to the inauguration of a method to re fine the crude oil found in the eastern part 0 the state and it assaid that fair success has already been achieved and that a plant will be erected for that purpose ane cost of maintaining the state prison for 1899 and 1900 was 78 37 or 43 cents daily per capita out of this sum 15 28 was received from earnings of convict labor and for care of united states prisoners the prison property ie worth over workmen engaged in digging a canal near weston uncovered at a depth of about eighteen feet an old fashioned stone fire place upon the hearth of which were ashes and charcoal alpar antly just as fresh as when the fire had been put out cyrus R a miner employed at the balver lying park city was in scantly killed on the ath by an ex of a missed hole had gone back to relight the fuse when the blast exploded and he was instantly killed being badly mutilated the state prison report submitted to the governor shows prisoners were received at the penitentiary during the years 1899 and 1900 and that had been discharged leaving prisoners on december 31 salt lake county con tn buting 66 of the number A proposition is being considered by Verua lites for the construction of a large canal on veite river the cost of the dam and ditch will be between 0 and 30 and the number of res to be covered is estimated at be 15 and 20 |