Show WEEK IN CONGRESS tl re lay hoffsette Hoff SEThe house passed abe bill which carried 7 mr dalzell ol 01 pennsylvania rom the oom on rules reported a substitute tor th senate re or the counting ol 01 the elec toral vote february army reorganization bill the senate 33 to sa the shipping bill was dis cussed during the latter part ol 01 the day an 1 meet with ed opposition friday hansn the house passed an omnibus bill carrying claims tor stores and supplies bakel by the union army during the rebellion th claims were pas ed by the court ot claims alii aggregated tau practically all the bene fl clarles reside in the south the bill to amend abe chinese exclusion act was passed mr hitt chairman ot the corn cittee on foreign affairs said the bill had bee prepared by the attorney general to proven the fraudulent entry ol 01 chinese laborers bl giving the government as well as the chinese the right to appeal from the decision ot th united states commissioner effort was made to link the nicaraguan canal bill with the shipping sub sidy bill but met with the combined opposition ot those layering either measure and lulled little other business was transacted saturday batur day the house spent the day in the eon atlon 0 the lice bill A struggle over the questions ol 01 restoring the a alon or pneumatic tube services and 0 the re of railway mall pay was precipitate by amendments offered but no action wa taken the exception ot an bour ana halt at the beginning of the session the sen ate devoted the entire day to the discussion 0 the ship subsidy bill mr turner and mr mallory were the speakers in behala ot the op n bibi day holsi the house passed the senate bill to create a commission to adjudicate the claim ot citizens atthe united states against tl tens 0 spain the bill extending the charter 0 national banks tor twenty years bills to ratify the agreement with the crow indians ol 01 montana and tor the redemption ol 01 hawaiian coin at par were defeated the bouse held a short session the day being given to a celebration the centennial 0 the assumption 0 the dutley ot ahlet justice ot the united states supreme court by john mar the program consisted ot addresses the exercises were held in the hall ot the house and were attended by the president and cabinet members ot the senate and leading jurists from all over the united states credentials ot senator kearns ot utah were presented by his colleague sena tor and he was in notice was given that a motion would be made to have night sessions beginning next week and con until abe end of the session abe house agreed to the senate amendment to the resolution providing or the appointment ol 01 a to arrange tor the inauguration ol 01 the president and vice dent by striking out that part referring to the vice president the postal bill was under con Elder atlon all day senate passed the district ot columbia appropriation bill the ship subsidy bill was superseded as unfinished business mr teller s resolution asking lor information concerning the deportation from manila ot edward aice an american citizen and the suppression ol 01 bis papers was adopted |