Show il it gas at green iziver natural gas gibis is making its presence felt at green kiver river station cias says the silt salt L ike the tribune it I 1 ie seeping up from subterranean depths through the bed of 0 the river and is bubbling up through the tho i e xv which bich ig no v bir caking up in the river an I 1 mon moving ing off in places where tho the 13 comes up tip with some force it has I 1 au teu set f re to making a fine flue pa me dil election rih ahia in connection with tho the 0 I 1 dincov cries his has set the i cople in that section to tl I 1 iki jg i bore than a ever or that thi green rivel rivet country will soon bo be 0 i the lo 10 i phot of the illumination was tikon by ira ra k cook and sent to the weather office in bait salt lake |