Show emery county copper harvey hardy hard a lormer former ol 01 salt salk lake county cimo came in from his emery county residence yesterday ho ile report a series ot of finds with sensational sens atonal onal values bout nine dine miles north of wood side which ho he is sati fled ft ill result in the establishment of a new DOW mining dis brict which vill will soon bo be among the most noted in the state ile cama came oell loaded lo aided with samples rich in silver and lend lead with good values la in copper and gold ind and wig nag fort fled with as ag savers certificates mr hardy haq hag been proa pros ec eon ci na in emery county for or over two years airs and during that time has located several groups in the sam neighbor hood which include some thirty claims charlea charles B jack and other salt lake parties are also interested it the enter u prise one group which was as located by sira sam S ira gilbon gilson some vears years ago has furn furu dished ore that rives gives cj ga percent per cent lead 8 9 per cent coppel and 30 ounces of silver ind and in gold to the ton on the sheep pai pat ih lh group located by mr hard a vein from six to eight feet thick has been encountered at a depth of eighty feet in six inches on the hinging wall have yielded ounces of s elver ivor to the ton and 73 per cent lead mr hardy stites states that other veins ot of lower values of incredulous thickness have been d sc on sur face outcroppings in addition to these minerals he davs that region haa has sul chur deposits galore and eago in baits salts by b the acre he will return to emery county in a few days dais and continue de do ve v eloping loping his property with renewed vigor |