Show carnegie steel plant sold A new york d say andrew carnegie has sold control of the carne gie steel works to J pierpont morgan the terms of the transaction cannot at this time be announced but the araos action is a colossal one rivaling the re cent change of control of the southern pacific when that propel ty passed into the bands of union pacific interests mr carnegie held nearly 54 per cent of the stock of the carne gle company this stock has not been listed on any stock exchange but was recently paid for a 1000 share in the carnegie company assuming that mr carnegie has die posed of h s holdings at par he will receive fully 85 for his interest while at the same time he will retain his 53 or 54 per cent interest in the bond issue of the carnegie company the object aimed at by mr morgan and the rockefeller and other interests allied with him when treating with mr carnegie was the assurance of an enduring peace in the steel industry of the united baates and this condition Is now believed to have been attained |