OCR Text |
Show | F27 The Falt Lake Tribune Friday, May 26, 1995 HomesForSale South Davis Park City | Avenues | Mobile Homes Lake 2 Sait WOODSCk Home Sve Course Golf for MEADOWS PARK Homes | BG I'S RAMBLER WOW! row cor WESTJORDANBRICK eens 3200$a| HATE FRO EMEC SEF Yicloin, FOR SA 6 OWNER. Srck rorbie: 2 Stony, Vill iisoonmo 8 Bie toam soonCok Kieh tome huge ah | it Sam 72 ivng en) MAPLERIDGE MOBILE Riverton snnewcopetNagios os oom, Spe. New gorge, new | t “ 262-5107: 260-2210 NBS| oe Toviorsvie. Wf) c | foe, Mork ee oh S 300 e Sethe OnE ee Sed We ES wLiow ——s Najovolly assunplony [TWO ——— | "thors beaes e Wor evel maserate, eae SEs!" eeeat e Sewn, Draper Hillsin snows home Bountiful Se ee raced e Oe Sa m woea 4405586, Y me .eng, | “aan 02 SRIVOR | coe ee | 2 erst. o coradne Corcora igurie Ausseresses BS7e°| BOUNTIK - $406: South Jordan _| fam, adenfeFeed SCO GH Sas. aos oesSesctb. win pices. Tost ae Mark | |SayOur SUREDErSase0| KSHSERCOS, 00728 Tony reset 4610ongWestLoacien ES | ot76! an sa Boman Fantastic 2 ramet || gens ER, $184,900 siomentay shoot ae tam Nem jeeaee 3.9999 er et | “ous A 571-1968 or 561-5454 ee? mag | Utoh’s #1 HOME BUILDE Thel TOUCH READY FOR YOUR. ose] # soy.Late} beecgn vondttaey tcee Meta ‘ule wil love wih ack and 2 | wait cheeksbam 3 batt "Comrie Role 272.3508 46820 ieee 908-7397 ME BUILDER ioh's we Gl = Boneran S700 os Eee bas, wncows Roywn | PARK GEM! HIGHLAND newy tied kichen, semi finished family room. Re ate 69-1775 Holladay Se | odes PLUMB & CO. seis Fnaci Crepe 2 rs Condo en Hote. eneS| venoy, yiere as ces, are ae Serra.eee i St. George/ HARVARD/YALE AREAI Boyd 944-3964 MULTI-LEVEL tac deen ek set,Fuge (14906) ‘SESUSOUTH WILOW 3| poneee LOWWAYWAY(VEOUE) yaulea calngsnner CHAMASLACHHRESBASOCIATES | ADAY cubping neeareos fest | cabhowe, Super,Moving || XCLUSVE,HHOU iissgeaucae ceaastoRco oodles2 o Fok iomeee foe, = Open nae [eeecea czbasee son laa rpseTVAUE m HIS AEG CovePaKtDWS| ST,San 9747 $5. Qualra Basee aye S66cs00) PO) aegi Bic. PW Goon oss ecsing Furnished | Condo. S6000 BLOWMANE GEORGE fon S| Nownemes | has Values f te$150. omTaaseiae™ sone) Seo P r |e opeVesnm oe 5537319 Col Fegengook Nossanoee IN! oiithal Use (OVE n i gragvey. alley, V Cus Groen fomms. Wapies, —~ Murray is 268-4606 BOB ALLPHIN'S | TEION ESTATES9200 South 4000 Wee. —RE/! HBS aEON va $)80 $0. 1220West fomibienen, ig moster Sue wih | ~ow | 968.3535 Jenkins Howey LISTINGS! HOT ‘Gpencialy, e gage RENT Zcor FOR aeai bats COVE. 4 Sibaanis, _| HURRAY emcee SY Sugar House TERL eR are. AREA Y NS BO HOLLADA i BEST |e legas e per 919 spogepyF Dra ip JM ANDERSON2725 eo| eclorsine 26¢4444 Wes. (evar hom] (QBs connong bam, 2 2333,a0 599-1544 288-2457 oF 43-4204 andoon Sgt ggeh Sabet an| FOODHOLOW bem, e| THA 270 Park City ree eaeSeasrile| "haaireto Te OreSaste iain Sees ODELHOMEHOU Sor S bere ae bom nouse —— eene —— grape, 20kcob ee 4.e01 s t 4 e 6 "6 : County e SADA Utah e e f eee co ARK CITY GEM! er, otha Hes St Oy09p eeTamily “foom, hard: ® Imac. East Sondy, $bath rambler Pogu |fahaes20000 SaleFoon tanto iat 234-9490 e Townhouse HeeOL pee ah fendnea oti” =oon, Tg. Gh SPIN| mal dn § boSy ; So) $239,000.0 , 234-9190 seen 2a| Sted Si NEW 14x40 Raetwood, 2 NEW HOMES IN DRAPER * |loa atone| BRAND Oo 700...i, cout 268-071 — 185900 park 3 bos.§baths, Saeeae bom. 2banSng Cal2214482) 00. space, 2 slay Cape, Coc, CARATSopperen_ Fos $20 CHARMING kvese Perfecto, rented never Wes Jordon sag, barns ep maa ie aatoy ares manGy: ‘ished mman Golden We scence ||“Condominiums |New Bonnavilaso cand aes Spoon n castom $144900) ra|@ NewWeeJordo Fox.Ave-8 lhSteet MON 114 SseKnoueSt cpger «bam 4 LOCATON fay EXCELENT SCOR concory wll Sele ps muhmore, nook ost wes oaoce rn Ps che a OU 784777 oe HomesS922 a Frontier abo 3 proper SE Spams hone pattonrombler, $0: © : e gis yiGO fe us Lge,eee ak poo ee Ned! To eRso ce "path,park, 3b aan 183x552 $24,995. area: sion a, SSTdar Vill Wil most new, PO $464900 Ber fstng Now 2500| 00, anc ae Dtra INGE900,9 ate So. Butercup 40488 Bice . tract f mut bebe 8.Jordon SUCH TE Cone Al| © MosB00 ari fo $149,900. Opensu apm. 574-5479. M 300 Sort ‘ Sor 5 eapoed a Sub san, aoU grant floors, and ith addled t OUN ain atone ‘Riverton 4 bois. thOnl grogo For more informati il Jim Blox Condo Lifestyle | pENOUse sot apg 4 ween aaa UHOOLaT ParkCity ter 1 Hits Reaity. From the $170's syoeee IER, bdrm, 4 bath, 2 family EAST SIDE Sore2 — EARLS bah 559.4 IER CALL571-1188 OR 561-1000_| giousnth L BANEPREM facere _COLBWE 63, Be | 9 £92 ‘huge kit rombiet fivedon NEN © 357449-*| 2 cman orgaoe bre ey 254hd | Pe ome$ 1098 mone Beton oar|* New e by oppt, 9434257L foam ot agumRRS Condo Open 7-NICEon Eos). asW 3548 sais P.H80044 PRO ahs eeeSats ‘1-6 Daly 801-753-0805 SUSOR Seo eet home cuslom RANCH, TEREMY . gobam ota 9 “ows 9AS3ta7 $215,000. Got cone ROL OASIS MOBILE Home olde, = Toot and . Pe SSS ‘@ Riverion 8 |° Window, vauieoSelf Snorer ereeeree eeerasume Renee60] gaan ay)oiewertaer re Gms Eeeaeriness| BN. 90, = ot Chopond best waleMeesen Tooele County | hgsapig. ste. sem SuRsouRgBist Ofer. 655416. sumer Chon Munoy mui, 3| "he Gotrermaeas e2 3] Bodh Pro Fee. a z STANSBURY PARK Aes eam ««+ Persie ae unis S67 900. 908 | Soo Mi6, 599-7605, Wanton of Gi oy ramenses SG RUSEDHOME s| fing on he CASHFORYOU — NTEIS eh Pet fer RENON ST m Sensor ty oeingte nc ene178 fecat HesyouGate « Sem Mabel Groat Yes| a to sel. e remodeled, mapocain Bat2h orgatia? eis ue South Sandy. com bath, covert take anaeson Se oon | mo ee Sretelee room, thyroomfot| $0000 Ma moved ooes8 Buy our beauiiful home on| ae as g 9, Butler ae Amerelt Sa a PAYHENT DOWN $2,500 Home 88280 Mageese = Hiverton Magna rasan Sb, 2H WORK FOR DOWN, aim. bah th.kageLicker| BAUTFULA Ry Screureyy HOUSE St. Omor. 2198 Lierse PEN e b — ees!(nevs ch Tarrewaoanhore. Gombe OD. SY. OTHIMES) supe Som Huse Sa penSe i fe, cea hy Grrwth baler yen| noesrc ondbam To ‘ets 13 rooms: fomal dining, for 2siorv Salt Lake financing Gown ising 2-4 buy $88,900 call for defats soehereonoe main fr jaundry m. 2¥.| 2% 76gots no pomSayOT Sh Dost selection 4 parms, Coorg iunyfor Heeseot sonay agents Besent Su, OOK fa, 2 ‘open. ons opego coune| Saino 400 Sa hon, NCESRUTERY.bc SHEOROOMSan gat "Dulcer peace Count réea'n| Mowe foe 965. 965-9400 or 574-6 966-9200 in ‘PGsNev 2sWestspec Celebrity el =_ ied a= Bi uilders Se ee era ae OPEN SAT, 25, East, 50 So, 44th487-16 a West Jordan ram, BUILDER OF CHOICE iL A CHYTRAUS HOMES elle bath,_ Coll UTAH eeeteaee from $134,900 ‘Quatty new VISTAices fom. Sond orefo ‘chaos OpeningPr 599-5430 CalHampton‘Blaylock m $122,990 Reatty Group, mes FANTASTICNAWEfon ami | Oa i cor winSe isiipo rene, ao oor plane 4 agebedrooms can be built out obetSambowetpa OBRnS aes itis Dr. bey!ri abn enc Sea 5911 280-59: UTAH PARKSIDE = Utah Count me & CO. Murray | MURRAYBENNIONAREASt TION toncecm| TUNWEO uauee Geares suani $149,000 hones NTU ‘ RieraMee from the $4 | ity ee Reotors e a vile,oams a (8505) 1472 ESUNNYSIDE DR Gls) b ts on Nietoan Utah County HOLLADAY! ae HIGH UP IN home, 5 ee 7H Avenues boxdike Condos? Ther a mn Besogatguns ‘ONE BEDROOM CONDO EETco:sii00 ee valobie§ 972-8255 | 94 FLEETWOOD SES| Hoths.ImmOG, 977-8370 — HON— gtcorenate) Baguwucaraa?| SUNT LIE "ae E BE ose Vine ‘eindas (e a, 4 Noh ‘Gohdean, 801-4 Toa seu 277-208 VERTos iyAisCoe reat down NEYO en Hon ts a he ing. reneged, bam bats, fond storage, laundry, sauno,retb. or) anne, ‘onsgt. 199000. ooereance | SUGARHOUSE cape! _|_Farms/Acerage LeveL CONDO 1ee Cores2ccs. for, | eT 269 ocres coeSpe or 5877085 RE ALTY Bountiful 166-8658 Pn ure OlSor comfortable fotos Dem, $50. a fermene ™.| iconve Bossooo. femiy tures Ne a co8 gs etn] SednaWieoa s astonSoath MOUNTAIN RANCH, Toy remodeled All|i1| TEION on kdaho side, Ors ‘apis. stay. $409,900. SelaNome.Bou Sark, Nchok. s73.tee. STONE CRE 2 UN a. cee1eSgoo| SANDY oorHighloned&k See snp Saaa oe rena,conta1 ev i 3 io ot 2104. 5400S. yoaal O 2185 Coldwell Banker Premier ws TI i= tae S55 ae 265108 an HOMES Housing bow iaien| RELANCE Equal Opportunity sianrene we — gg 162083502348 Wie —— e naGngsl" Sdten raid duplex sdeb-by-side EXECUTIVESide Sat,12014562250. %* LOOKING FOR ** UTAH FARM or RANCH Holladay ena BORN,Shah oe 24 you fSdh , eetesoEe ———— e Tokay redoneNew wing. una, son foes hy coun to ee 2 Ex Cos Fo noclteae| Bt Weber County fee:sordhg onda,homes.) 1ced york? co. ga| feos, 2 foniy rooms,37 EAST MOUNTAIN ne | ViewHeme rem toy S10 xo ar RPASHTED| eaoetandseaped. grecl| Peeeeaeisn 3 3 22 ita pm2303.50 idee 260SSUARE FBC TSS Bl Ser paik inoncing e Seatoe s2 Bao Gem ole ee CrecotnedowriownFeetWet fe cage go MIDWAY Sa ‘and valley, views, Teduc $36.00. 299.300 valltal Femiyconby Sle ters NS ck Sate aBook T738 or "hae Bo GHANE18:70, 3 bam,1Ba Ba bate a nvornoton Shire . o So oat m-6E| pam S270 ooreSan-b ono 0% rarb sdf scenc Te ResCoase4 stoneacon 24x 48, 3 bam. 2 24x48, $50 sag reat a ILIRS 485-5973 q KAY bath, must be 42x45, 2bam, 4544-7259 6)ss AIOE nate INTHECOUNTRY geeal ring fst ‘Grofhey lany ready for ee late OVO iF SHERWOOD HLS EASTSIDE aioeaan Call| ‘frutt e PesSue | Hana ra 5'3-7530, Vic Ayers SogouG EASNRearkeaies_|“w County non zoo4et4.| Wasatchasatch Boiniesher ne | H/A00Tcra South Jordan Prestige Real Estate RealEstate, Ine,/Broker. ee Me sotee PRICE REDUCED, Mi BEST,BUY, IN TOWN!| aa MOTIVATED, inte, OnlyWe $143,958, ying. Bay Heart WesReWena H&G $28 bom, 2 fished bem, n ee Park a] aa 2469644 tonHe a ton | yerd. 3 HOMES Sr, 0So:00West sit CANYON Rl IM 3. bdim. of folol § Booultuly Pe ond sores nice bdm. 2 Yr fost 7 t South Davis omes entering. cose 10 por. od) "CASHMoleH mis ‘| ThePrudential eacaredce Salt Lake > =— — == mce | “gsmt “Waerso ”) RE raller Space vouted e‘ FrcAS| EE Me mentsenoarect SE PUS Waldl ra| | EcosDaren8475175. ta SOR rusty group Pgtieeor 467S085. erasRago na 687-1625 st Pce| Opting Ys Gore o Eat Grand i eB witspa Roorn To. po,|Te| c 2 both, mtoce barn. hospial | 6 hapkG| OTE 9688744 Synergencs $94,990 Call Cal mall rom Barretto oer LE I ge tomes new FEot 467. le Realy rDOWN! — Open a WORKfo CD) goun 4800 West HOMES, P 458200 REUANCE Equal Opportunity Housing | WHAT1S.A BOWER? cones comeswien. oa aere were location. Comes sat beat basements tha |e Huge _o8nbe bull out aan rep ene Ee 15Fwy. South, Exit *AUCTION® 9.) lave Yas "show!ue Mak Nee 4bedoan 7 toa. ve associates SeGa0 na sitions wil Hox 3 Cars. Go sized West Jordan T8aatd dat, krghed 3 TOMMOOD HTS cok i roua NG for ham dot..culcolng coe, 6YOWER-CO yetom.Wonk et] nding. Sores ect BUILDER OF CHOICE wie,Mist Sa Fas ous Br aragon a” rl cammuguonss [ee| lar goaten!) ID soxncscl Mies 22050 pons fmott 2524244 properties |B ata Mt aeam [matsas arh| are 4b close-in location See Pri Bice paes ‘Brian, 280-9852. COMPLETRYRemodeled Aa eares bas. SoyorSols ne 28 Ti etaclox fon m, te WOR aa.Sats aE Ram.tape baths, modeled ee cot a Teerare feroesy ox South Davis Crank hang Hill fexst Ras on eos it sonora ee e : n South Mountai ations Now! TakingReserv S72SRW6/ SIOs-Sials nee gir |e aeascoll rawcses 7. e ore Seig e “Reoee —— ii nga era cae cocemot,vm, tat gay pew iene covet bum, $440,000. Coll 272-5604 ID# 17524. arte | INVENT! RY CLOSEOUT NOONE ROTOR OW Pre ee | $1,000.99 Discount ‘on oll 4 models in stock 5% do | Paes 9 AM.- P: DAILYcapeiord Co eT9idWayne 25 OAC | owerasegoseieee 0 netsa || Ppa Ree al= » ||sew283 mo 42 ote, IMSARSON SHORE350 pee eatanias Boos Park City | sopbyoutag'tcam 6024 | GORGEOUS wrote are qygusees Be RL beim, 3%bath, 2 cot tasuy Alon ere ee Phose 7.nis ite 9458447 omes H AN AMERICAN FAVORITE lugeDreamKit 44-7 Mon-Fri;; 109.900.we le ba goer inooe 107 Sat.; 11-6 Sun. (Sta0So) 2ob1988, 3 BEDROOM, 4% both, office, 2 car SHEHAN 862-8312 HOLIDAY nests 574-0448 for NICE Carioge Lane locaton BRA 2.bam, 2 baths, noeps. greg >down8 MONTH Peetcpadw* ar e m e SIARING ‘nen efemicot ae m 1007986. owners Se mabe s S130Nope ———— h Were ee ANON Ta35NOR i, wean ipanetere nga e" ea bom neo! Views, oa ys welcome araere| Unite Boast Woniey| savohTae roe) n o } en ea | ‘nd st, 6 bam, 5 bath, $229,000. | CH rm m cae wo a K eee SR |oe||Ra Peace be Siasaen DpowerBe.Bt58-2006 a |r. South 300 East 11400 eoe Fad i 9000 South 4400 West S a She WJordan ragria / 2804290frm $120' Rood Midway, 3 Rta0 9. | AOCthes acPor mC R?. porn Hobie Lames) PASSS fst Fonhansr SERS n ah 1 SPU RAMBLER, 2 HONES,| $424,900, 6 barr. 2 homes, 486-5800 enter min. Views {ond vary spaciousba. wih Coldwell Banker Premier este ntactREALTY ee "72901Con aR a Rite in| Sao THREE FOUNTAINS AMLORSMILE, am. 2 ees bam Batary VAAN SOMME TRAM AG Ran: es! ce onen| Wasatch Meadows DACRE ins rch mn 7gCrop car Braue Beil Amy sonnscn _B73'1874 Wordey BBG Plus acres, M : WASATCH vEv. Sle aowner B Bai conden| Ou NOBLBONE|EL [POA WMG {bam ago E vi coved 3C, In parcels 285 oc. GO coy 0cre._| Great oa Bi Veal, ageun crs Pome | Meneae Siege | Soo.9259" mck, ae Cot the Foot sar 124. Scoot n ‘Gao SaisSun Poulsen, 597-2563. BEAUTIFUL rembernew level Singlear ‘24900, West Jordan calings —— ak ee BET N CHAPMA epee HormSane, Sa S00 ed en Window Open House ascne ieee coed ere North Davis ONO. Conia a, co cmgesemn |e 2 minimal closing cost; OPEN <i Sesonce sesamo Sele, By Owner ane Avenues Sreee coon Mn. bah horus Baim. Welcome Vows. 2Reaton Anant: 5 77608280 We Ca 3638827 for more V0. New Homes Tur Best Vaturs HE BEST New Homes VALUES IN rc | Sat L SALT AreSee Than a Think BIE HD 4 | Naranood 001 LAKE | snowfinangng rereres | Bathroom Col i 71000. 29 So ‘Book 900, ‘Wordiey HBG 50tTpne CT Pyrite WE SELL SUBJE rl YOUR BANKER O BOR ES 744020 We is _—————— Homes For Sale | —_— 2900 Noth Hild Ret Lavon — 266-5708 — Homi HUD HOMES NEW LISTINGS PREMIER REALTY HOME SHOW 1995 Come See the Latest JUST LISTED MULTI LEVEL $74,900. 11790 S. 1480 Weat Imagine A Home Designed By Award Winning Arc hitects With Features Comni only Found in $350,000 Homes Gott Coune econozh or, on ti FoePersnctouchSasa00 ;PrOREty | ACRE CountyEta #4 th om $32,000pete | 2% ivAcrelos, tok tatos #2 HonesOK Pe Min NR HOME E SET SET LLC MANUFACTURED = °F. SQeaveass,. Brseme BLOOMINGTON. LUXURIOUSDe- | Se cr Gale pons same, [SOE Lies Shot 10: Se OO Sct 102, Sans j Serres meoa see = cet mondostzedtames Monn =—"Hiolladay Washington County Fe ivelyrice aout pons SadhoCon geod oe Ne i Ft erionoane| oHCet North Davis e Wet fila:serBe 2 2bsas, Ta |e FERNSAS Sreners Wwehore BUY OWNER, Newy remodeled4 snREAVER SPRIN 00. 2 i ba. 2 bo Cie 2G 93 dock omet|| ONL borms. een cefences | ged pane 2 onners | e| OcWe | Soon’ Badg Ses6d Stound Cali| oa Ic Oks, Taas rod, S605072: i,nueB}; 000108139900, FOR SALE BY OWNER Comers Michoet 3: sooo trys |'Gonce both | 4-5.BDRM,, 2 BATH MULT) es esCatone COTONWOOD oe LON Be iSooe ream| enerie HOWES, 9644400 REUANCE Equal Opportunity Hous sing | ‘Sugar House 2b, forDDOWN!|| WORKfor om Seils inimalPacednom godt. Homes lonsee Fongeet Simoes8588 Si Feewiopeare OAS poe TOWINCOME ae noee resot oS a eves ase “%72 JORDAN PANEERby ay 3am,23bonos 5 ages soaaae| Ges TOWN, PARK CTISOD West “oes t ras owner ‘bdim, Fat. OWNER ThePrudential ce.| ffor DOWN,"esfig.Geren $90 WORK Presti ectedga Tew central| | Hoge VolsreThe(uc are ) °°. eer New Hones | : Rite] : : i New Homes Luxury Homes Open e S = New Homes Luxury Homes Open} a For Under $220,000 Visit our Model JOHN Steve Johnson HOLIMES CONSTRUCTION 550-5504 this week rr et) PACAMER MEAL wie OMY, Col Chak, Paragon ahaa There are no new listings available this week. Please check our ad next Friday for new listings. us. Urban iment of Housing and Property Sales Office 257 East 200 South, No.560 Salt Lake City, UT B41) 524-6242+ 824-6221 + 45216 HUD a ©1004 Depsartment of He sung and Uiban Develapment |