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Show __SSR net PETS + COMICS + TV « ANN LANDERS The Salt Lake Tribune FRIDAY. MAY 26, 1995 HOME & FAMILY Cl Pf. PLAY DAYS | From Sports to Arts, Camp Choices Abound in Summer The weather may not be cooperating, but summer is coming. Schools areletting out and soon that familiar summer puzzle will crop up — how do we keep the kids occupied? Thereare plenty ofactivities, aside from television, to keep children happy through the summer months. Someof the opportunities available: Alta Canyon Sports Center 9565 S. Highland Drive 942-2582 1 Off-Track Kids Camp: Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Extended¢ available to 6 p.m. Designedfor year-roundstudents; tradition- a variety of culinary and medicinal herbs. fat See How They Grow On Utah County Tour By Genevieve H. Folsom SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE Fourteen eye-catching Utah County home gardenswill be on display for the Central Utah Health Care Foundation’s first Hidden Garden Benefit Tour June 2 and 3. The gardens — in Provo, Orem and Lindon — represent a wide range of distinctive and popular gardeningstyles. “Thisfirst-of-its-kind event in Utah Countyis the perfect opportunity to see the artistry of skilled gardeners and to ask them questions,” said Lyle Tregaskis, a member of the planning committee. BonniePence,associatedirectorof the foundation, is the event's designer. Proceedswill be used to help patients at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, including individuals and families from outlying areas who need specialassistance. Tour times are 5 to 9 p.m. June 2, and 8 a.m. tol p.m. June3. The gardens range from small, intimate landscapes to largeestates. M@The garden of Robert and Brenda Lovell shows how plant material can add color and beauty. A waterfall cascading into a poolfilled with @ See GARDEN TOUR,C-8 al students weleome. Members, $50 per week; two weeks, $90; three weeks, $130. Extended care, $2 per hour per child, ages 5-12. Others, $60 per week; two weeks, $110; three weeks, $160. SOAR(Sports-Oriented Afterschool Recreation): Before- and after-school programforfirstthrough sixth-graders. Transportation provided for Park Lane, Willow Canyon, Granite, Silver Mesa, Peruvian Park and Quail Hollow schools. All summer, 7 to 7:45 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Members, $30 per week; others, $35. Limit of 13 @Kinder Kamp Kids: Two-week session, including nine days of swimming lessons, for chil- dren4 to 7. Classes run Mondaythrough Friday, 9 a.m. to noon. Session dates are June 5-15, June 1929, July 3-14 (no class July4), July 17-28 (no class July 24), July 31-Aug. 10, and Aug. 14-24. Mem- bers, $60; others, $70. @ Cheerleading and Tumbling: Three sessions, for children 3 to 18, beginning June 5. Call Lisa Glick at 942-5843 to register Asthma Campfor Kids I ee o Photos by Lynn R. Johnson/The Salt Lake Tribune A natural stone waterfall serves as a backdrop for Lyle Tregaskis’ garden. a 4, P; American Lung Association of Utah 484-4456 or 1-800-LungUSA @ 12th annual Camp Wyatt Asthma Camp: For asthmaticchildren, ages 8 to 16. At Camp Wapiti, The colorful front yard of Robert and Brenda Lovell is among the sites on the garden tour. July 9-15, for 13- to 16-year-olds; at Snowbird, @ See SUMMER, C-3 THE NAKED PANCAKE I discovered it at the bottom of a large, woodensalad bowl Under a mass of lettuces — red, butter, romaine, iceberg — beneath shredded carrots, finely sliced Vidalia onions, and toasted, delicately flavored croutons and next to a perfectly formed artichoke heart, a quarter of an avocado wascalling my name. I saw my fork reaching toward the golden-green fruit through a film of light vinaigrette studded with chunks of Roquefort. There was the delicions aromaof garlic I opened an eye. Ms. Murphy Black, the giant schnauzer, wasby the side of the bed, breathing in my face. Since when do they put garlic in dry dog food? I can't believeit. I'm dreaming about food, Bad enough my waking hours are consumed with plans for meals, snacks and desserts, just and otherwise. Lowcalorie, no-fat, of course. This has been going on since I joined with several members of my peer group in the American Heart Association's Slim for Life program, Working on the theory that paying for deprivation Is important, 17 people plunked down $55 each, If we attend all meetings, we will get back $10. If we meet our weight goals, we get back an- MUSINGS JUDY MAGID other $10. Ten minutes into the first session, someone was trying to finesse his money back. Now. It has not been an easy class for the instructor. We are, by occupation and nature, a curious band, We liketo tell stories — “It was a dark and stormy night. The brown-paper bag, dampened by the rain, burst open,spilling groceries onto the driveway and into the street where a tomato came to rest against. "== but still, we want to know “Who?” “What?” “Where?” “When?” and “How come?" Grams, calories, fat grams, percent: age of daily need, low-fat, fat-free, lean ® See MAGID, C-8 WitpTHINGS This Summer, Best to Think Twice Before Traveling With Charley By Mike Capuzzo With Memorial Day and thestart of the American Relaxation Season upon us, it's time to ponder great questions and generally plan pet vacations, Cat and dog vacations involve twocrucial choices: (1) mountain, lake or shore, and (2) vacation with or without Spot and Oh-So-Finicky, If you're thinking of bringing your cat on vacation, you might consider the admonition of Rudyard Kipling, who said, “He travels fastest who travels alone,” Cats don’t like trips, especially long ones like sofa to litter box, so leave ther at home unless you can't bearto be apart “Somecatstravel well, but many cats spend their lives indoors and the only time they travel is to the vet so they don’t enjoyit,” says Rachel Lamb of the Humane Society, “Dogs, being pack animals, feel more secure trayeling with the pack, your family, whereas cats get more disoriented traveling.” Dogs can travel well, unless of course you're seeking what Shakespeare called the “sundry contemplationof travels.” What you dowith your critters depends ontheir place in the Euclid so loved an exotic vacation, highly scientific Wild Things Travelling Pet Personality Profile, You'll reeognize your creature among these an cient archetypes; @Club Med Beasts. These are dogs wholove the company of other dogs. If this is your pooch, a boarding kennel might be a good choice. Call the Ameri- can Boarding Kennels Association (719-691-1113). Alwaysvisit the recommended kennels. Look for ample space, indoors and out, cleanliness, good ventilation, a staff that wants to knowa bunch about your dog, says the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, The staff shouldbe willing to use yourdog's personal bedding, food and toys and accommodate its normal schedulé Kennels, and doggie day-carefaciliti@s that offer overnights, now often fea- ture copious amounts of one-on-one «© WILD THINGS, C4 |