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Show The SaltLake Tribune UTAH Friday, May26, 1995 B9 Alzheimer’sPatient Finds Way Home to Oregon It was not clear Thursday whether Southwest Air. lines was aware Christensen was an Alzheimer’s pa tient traveling alone. Underairline policy, adults prone to confusion By Brian Maffly wasto pick her uncle up, but thought the fliglit was THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE When MaxChristensen steppedoff a flight at the Salt Lake City International Airport on Tuesday arriving Wednesday night. She didn’t realize there was a problem until her aunt called that morning, asking if Chistensen had arrived safely. night, no one was there to meet him. Thus began a two-day odyssey that brought the 81- Carter called airport police, who combedthe air- port Wednesday for the elderly man whoarrivedthenightbefore. They found notraceof him except for his unclaimed suitcase, said Lt. Larry Jolly. year-old Alzheimer's patient back to his doorstep in Grants Pass, Ore., on Thursday afternoon. Other thanthebustickets in his pocket, he could offer his family no explanation of how he got home from the Utah airport, said his wife, Virginia. “It's so muddled up, I couldn't expiain it to you,” she said Thursday evening, half an hour after a friend dropped him off at the Christensen home. “All I knowis he’s home and I’m sorelieved. In my mind, I was putting him everywhere except where he was supposedto be. I had him knockedin the head becausehe had $500 in cash on him.” Christensen,a retired firefighter, was to visit family membersin his native Utah until June 2. His wife put him on a flight Tuesday afternoon in Medford, Ore., and he transferred planes in Las Vegas. SouthwestAirlines officials confirmed he boarded Flight 1763, which arrived in Salt Lake at 11 p.m. Tuesday, police said. Christensen’s niece, Vera Carter of Salt LakeCity, “He must have gotten confused and upset andgotlost,” said Carter. “I’m worried that someone might have noticed and took advantageof him.” People with Alzheimer’s, a progressive brain disorder that afMaxChristensen flicts 25,000 Utahns, tend to wander, particularly when they are under stress and confronted by strange surroundings. “Disorientation of time andplace is normal, so it is important for people to stay with them,” said Jana Carlson, a board member with the Utah Alzheimer’s Association. “They will wander even in familiar places.” Somehow, the 110-pound man foundhis wayto the Guest Fest! Greyhoundbus station in downtown Salt LakeCity, where he boughta busticket for Portland at 6 a.m. Wednesday. Christensen probably boarded a bus that left at 11 a.m. and later connected with a bus to Grants Pass “One of his friends saw him downtown[in Grants Pass] wandering around,” Virginia Christensen said “The bus just left him off there. His friends drove him here. I was shocked. We had just come back from the police department to make a missing person report.” Christensen wasin goodspirits shortlyafter arriving homeat 4 p.m. Thursday. “I’m at peace with the world,” he said. “I spent one night that was so cold I don’t know howI lived throughit.” ( Ge eee We Poe Aspen Trees COLORS Over 300 *From $7.99 to $99.99 Wehave the size and varieties of ¢ the right Native to Utah 2 7 perennials from which to choose. e Over 500 Take an Extra lO% Off . AllTents price for you Altar fae i _ aps k 2500sqft 20% off COV erage *Plant every- mix, so will thing with this! blooming you!!! Jumbo pints $3.99 annuals from which to choose 52 qt size quarts $5.99 $8.99 gallons $14.99 Western Gardens Covers 5 . sat *Weed Control Flowering Shrubs 70 varieties from which $9 99 i Flowering Trees eldeal accent *From $7.99 to 35 different varieties ‘ 20% off : Insect Killer Effective «Readyto use ABD Or cize $7.99 a MugoPines “Slow ne ong) ® a _ | SS Alberta Spruce ; *5 gallon size ; 12-15 inch spread Hibavin Stan $99.99at reg. 21.99 now e Quest Tents Offer the You want colorthis : summer? Following Outstanding Features: © Fly reinforcement patch designs eliminate leakage © Fly seamsare specially doubleneedledlap-felled for watertight durability. Models From 4Ibs. 202. to I9 lbs. From 33 to 80sq.ft. Sleep 2 to5 persons Priced from‘t33.00 to °409.00 (— Roses afigrade *Choose from 150 varieties You want *Priced from $7.99 the night *Jackson & Perkins grown varieties? You'll love the colorful blooms You want a and vigorous colors in your Western Gardens FREEwith your Quest Fest Purchase! Western Gardens Rose Garden!!! Pink Simplicity Hedge Roses @8...|\ Rienaii ) Vegetable Gardens ce Garden!!! Kalahari Water Bottle Pack * Gusseted zi ly * Ce | A‘25.00 Value! It’s so important to: Allocate your space «Plant the rightvarieties Kirkham’s Make a Custom FLOOR SAVER eee Fruit Salad (Total cost about $8.00 to $20,00 depending on size) ¢ Groundeloths must be special ordered and paid for 5 in advance. Delivery approximately 2 weeks. sq.ft. One ground cloth per tent only please, Wecan help youwith agreat vegetable here!!! garden...just don’t bring us the extra zucchini. *Combination tree with 3 Re) Kirkham’s grafted fruits *5 gal size ditteren \ «Start with healthy plants *Use the right planting food ‘available QuestTent Factory Representative Ray Brooks will be at Kirkham’s During Quest Fest. A = a - ‘ Western Gardens Garden Patrol Weed . Ae Cee Q Western Gardens Root Starter Welove this rieti Offer Good May 26 to June 3 3125 South State Street (80!) 486-4161 Open: Monday - Friday 9:30 to 9:00 Saturday to 7:00 $11.99 valietics of Roses - 150 ] 8 iGame isea + e Duraluminum poles © Solid brass grommets, specially blended waterproofthread, and double-weavenylon web Sahtae ie Western Gardens Potting Soil Petes polyurethane coated, & exclusive QuesTex fabric. ® Double-stitched external binding eran generations of Utah families helping Utah families garden Tent Preview @ High-strength Durawrap or theyare from. If they can't answer that, you should call the authorities.” Alzheimer’safflicts 4 million Americans, most of them older than 60. Western Garden Centers Lightweight @ Highest quality fabrics including heavily coated 1200 mm receive special attention from airline staff to ensure they do not becomelost, said Southwest spokeswoman Ruth Burke Rutherford. But airlines have to be informedof the traveler's special needs Two years ago, the national Alzheimer’s Association developed its Safe Return Program to register Alzheimer’s patients on a national data base. Patients wearsilver bracelets inscribed with a toll-free phone number and their names. He wasnot registered with the program. but his wife said she would register him ‘If you see someonewho looksdisoriented,’ Carlson said, “talk to them, ask their names and where 5-6 ft $39.99 d ed L We'll growenoughof our own!!! Western Garden Centers 550 South 600 East Salt Lake 3033 West 9201 South 3500South 1300 East West Valley Sandy Open 8:30-7 Mon-Fri } 8:30-6 Sat, Closed Sunday a 7 : |