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Show TheSalt LakeTribune SPORTS Friday, May 26, 1995 SCOREBOARD (95 cents per minute) , Bologna Open Results Thursday from the $305,000 Bologna ATP tennis tournament in Bologna Italy Serve Round Marcelo Rios, Chile, def. Renzo Furlan (8), li ly, 64,7665). ‘Mark Philippoussis, Australia, def. Tomas Car‘bonell, Spain, 64, 7-6 (6). arim Alami, Marocco, def Amand Boetsch 5), France, 64.75. Gilbert Schaller (1), Austria, def. Mats Wi lander, Sweden. 6-4, 6-1, Strasbourg Open | | | Results Thursday from the $181,000 Stras dourg Open tennis tournament in Strasbourg, France Singles Seeond Round Testud, France def Mary Joe Fernaneee Finals THL mae | iscayne,Fe. 740i <5as Ba saul | — pron Dig 4 ertWitney Sn Deeg aytoa Fae wea ca seas Scop ate 72 i Tour ofItaly Top finishers on Thursday inthe 12th stage Mt omits etapa el Byfrom atom in Tuscany Borgo a Moczno et) starting .fishing in Cento in Emilia. ‘‘se Capiot, Belgium, Cer Refin-Cant Toll, same 7 Wiha, Amore e VisGalton, Swe den, same tine ps ‘Nicola Minali, Gewiss-Ballan, Italy mn Cs o Rolf apee Maglificio MG‘Technogym,same 11, Francois SimonFrance, Castorama, same Kalamazoo Kansas City 7, Kalamazoo $ Western Cvnferenee Championship (Deaw xr Wins Series, 4-1) (G-Techno- Italy, ‘Nicola Loda, ee 16. Anglta Eleuterio, me Playoff Leaders individual playoff scoring, field goal and assist leader: A je, rebounding ea eeae same time Malone, Utah time. 19. Denis Zenin, Italy, AKI-Sippiemme 1995, Miller, Ind. Johnson, Phoe. ia, sametime. Strickland, Port. Robinson, $A. | 0 2 Natlonal Conference Eastern Division 54 151 30.2 000 87 102 t * z 45 Minutes $52.95 Springville, UT 330 Minutes May 27th $99.95 Don't Wait For Sunday's Indy 500 COME SEE REAL INDY CARS ON Saturday at Suntana The American Indy Car Series Lola’s, March’s, Penesk’s wa Alcohol Served Open 4:00 pm “Gira6:00 pm 7:00 pm 298-2980 E€s San Antonin. Hoye Tan x CAP PS ggg eytay tae (CASH & CREDIT CARDS elhaan (oarzc addl, mins, .30 (On approval of credit. Normalrestrictions apply ROClare) DISCQUNT.CELLULAR AIRTIME 363-5600 toll free 1-800-959-9553 A att Pras) 300 aon PHONE QUOTES DAY aaCecloie © OPEN 10-7, MON-SAT C Nay ou STANDING ros ue ee wa BY it (real Car. Great Music. (ireat Lease. ei9v995S rooiy HOUSTON rague Carol 120 Minutes 1-15 Exit 263 c soe thea eaten eee WILMINGTON BLUE ROCKS — Released . \2-20 Lap aoe Races| 60 Lap Main Full iveted Field NASCAR GRAND’ AM, STREET STOCK | John Downs, pitcher. ee iret Ios = addl. mins. .31 Under 12 4, Matt Johnson Announced the retire SNAPPERS Garcia,—infielder. Pet PP92 PA87 ment ofLOTTFranklin WoL0 1000 2 = $29.95 Adults $12.00 Children $6.00 78.2, Milan Swot fexas League addl. mins. .35 DELIVERS Rhees i71, inom Delgntnd Reega Wiis oo FMourning, Char Overall Standings (After 12 Stage 1, Tony Rominger, Switeriand ape!CB 49 Drexler, How. Bile standings 30.8, Kary Kury Re Rey So Brandt 1906 one | teen 167 7.1, Sot ‘ 49ERS = Signed Jerne SAN FRANCISCO Bi vera RADIO z. SPORTS ight Update. SEORTS a | SUT LAS VEGASLINE WICHITA WRANGLERS — Optioned Chris Connolly, pitcher, to Wilmington of the Carolina : League. Cellular A Airtime aCellular oe an Shrossta none| Saturday, | 1464.28. 5, Henry White 1,259.28. 6, Roy Chris- ‘National Football League 2 Cummings, pitcher, off waivers from the Seatle a ee 18 Silva Pedro, Portugal, Sicasal Acral, same Barkley, Phoe DOMINO'S meet te eee KSOS AM 800) Sues: th Greg Wrabell, KSL Mariners and optioned him to San Antonioof the Lee 01 Jose 10 120 643i 315 Charlotte 48 0 1.000 161 108 Western Diviston WL Pet. PF PA 201 Ves 14187 78-450 521 ming Show. SPORTS an Forum, SPORTS RAD) sblou Sports Eabe. SPORTS Neat 1 1 500. 55 6 Selder, for asigament pgs Seoring G FG FT Pu Avg 5 3 2/70 Lae 71 | Milwaukee EL1e der, forward, from the taxi squad. Placed Mike Derek Bell, outfielder. LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Claimed John WL. Pet Pr PA| Lowa St Louis Casteblanch, Olajuwon, Hou. Spain, % American Conference Central Division DE 15, Pabrizio Bontempi, Italy, Brecialat, same time. 17. Marco Villa, Italy, Amore e Vita-Galatron, tioned Jose Albero, pitcher, fo Oklahoma City of Natlonal Lea jh Putney, ee pitcher, to Rorkford ofthe Midwest League CINCINNATIREDS — Announced Mike Remlinger, pitcher, had cleared waivers and was assigned to Indianapolis of the American 65 Association. FLORIDA MARLINS — Returned Matt Dunbar, piteher, to the New York Yankees for % HOUSTON ASTROS — Agreed to terms with the American feetwe = FOOTBALL Arena League Denver 11, Milv sukee 4 12, Peter Van Petegem,Belgium, TVM Verze- kerinben, sametime. 19. Bo Hamburger, Denmark, TVM Verzekerinben, same time. IXAS RANGERS — Activated Matt White- sie, piteher, from the 15-day disabled list. Op- Bell, forward on the taxi squad Van Exel, LAL McMillan, Sea Jackson, Ind 10. Roberto Pelion, Italy, Cer Refin-Cant- ‘Tollo, same time. O'Salivan, center, on the taxi squad $17$8120 | the International man neuenee ee SEATTLE MARINERS — Sent Lee Cuter "MIAMI TROPICS — SupeCart Sth | Jtah Section PGA tan, pitcher, outright to Tacoma of the Pacific guard Signed and activated Jim Havrla, center. | neta MEMPHIS FIRE — Acted Mari Alen. |" Uh Sean PCA One Sah Cup pot Oia Lage Assists Sioekton, Utah tenet , > same time. Bresciaat.Pao Italy, Pre, 4 Mario Manzoni,He 2is 2 from teinjred contract.of and minor eagve 125 singer, Da | foreard, andreserve Blackvel Placed Alex center, lst. BreatDabbs to Columbus Dunbar,oaplber, AssignedrstMatbaseian, 0 88 €22 120 120 strickiand, Port. : ‘i RADIO LOG aoa 8——— Schedule Tiss we cee ete sve barkSigned mt wise eae sent “MPA om — ue HOCKEY | a TTRUING Named Sire Kasper | _zaxosTON OILERS — Named Peter Mabow FLORIDA PANTHERS Watsade.‘and Chad Cabana, lft wing, to Di — c | “usa SNS eee | ee 5 eoeeca COMSATi As| habenpatediy | Seatacamore, sith “MNvonth SL vated Jery Walker, orcad, NEW firs YORK be moved to Denver. " from he tax squsd | Enterprises and will Benne te Uy — iscSigned ea Todd aBen-| b YANKEES M48 89 135 12. SAS CYareTheeAtnecessry tepee en eran es America League taraverteLbopanos = Green, 7Phoe Onekon, inson, S.A cee ial aires Caen Freddie eweshhaylor. Barkley Pe eee i aoe 1. Jan Sorada, Slovakia, LamprePanaria,ins 000 101 138 Southern Division 1 0 1000 58 | 500 8 000 72 99 Miami at Orlando | Memphis at San Jose | St Louis at Miwa Saturday's Gee | CCharitte at Tampa Bay Las Vegas at Arizona United States Basketball League BistSRL CONNECTICUT SKYHAWKS — Reeted center, and Corey Taylor. forward. BASEBALL | ced George Wright, forward, on the injured American League reerTet Marcus Timmons, forward, 8 the con Shieeonyiate Roornes— tee eee ae eset International Leaguepee: tea Prvicontt a Recs G Off Det Tot Avg | itisWasted Scott tard,and wyoe BREWERS — Optioned 10° 43 102 145.145) him on theactive roster. pt of he Ameria "JERSEY TURNPIKES — Released Don Jc: 1M 184 | Ral che. New reasMatheny, 1038.95 cc, on forvard a ban Near guard Sead mca Realedke Pearle a sthpe aa et ostip — De"ee $0 seco 4 minutes ont hours oe ste time. C pais Sie, Ray, Gee 3, Sue archaeon o Tampa Bay Driaado Mami Foreman, pi SHOUT CIrY EXPLORERS — Traded Tn Kepler, theDust Supeiar Dats ed Ms | for future considera ‘fered Peter and efZrerk WINNIPEG GOLDEYES Dati, outfielderdesignatedhi SA Wednesday ‘stp Deer at ay CTS Candin Foothall League League 0 2 mo a4 9 | _ANTHLoPEWALLEY RAVENS —Sid | be 4 Italy UaesABCO, 220 (ClaudioChiappucci, Italy, Carrera Jeans-Tas wisi 8, Enrico Zaina, Italy. Carrera Jeans-Tassoni, 624 Bruno Cenghilta, Italy, Gewise-Ballan, 6:48 8, Pavel Tear, Iy, LamprePanara, 652 a Alberto El Tay, Maghio MG-Tetnip Dare Reelin Italy, Maglficio Mg. 7:12 12, Andrew Hampstead, Boulder, Colo, Banto, 58.04. HOCKEY ROCKFORD cues as eso fats TINGCOUGARS SyedDon Ca Compiled by. R.C. Roberg A ee a ee Scores: 1-900-896-1551 hi rat Aoaince (oon price, re TU not only’ match it, we will also give you an extra 5%_~ =} discount for lalate are} it to ‘our attention.” EASE NOY Per Month (Offer ends May 31.) uantities last. T per customer. SPECIAL be reacouron fistfitMeanie eSng Tae a 7: Pereira x ret Stock # $095 ng cas caraat ape Lease A Larry Hl. Miller Lexus ES 300 For Only $$399 A Month”! Test drive any new or pre-owned Lexus between now and May 31 at Larry H. Miller Lexus and receive your choice of a CD orcassette of Phantom of the Opera. maeaeee aeaH B y "ASH VALUE 120g Buy or lease any new or pre-owned Lexus before May 31 from Larry H, Miller Lexus and receive your choice of a Utah Symphony six-concert package or Utah Opera seasontickets for two. Specialfinancing upto 72-months, Fixedrates as low as 6,9% APR** available oncertified pre-owned Lexus luxury automobiles. Mg Laney Hl. MILLER LEXUS 5701 South State Street * Murray, Utah * 264-3600 i otesa Ve eee ee) melsdetaielthg Ca |