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Show The Salt Lake Tribune SPORTS Friday, May 26, 1995 Chelios’ OT Goal Stops Vancouver National League A Rare Win Fer Bucsin Pittsburgh THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PITTSBURGH — Teams often havedifficulty winning in,.certain cities. Unfortunately for the Pirates. Pittsburgh has been oneof their trouble spots. Orlando Merced doubled in,Jay Bell to break an eighth-inning tie Thursday night as the Pirates beat Florida 3-1 for only their seeond win in 10 home games. N.L. Leaders Batti ic Kanes. Los Angeles ieee Seo ‘Bonilla, New York oor aang Home RunsGERE Teaea ea Raut Mondesi, Los 9 § Cleveland 16 8.667 a ¥ 64 Li =: 6S )-5 10-5 Lamy Walker, Coloraco 8 Milwaukee 13 14 481 4% 3-7 Ll 5-8 8-6 peess — ‘Gont, Cincinnatt $ Ghigo eonlorArgos WEST RBIs 2 California Oakland S 2 Seattle 2 Texas a 2 x rh King,ee Jett ee ios ee ditin't play a good brand of baseball,” Bell said. The Pirates hadn't played very well anywhere until their 6-4 California trip from May12-21 “If we can believe in ourselves and nottry to do too much, we can make people WElieve we're better than what they think,” Merced id eaThePirates hadbeenoffto the worst homestartin fran@ifse history. Their only other home win was 4-3 against Cubs on May7. ~ Bell opened the eighth with a double off Bobby Witt scored despite falling affer stumbling in the mud oundthird base =Merced, who went 3 for 4 4d hasninehits in his last at-bats, advanced on a undout and scored on dgff King’s sacrifice fly. The RBIwas King’s second of the game and 27th in 25 games this season. #Lieber, who has been ted on to be oneof the anchorsof the Pirates’ young major mistake was a 0-2 h that Gary Sheffield hit Gut for his fourth homer. ere eee peter ino ae 0000 Pesocp 0000 10 Hideo Nomo,Los Angeles ‘Cust Schilling, Philadelphia Kee larfinez, Moniredt 40 A peee oe Kevin Ritz, Colorado. = Saves 42 0 Heathcliff Slocum, Philadelphia eye Sauk af os § Atlanta (Mercker 1-1) at Houston (Swindell 3-1),0-0),6 p.m. 6 p.m. Ne 5 Shed SAN DIEGO. Roberts MONTREAL abrhbl 5.0.00 Torascom abrhbi 4442 Wort 0000 igang i000 3000 acne 4000 Beny Ausmusc §=4030 Shawp JoReed 2 4000 Scolip ‘SSandersp 1004 DAetcherph Serer ame> 4000 Hons ieee. 4500 andiews3> Tota 36.4424 Totals 0000 0000 1000 1008 4000 1000 33343 ‘San. 040 020 190—4 Noel 000 000 030-3 Carin 2 (9), Mars (2) Marte en ee Montel rt it fea Hcl (2h ta), i S (3), Frazer (4). Leese i HOR RBBSO ‘ssonders W.3-0 ‘Hemanson Berumen ‘Hoffman $4 Henry LO-3 Honts ‘Show ‘Scomt 244 4 4 32224 0 #80000 0 1 00000 4 bog 3 2 2 3 $040.4 4234004 4 430000 4 0 2 boaters in the Sih. 1-253 A138 Potior; First, Davidson; SeoThird, ond, 4040 0000 Cromerss ph 1000 Kip Fossas p ‘Mocha p Henke p 33160 Tota 3000 3024 0000 0000 0000 Mata 000 100 000—4 tousaia 7. (3), O'Belen (2), Pagrrozzl 2 eat8 tet. Pe HR RBBSO 1 49038 744396 one 4 444 Booord BO0000 0 1 oo000 "F226, A—23.807. ¢ y ‘First, McSherry, Seo‘Bonin, Dodgers 3 Mets 0 =NEW YORK — Tom Can- djotti_pitchedya five-hitter, d Tom Prince hit his his thst homer and an RBI douas Los Angeles beat New rk, its second straight ee over the Mets. Canotti, off to his worststart in four years in Los Angeles, t his 11th shutout and 64th mplete game. Cincinnati (Jarvis 1-2) at St. Louis (Petkovsek for $75 million and move the [aero gat Scie hgas . John Wetteland, New York 5 into Denver,” Charlie Lyons, president of COMSATEntertainment Group, said. Despite their success on the ice — the Nordiques had NHL's second-best regu“We understand that ev- the lar-season record — there ery alternative was explored team to the Mile High City. The Nordiques, whose to keep the Nordiques in name will be changed, will Quebec City, but that the play in MeNichols Sports club had no choice,” NHL Arena, along with the Nug- commisioner Gary Bettman gets, for two seasonsstarting said. “Wethank the fans of 7 a Rick seee Tit wee THN arth eee Hit 4928 Gu 4020 AMERICAN LEAGU —Home, Kose; Fist, Morison; Second, @ Continued From D-1 ning as the Athletics rallied at Thid, Bore POPES to beat Baltimore. With BalDETROIT — After strikSalt Lake remains a possibiltimore ahead 6-5, Armando Royals 3 ing out a career-high 12 dur- Benitez walked Geronimo ity. ing six innings of relief, Berroa, Mark McGwire and Brewers 1 Howells, formerly presiMILWAUKEE — Gary Mark Guthrie wasn’t too im- Ruben Sierra consecutively dentof the Salt Lake Golden Gaetti and Pat Borders ho- Eagles, recently told IHL pressed. in the eighth. Steinbach fol“Remember, they had four lowed with his sixth career mered and Chris Haneyscat- commissioner Bob Ufer “we left-handed hitters in their slam,his fourth home run of tered three hits in 7%in- would be supportive in any nings as Kansas City beat way we could if anybody had lineup,” Guthrie said. “I got the season. Milwaukee left- an interest in bringing hocka lot of those strikeouts “In a situation like that Milwaukee. hander Sid Roberson, mak- ey back to Salt Lake.” against them.” you just try to get a pitch you THE ASSOCIATED PRESS had beenrelativelylittle outcry from fans in Quebec over the proposedsaleof the Nordiques, which joined the NHL inQuebecin 1979. gers 4-3 Thursday and from a walk, to a sacfly toa base hit. Anything is posiaie the pressureis on the Reggie Sanders homered ager Sparky Anderson said. obrhbi Twins manager Tom Kelly Pammoto tb 4000 erybody down,” Tigers man- ae ab rh bt aie and Cincinnati took advan- “You can't be upset by that.” Badenon#s 00° SrencenonF 3200 Benoocn said Guthrie will remain in| gat 4122 Soon” 3414 the 14th time in 17 games. cHICAGO ab rhb Metoad 4010 Sncherm «4120 Grcet> 4040 Soot 4024 Onions 4020 Bacolod 4000 Wikhsc 4444 Immst 3000 Bonzo 0000 Cosonp 0000 p 2000 Wokop 0000 one 0.000 Robrsn 4000 Tohae 32.666 Toth 34.292 inclonat 000 102 021-4 Chicago 440 000 000-2 Sono § 228—LHonts si 108-0 teat etionoan 1), Wine OS tarts (8), Branson(1). $—Smiley. SF— Feubonsoe, » HR ma Sry W.20 29982203 Momandxs2 1191 0 0 0 vent sda 12 e Hoo0 0} Hereaon 90004 forts w23343 Conon 310005 TRA. A205 Fit, Crown Second, Hemera: Ted, Giants 3 the bullpen. “Tf he’s starting, there's ee 18th eamate 1174 soere > 3100 Poqotie3> not going to be that many {srepn ig eke, 3112 See left-handed hitters in the Ta 39676 Toro 32999 lineup,” Kelly said. “That's sotimore 020 011 200~4 the best he’s pitched all year. SM. 1, paquane (1) 1o8-SomE & he’s (@ ), SB—sJoviet BAei a He started pretty well, but Oseateb-ahreasy (i)#-ea lately.”been hit pretty Bey hard Chuck Knoblauch singled leading off the ninth against — Ogee Joe Boever. Munoz doubled fine .os with two outsoff the fencein Coot ever said, “But hey, give them credit, They played hard after the way we beat them the last two days.” Rick Aguilera, who hasn't > age 49939420 miviis 10 4 ies in the din, Acre 7m Ne ee io od [ritesaemy, ant Youre Second Tid, Scot Mariners 4 perfect ninth for his seventh SEATTLE abr bt Cad * somali Cee meemnt Cooma horned — 241 tom miat we Ld smart a? ‘Ropuane fit Runge: Seo course, we would do everything we could to make a new here a Whomever approaches But Howells says hockey fans will have to show greater support if the sport does return. “They will need a much broader base of support than we got,” he said. “Those who like hockey, but floor back and forth from ice team’s experience to a basketball court.” successful one.”” obrhbt Cro 3b 3000 HomMonct 3000 Setmw tb 4040 GYougnndh 4010 Otverc 4000 Miosket 2000 ead 1000 [Word! 3000 Ustoch 2 3020 wVaeninss 0100 Ving ss 4000 Totals ‘M363 Toto miao Kaneos City 000 000 210-3 Mibroukee: 000 000 O10—4 ‘DP—Kansas Cily 3, Miwoukes 1, LO8—Konsas Cy 2. Miwaukee 5: 28—Lisloch (4). HR—~Goettt (6) Borciors (3). tones City ew HR us Honey W.2t Pichardo m3i14s53 60000 1 10000 Sa Roberson LO m6 3302 wyiooto 1-222 A869. ‘Fort, Fest, McKean, Second, Joya Third, Buzz Earn Split Williams will have to be pre- pared. ‘‘We are pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, It's notlike we're going intoit with stars in our eyes,” hesays. “They will have to have a plan.” Larry Miller sold the Eagles to Detroitlast year, citing low attendanceanda loss wouldn’t make the commitment to us, would have to this time around.” homeas the Dukes took the PCL STANDINGS lead for good at 3-1. Buzz Notes: Trombleyis a candidate to be called up Vancouver Angels) 2817 Salt LakeCity (Twins) 25 20586 3 Edmonton (Athletics) 28-22 SMS Tacoma Mariners) «222A ATO OO Calgary (Pirates) 19 23 452 TH Southern Division ry Ryan, in attendancethis WoL Pt GB week, had to be impressed (Astros) 3 0 @ Continued From D-1 with Trombley’s effort. ... ‘Ducson Phoenix (Giants) 4B Sn 2 TTI Relief pitcher Shawn Bryant ColSprings (Rockies) 21-28 AT. 34 was placed on the disabled Albuquerque (Dodgers) 21 25 487 4% 18-29-3838 fans left from the announced list Wednesday with a bro- Las Vegu (Padres) crowdof 8,038. The double- ken boneinhis left foot. Bryheader began under sunny ant, 2-1 with a 4.28 ERAin With Dukes skies in 62-degree weather. “It’s his first win for me,” joked manager Phil Roof, who managed Naulty at Dou- ble-A last season. “He came on a did a good job for us after Mike ‘itrombley] had pitched so well, I just couldn't send Mikeout there Tee 40 boever 2 Athletics 9 Orioles 6 42 ond inning with his second career grand slam as Califor- nia completed a three-game solo home run. The tough shortstop also made a couple of nice defensive plays. It looked early in the second game like the Dukes would run away, but Mike Trombley put down the second-inning trouble. With the bases loaded, no Kreuter doubled in two runs and a run in, Trombley forhis first RBIs of the sea- nings. The left-handerstruck outs retired Ken Huckaby ona fly son as Seattle beat Boston, out six, walked four and gave out and struck out Juan Cas3908 sending the AL East-leading up a two-run homer to Pat tro and Roger Cedeno to 3040| Red Soxto their fifth loss in Kelly in thefifth. snuff out the rally, The Buzz 1000 six games, Tim Belcher out NEW YORK CALIFORMA then rallied to take the 2-1 eer hot ern 4008 pitched Zane Smith in a batlead entering the home half 3098 tle of veterans making their Yotode sant foment 4242 of the fourth when the rains 2109 second starts for new teams returned to Franklin Quest. Ono 4000 Samend ain) 40 In the opener, Albuqueroreay® 3300 baer atoge r ® 2244 Fel light-hitting shortstop 4018 Sryo 4 Hy 1000 eos 8000 Anat juan Castro sank the Buzz. 9S) L000 Giyed 4000 Castro, batting just .207, ® 1110 1c 4999 iad Gmeneot 4000 Rirorc) 4000 id wee Tt pet Tt ‘Mactatione 02.000 UMarine: tb eee 1333 3348 0000 Ramone 311 0860 Atoms 3424 2. REY 0000 ores, THM 1 book eB Igo)Nae} Mom 142 3000 Wmme Wa meen Mid 3000 pamencn| 00) Aaa atest Miroesots eee FLL ddlaeealll wars mae gabe (iit Game Rea 4 ob50% ' } ti) fe Seana td} ceresit Gee 13H tetany epi At oo nett lireoen-sor, Ft Rect bacon (mesh shore ie Jobat ice,” says Williams. “It is also expensive to move the ern bt $3 WS ‘OP—Minnmolo | LO8—Minngsots 11, Detroit 1000 MILWAUKEE Chad HI ony A ony ee eee potwon 2010 KARSAS CITY obrh bh Und 2b 4000 Joynerto 4040 Gogre ss «3120 Goomoi 4442 ‘Hatt ft 4000 Bordenc «63.444 Ronda > «3000 Howodcl §=3000 rt 3040 cf 0000 row, Chili Davis and Tim Salmon added two-run ances this season, pitched a Red Sox 3 Leiter scattered four hits in > 4020 w 4040 5% innings as San Francisco foobiauenms 17% 1 $08 Ket 2000 Reco) 140 ce 7808 beat Philadelphia in a rainrae S044 mais ' 400 4422 Srewtc 3000 shortened game. Leiter gave Rot 31h p 404% Kanne 7000 up 2 solo homerto Dave Gal- ee 1835 ines oy 4383 Monaro 000 lagher, the first batter he AColnd 1121 1000 nose faced, but didn’t allow the Phillies any more runs. The gamewas called in the bot- Meee134 MANNA tom of the sixth after a wait nneroro Detrolt of 2 hours, 49 minutes, Hoye ib mered leading off the eighth Wioood allowed a runin nine appear- PHILADELPHIA — Mark 2000 of $3.6 million in five years. by the parent Minnesota ‘Twins, but Roof said thefinal decision has not been made. General managerTer- 13 games,will be out six to eight weeks. ... Chan Ho Park, the highly touted pitcher for the Dukes, lasted just one inning and twobat- ters into the second. Heleft with a blister on the index finger of his pitching hand. Heis the first Korean player oda ‘Albuquerque at Salt Lake, 2, §:30 pan. Calgary at Colorado Springs, 2 Edmonton at Tacoma Phoenix at Vancouver Las Vegas at Tucson men SUMMARIES after that hourdelay.” to play in the major leagues. Fist Game right-center. Daring Cock he Angels 15 Denny Hocking, beginning “T got to the point where I ep" Reed ag Yankees 2 to break out of a lengthy Canadians6 Aibaqueraye Sat Lake obrhbi ab rh bi had a chanceto get out of it Honmomwto 2 2 $1 0 0 ANAHEIM, Calif. — J.T. slump, was the offensive Codano# 4422 Smoras/ 3010 and I made a mistake,” Bo- "toapct bane Dog Snow capped a nine-run sec- hero with an RBI double and Firebirds 1 Pom 4031 Robern 4130 Phillies 1 (54) “ "naib 444 Dhow i> Williams says if the atten- dance and revenue hurdles His duties were doubled becanbecleared it would make cause he owned both the it easier for him to give up team andthe Delta Center. the 50 annual nights a hock“Tt would beanidealsituaey team would tie up the Del- tion if all we had to be conta Center.“It costs us $400to cerned about was the build$500 a day just to hold the ing,” says Howells. “But, of ing his first major-league Guthrie's pitching stopped canhit,” said Steinbach. “It's Detroit and Pedro Munoz a situation where the hitter start, took a two-hitter into doubled homethetie-break- has the advantage. There's the seventh inning before ing in the ninth inning as the so manythings a hitter can surrendering a two-run Minnesota Twins beatthe Ti- do and come outsuccessful, homerto Gaetti. Borders ho- stopped a four-game losing streak. “That guy just bulled ev- cANCIHNAT! ab rhb Dinimt “S011 Lis 3b «3240 Wotont 1000 Mons tb 4000 Gait 4204 Twts 3-00.00 Roost 3442 Toweec 3012 Boone 2 410 Brion 3010 grey 2000 p 1000 Hockey May Return To Salt Lake Guthrie Goes Strikeout-Crazy As Twins Get a Win in Detroit Cubs 2 es, 3010 1350 Pognomc ceawt 1010 ine aoe 3224 me Entertainment Group on Thursday agreed to purchase the Quebec Nordiques 1 -. pees itiiaees tit! fees, 11) key 4122 Cane Vitead 1 beabs ’ Pe Why gdy OAKLAND, Calif, — Ter, js} Steinbach hit Praod lamstn theeighth tne Paar ‘heel ahhy ble to the gap in left and scored on Roger Cedeno's bloop single to makeit 1-0. ‘The Buzz tied the game 1-1 in the fourth on Tom QuinJan's sacrifice fly, but Castro started a two-run uprising in the fifth with a lead off sin- 3000 VANCOUVER, British Co- Coomer3o 3040 gam! 3000 Boca 3100 lumbia — Centerfielder Gado? Basch ib 3000 Blo 3010 3010 Marcus Riley stroked three Weoderch 3010 Mic Dome 2040 Het 2040 hits and three Vancouver Wrkabye 3141 Gunond> 1004 mw 1000 pitchers combined on a Como 3220 Om 4000 three-hitter to beat Phoenix. Hate 0.0.00 Toto 284144 Tole 274 Abuquerque Ot 070 14 Soft Lake 000 110-2 hot Lae 3, | querqie 4, Sot Loko 10. ‘Como, spring. 1.0.1 Robe. 3—Cecdeno. H-—Huckaby1} CS—DeWok SAC—Mibx, Quinton. SF--Gainton. ee quer Fora REE 8, SEER Inst poke ses TUCSON, Ariz, — Dave tot foes) 7k at Hajek scored on a wild pitch We-trurke. Ureke-Grosin, Donkey. onet as Tucson wonin its last at- Po F210 AAA bat for the third straight econ Abuquerne Las Vopss er 001 Gon IE Cacano ot EJ 20) 101 OLb=4 10 1 Teoee ‘Worrell, MePvein (8, Mauser (8), Tuba (9) and Tiroeal, Ketchen (6), Saxall Rainiers 6 Trappers 4 TACOMA, Wash, — Three unearned runs in the fourth inning led Tacoma to a victory over Edmonton. to left, Cedeno's tripled trem left-center sco Castro and Eddie Pye, who had three hits, singled Cedeno eorlsSelSsss wulsscssoock rhb 3044 0000 2440 Blodand Se " their loyalty to the club and share their disappointment.” Thesale marks the return Center that COMSAT will of the NHL to Denver, which build for the 1997-98 season. lost the Colorado Rockies to tainmententities, COMSAT “We're bringing winners New Jersey in 1982. oo 8 lost 14 straight at Olympic Stadium since July 19, 1992. Reds 6 ma 4000 388s Zete Caw” 1000 td 3100 Loule Wd ee Saves Lge Smith, Caliomia | the Quebee Nordiques for uled to move into the proposed $130 million Pepsi be ae OT thrde-game sweep. 7 eee in October. Both franchises are sched- | lwouis, which avoided a Lhe ‘THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DENVER — Adding an NHL team to a portfolio that already includes the Denver Nuggets and various enter- 40 3 ‘Chuck Finley, Calilomio ae Stotemyte, Oakland Hanson, Boston Boom McCarty, have outshot the ssesecc-sssd vactpry in 10 games for St. t p.m. San Diego (Benes 9-4) at Philadelphia (Mimbs2-1), 5:30 5:30 p.m. Colorado (Acevedo 2-2) at Pittsburgh (Wagner 0-5), p.m. San Francisco (Mulholland 2-4) at New York (Jones 3-2), 5:40 ‘The Red Wings, who have Denver Buys Nordiques, Rejoins NHL 's Gi Florida (Rapp0-3) at Chicago (Trachsel 2-1), 1:20 p.m. Los Angeles (R.Martinez 4-2) at Montreal (Heredia 1-3), 5:30 p.m. Ciccarelli and Darren semifinalseries. EEE E| FeHE os 2 ii streak. It was only the third (2 __Cineinnati 6, Chicago 2 pard, Sergei Fedorov, Dino Wie lanta’s six-game winning . . 4 Totals Boston ifing, Kansas Cly Grgcagne Tim 1347 Triples Ll 45E i Toa, 75 Co W4 86 3 ae feyDiSarcina,Caiifomia 862g Gary 13 577 588 8 Wi 78 87 Stolen Bases Wi 28 9 Sirk Home Away Chuck Knoblauch, Minnesota 8 Kelyan, 6-7 lance L2 9-5 8 ‘Mork McLemore,Texas 8 5-7 Ots Nuon Texas Wi 9-7 W3 310 10-4 Strikeouts 3 Ciy Kansas 2-7 Kevin Applet, 10-8 49 te Randy Johnson, TE and had twohits and an RBI as the Cardinals ended At- Seehep ¢ 4 f 4 wace --oun 8 Ipwedsix hits in 6%innings ‘1. Lous obrh bi $040 Batted 8010 Mobi ImNoehing, Doubles fdgo'Motine: Temy Steinbach, Oakland GayDSacna. oha:anos 's Games Pittsburgh 3, Florida 1 Los Angeles 3, New York 0 St. Louis 4, Atlanta 1 San Diego 4, Montreal 3 630 pm. thrashing of San Jose with a Courtnall scored at 12:34 outscored the Sharks 18-4 in Sharks 115-44in theseries. series, can wrap up a spot 21i4 nucks a 2-1 lead before Cra- the Deiroit in the conference finals by [f Jose 00 ee ven scored his tying goal. First Period — 1, Detroit, Sheppard 9 (Pri winning Game4 Saturdayin In the overtime period, reat), 15.08, 2, Detroit, Kodov 4 (Fedorov Brown), 1581 Chicago goaltender Ed Bel- San Jose. ‘Period — 3, Detroit, Koxlov 5 (YeerDetroit outshot the Sharks four stopped Courtnall on man), 15:49, Third Period — 4, Detroit, Fedorov 4 (Konlov, another breakaway after 36-12. Two of the Sharks’ 19, 5, Detroit, McCarty 2 ( ), McLean had stopped Tony shots were sof! clearing Rouse), 1:88, 6,San Jose, Whitney 8 (Onolingh, 08.7, passes from their own end, San Jose, Makarov (Ozolinsh, Larionov), 11:44 Amonte. Detroi, Ciccarelli 7.182. Joe Murphyof the Black- meaning San Josegot only 10 8, Shotson Goal — Detroit 13-12-1136, San Jose shots from Detroit’s half of hawks hit the post moments DTU the ice. The Sharks got just Power-Play Opportunities— Detroit 0 of5; San before the winner. Jose 0 of 6. The third period was one one shoton six power plays. Goalles — Detroit, Vernon 7-1 (12 shots-10 The Red Wings, who also saves), San Jose, Flaherty22 (96-80) of the best in the series as Referee — Dan Marouell. A— 17.190 Vancouver pressed to get got goals from Ray Shep- Roberto Alomar, Toronto: Away L10 Strk Home Sar73 2 82 4 46 6 377 6% 64 GB Li0 — 3-7 DA 46 2 46 3 6-4 «654 S77 500 : 429 400 Pet «556 500 481 444 Tuesday — Chicago at Vancouver “June 4 — Vancouver at Chicago, * —if necessary ‘Ai Times MOT of the third to give the Ca- ence cunas BF 7 orig 4 4 ooo4 0 4 00042 Jo 2 bates in the 8m. Sos tanta 1 = ’Sf, LOUIS — KenHilla al- of ss GB Pet seconds later on a powerplay goal by Patrick Poulin. coos ounce g W293 200 001 900—1 000 001 O2x-—3 L234 A—6,763. 3, Gorman: First, Rellford, Sec- ANANTA 17 «99 15 11 13 13 12 16 10 15 WL 15 12 14 14 13 14 12 15 “Sunday — Von, Cieag, pm, Ch 3) 830 pm. 0000 900000 goood Pittebungh Ueber W20 WL = Chicago 3, Vancouver 2 (07) Sofurday — Chicago at Vancouver, 1 pm. SAN JOSE, Calif. — Vya- victory to take a 3-0 lead in The Blackhawks tied it 15 the Western Conference "Toronto oe Away L10 Strk Home ———_ GB ——_—_—___ 123 — 73 LW 74 eB62 Li 97: 74@ 34 7-8 5 46 Ll 85 5-9 9% 46 LS 5-8 49 13 28 Li 2ll 4 San Francisco 3, Philly 1(5!2) | ie 2142 omar 4044 4010 meee ths BG, EWitioms tb 4.420 Aout f SM, a ees PClork tf 3020 Fraser 0000 Ree AL 3 Francisco: Glenallen Hill, San BoniNew York Sobby Oning0 ee Chicago Triples { Cincinnati CEE = eS 33 Houston Cincinnati Larkin, Bany oye St.Louis Stolen Bases Pittsburgh aac ; Veras, Forkda Quilvio 84 WEST aoea 110—« Colorado. lesAngeles Bip Roberts, San Diego SanFran dames Mento, Hoon LA. my torn, Cocoon _ SanDiego Strikeouts, 1:44leftin the first period to give Vancouver a 1-0 lead. :' Tota A 5 wee ae eeron 33464 i000 Totals Reddo Loree =; Leh algtere noe rez, z 3000 Micsip 0000 Sosa, Chicago Bamy Larkin, Cincinnati Hodkies aro MeRae, Chicago Siion Derek Bell, Housion 1k Grace, Chicago eRecase i Natio: W L Pet EAST —— i i Philly 16 11 503) Alana 15 13 536 Montrealane NewYork 10 17 970 620 231 Florida 9 ‘Blackhawis lead series, 3-0 cheslay Kozlov scored twice shorthanded situation with as Detroit continued its ee ae League ee wlams, Francisco Bip Roberts, Diego Carlos Baerga, Cleveland Red Wings 6 Sharks 2 first of his two goals in a re 3 = 7 a Pp Werer p Boston Valentin,hoeen John ear Tory Philips, California = Hits Boston (Hanson 3-0) at California (Sanderson1-2), 8 p.m. 30 p.m. Baltimore (McDonald 0-1) at Seattle (Johnson 4- 43 Russ Courtnall scored the 2 Manny Ramiez, Cleveland ‘onight's Games 2) at Oakland (Stottlemyre3-0), 8 p.m. Hits Beee Bel, ey ” eons Deane Palmer, st NaN ne les cago (Abbott " 2-1) at aDetroit (Bergman 1-3), p.m. a er 2-1) at Toronto (Hentgen 3-1), 5:30 p.m 24 Cleveland( 3} Texas (Tewksbury 2-1) at Minnesota (Tapani2-2), 6 p.m. Kansas City (Appier 5-1) at Milwaukee (Scanlan 1-2), 6 p.m. I Bees,torColorodo ebiiina emer 2 Fred. beat goaltender Kirk McLean from just outside the crease after roaring downthe slot and faking him to the ice. The Blackhawks sent the game into overtime when Murray Craven scored with 45 secondsleft in regulation. : 24i 3 = eecomend i Sorento, Rr feos Syne (Seat pone Benoa, Oakland Geronimo ‘Anderson, Baltimore 104 985 79z 55 back into the series. Twice 193 Pacific Coliseum. Overtime — 5, Chicago, Chelios 2 (Nichols, Chelios, a defenseman, Murphy), 622 Shots on Goal—Chicago 12-644-25, Vancouver 1051654 Play Opportunities — Chicago 1 of 8 Vancouver 0 of4. Goalies — Chicago, Belfour 7-8 (34 shots-32 saves) Vancouver, MeLean 4-6 (5-22), sdune 4 — San Jose of Detrot §:30 pm. Referee — Don Kobarski, A— 15,108 Canucks vs. Blackhawks 4 Mak McGwire, California 15, New York 2 Seattle 4, Boston 3 it Son Francisco: Bonds, Crag 8990, Houston 3 28 RBIs Away 18 9 667 — 62 W7 85 556 3 773 W2 64y 15 12 ee 3 3% 55x W2 7:73 14 12 538 “i359 4 73 Wi 98 ReySoot Kansas City 3, Milwaukee 1 Detroit 3 Oakland 9, Baltimore 6 4 9 a 8 PaulSonenio Cevolond it Martin ct Jets Merced Doki King3o Johnsonid Parentc Liane 2b abrh bt 4020 34410 4234 4000 3042 3010 4000 2040 Minnesota 4, >; "4 Matty Cordova, Minnesota 28 ornareSommers Li0 StrkHome GB WL Pet a abrhbt 2b 3900 tt 30140 #4444 304000 fb 4040 if 4030 $s) 3000 Browne pn 40.0.0 Runs ‘Mondes a Hollins, pistekeed 58 710 18 333 8% 9 $ Minnesota mci HE SE 5-5 W2 9 15 378740 L177 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NHL PLAYOFFS the Canucks hadgoals disalVANCOUVER, British Colowed by referee Don Kolumbia — Chris Chelios scored 6:22 into overtime to harski, once when Trevor give the Chicago Blackhawks Linden gloved the puck into a 3-2 victory over the Van- the net and the second with a couver Canucks on Thursday quick whistle. night and a 3-0 lead in their Western Conference semifi- — Vaneeuver reriod — 1, Vancouver, RCourtnall 3 nal series. (Lamme), 18:16 (sh 2 The Blackhawks can wrap (Amonte,Diduch) 18:31(pp). Second Period — Scoring : up the series with a victory in Period — 3, Vancouver, R.Courttall 4, Game 4 on Saturday at the 12M. 4, Cao, Craven 4 (oe, Ce, i Mokeand Cecil Reider, Detrot —__—_+_-"______________ 7-6 12 14 462.5 7 KC Donte Bichete, Colorado “The biggest reason we didn’t win much here was we A.L. Leaders American League WL Pet GB LiO Strk Home Away Batti ra 7-5 MokMclemow, loos 15 10 600 — 55 L2 85 ped 57 Gw ee 1212 500 2% 37 13 75 ae 17 oree 64 Ll 67 13 14 481 39 2 oe See 1 155 423 #4 37¥ Ll ans 5 5 46 «L266 *° 9 Home Runs SET es WL Pe GB Li0 Sirk Home Away jovaygrntoion1 EAST Boston NewYork Detroit Toronto 5 piace =, CENTRAL 34 33 8 7 SSE |