Show improvement OF HIGHWAYS figures to show that I 1 ob pays new york state X to spend fifty mil lion dollars y jah s the no question que atlon af f better roade roads emch I 1 received but scant attention a few Y j yeara yean ligo and then only in the more ko progress be and sections of 0 t to tat tho the ou Is 1 BOW now be recognized al a one of the huan liu pani lem lems with which the jwj districts have to deal and la in deverr every sate hate in the A 4 union thi movement la Is pining ining ead dij n way the farmer farmers are awaking to tv the alun tage of good gooi roads froin from u stan standpoint diol nt anil nd realize that money anil and time expended in the dl of at securing a load a over oer o ver which their crop 4 can jn be lie easily lind and quickly hauled to t market Is I 1 money and time welt well pent I 1 Pe vii the state which hai liah taken L the trost ad step for the seil 4 curing at 01 gool roads Is I 1 new york the w laving juit appropriated for this purpose i the outlay of vat sni sum marks an epoch in the history of road building in the united states State 4 Is to the rei ref suit cf of the leffa by a full century vt ut ni latike and woeful extravagance when the wort which has been undertaken hns o 0 bearl completed a network of smooth hard thoroughly 4 faree fares have beon been spread from the i line to toi the he canada bor 1 0 der and from the r delfines tt of new york city tl t the limits of r iofalo mire are tire tittles rot if thebe roada li it the state rhea tire o 0 laid aut out in walh lethan than 20 2 per tent ut of the state population latto 11 and ka taix 10 per cent of its 18 aa as il 1 valuation there are V i acres ot at farming land in ili the state the product pro dut of must be taken to f ai bartot over civer thase roide defore tue ine legislation of 1898 the read were supported by 1 the and thi tho value of the labor expended upon tipon them waa was about it bear ear ti tu I 1 the ie flouri fl Ruri s will sene sere to gite gle biome ide iaci t ft if the of the tile ta ik that V t 0 the tile mate hia ilia bet fiet itself to perform n 11 nearly aalthe all the as laid i bout out the burse oura of jedlan trails and fitall att at 0 ho tio effort was made matte to avold heavy gradei or tn in find we short eat set Pen the imanta which were connected dy oneo the beaten track had lintl been jg formed after genera generation fun to use it call ng zig hills and af de bending into callea lle 8 that might chave have leen teen had suitable aul lable care is been n tilen ut when hen the road was flav drat the khoda of C vie t roads waa equall shortsighted aho vho ho nen men of each town were ere 1 lo 10 turn out in the spring after the he fiedt waa was out of the und re f pair certain portion tie ro roda ads nearest to their property the acca can O 0 elon slon wa was usually aride ft q 0 of f j W outfit or picnic anil 1 the worl wa was s performed in ft a beleas rare losa and aa 1 11 olwar ard il it luner in the spring the roads 4 i 1 were and anti art still often wholly ima a u and anti the tall fall talus wore them I 1 q su ra f alafi 10 fp t I 1 sy vl s 4 VA i buttri HOAD ROAD 1 I TUP ili lulal aitt kal ml INT T inter into galleys 1 len hen in iha summer they acre cut with deep ruta anil unit reat av with ruit and sand I ailt waa was the labor inglem it glem em which pre prevailed new sew york elate state le f until within the luat iasi ew 1 year years and la Is f 4 the z in moat most other alt at tat tt at it the alnie gradually Ora Cra dually bunte u men wyli eld not desire to r personally on the roads began to nb ab baill upon the pam pa benl enof of it kunf money which aann expended by mk the 11 m n labor and anti tor for the pur chao nimbi nery for the aruada byis the b ests of the money ife systems my A aich euch such good re boulto ul K d amro pro bowns owna eoon soon substituted it tor for the tile un 1 l za J another evil i if ve old system was K ahe rat that the ail pen it ton tt ahm th T roada wa placed in the hanav of com J 4 fleeted annually and serving 1 tn for le 1 small compensation these ineas ei were Us klY ignorant of the eel 1 emitille eri tille principles of oad fad building ad lt fa vive to toe the work only urb time fa k t 11 it I 1 arquin spare from front ih own attl I 1 A 1 fit I 1 ro f N f 0 i rheto condition with wit all their de tie Ie V JP lt 1 in the aleater part of 01 LA A 5 tho th atie jand nd obo lv butir rec recently rece tully W 1 i r thi taillight llIght of questioning aning their ario I 1 don the old policy Is 1 now about to 10 1 nta try reverted 1 I instead of makeshift abafo 1 tM r g practically to be re y ory jr highways high waya Is h sus are arc EU to oe te antl innia under the lie of ut ha tile it tite ite kt pt point of view tho the value t f this chainge can hardly be oseby estimated tho waste of energy and or of effort en entailed by hail bad oada roads i in tit au an enor enormous loss aci cording cordin rf to hc the united states de 1 art ment ot at the he ige coat cost of or on tin the ro anda ads id fit new york states tat s j jr jl cents for ever ton for eich etch i mile rho rh of iv haul roide i the tho lowering or tirades grades on ant I 1 itie tit of or distances will jua auko it 1 p to mul healer beav ler lo iila and irtz artt aitor number f lou doulk IK in a cuen cleu ume lime this means a li lei the ceat of hauling ha tiling the tle aheras ex pense in european countries where the tole roada roads have beefs be improved la Is teri en cents a allees mile is shown in the consular ton sular report reports f if the samo sarrie average could be reach ad u heie hele it bouli cause a saving eating 0 dt 9 96 enta on each ton for te vo average baul haul 41 ax nilles on the th baal basis of forty millions toi tons a year which i is reg regarded irilda as an n low estl mate thil this redu lo 10 ion would chull bring about a total eming in thia this state 0 oe a ear par in addition there must be taken into nto account 2 tho the increased alue of property whick will r ault froin making it more and the general gain that win will follow the opening of the rend remil i to automobiles and other pleasures pip aehl elm it h N ali tint tt tho ilia highways high higi waye ways of new york state could E be reproduced for and ona that has ha been ep ev eded upon them in money and labor they are now jar 4 fak ca SAAM 1011 1 ITI 1 irb 1 PRO I 1 1 ml ul NT T practically in the same condition that they yer ere a ago so no great public meni went was eer de developed eloped and anti agreed upon ia a shorter time than the scheme 0 of hig in bew aock ork at ite the two liwe laws I 1 in WS 1808 were isnor is from the a 4 of their authors aa as ibe fuller plank act and tind the ulysle armstrong act they were destouet dest 0 to o supplement each other one applying appi ienir to the more prosperous prosper okill coni waly and the other to thinly soil ettli I 1 region regions of the tile elate state I 1 hoy iley pro ville when a a town hai adopted eil the m etem of caring for ita its high wai wa the tile ate kate shall pay half the ex in n towns having an ns sesel valuation of more thin 1001 tho acate cannot mike an in any one year of more than one tenth of one pel cent of the but this initiation does not apply to towal ast ag at I 1 than 4 lu ijo aho As a condition lu to i aid ald i the towns awn are bound to 11 1 1 their in accordance fth rule rules astl down b the engineer 1 AN aik ot k waa proceeding so slowly under ilia plan wan of annual appropriation by she the late state that the decided to rolde aro irle for a bond which filch koul erable the work to be undertaken on a comprehensive abalo accord tugie aa an amendment to iw slit t tiou wae was prepared th the 11 cro re 1 aaion 0 os a state debt ot of on a roi 26 25 will Cven tit ally li 14 b the anil stool in chih hl h road roads ure ImproVe ill on the 1 of 15 nit jr 15 per cent I 1 uder the rn of at the tile bills by thi tile legislature tile th power of the stale engineer are greata extended over it ahr con avd of road built wilt with elate state aid alt boarde of in each county are required the curt of the tile mr to de enate yate the roid in I 1 air counties atey aning a anoina be improved on th tha bast of these report reports the eta sta I 1 engineer la in inquired to prepare a map of or the amin 1 or market coads of at the tho state stater an to provide for an appropriate county and ind state system ot of roads mith ath a low to aa am equitable ap of p the improvements ninona among the counties 1 1 bi map youat be submitted to the next ne lerta lattire which may amend it but v lien it baa has been approved by the legislature it will wilt constitute the f tates per permanent peria marent ent plan of m p roye meat tho the character of the new ew road Is ta to 40 tie bo determined by oy the state engineer to the nature of cc the soil ana ann the availability of material the macadam rod ro td p susu usually ally built but bill deavel sr vel bhala shale or salil ru ria be 01 1 I it ia brick pavement pa wernent may be djoa the state ha has power to nove abb location of the roads rj ads 1 tahe measures to bring about adequate drainage remove or plant 1 trees for their preservation and erect sign beardi when u road has beeh been improve I 1 and anti accepted the town la Is required 0 lo 10 o raise by annual tax 51 50 a mile leering it tu order thia this money 1 gd tv to the state which Is to main tuat the rol roads paying out of th thi t casary any yva that may be neade I 1 in excess of tho tile from the town thi s in ili brief Is tbs i n dop ted by the for the iw arh of its roade the pipit tit rt tt 14 T 1 4 t nc n the nsw roads road will probably lc in mcadam tc tri adam cadam costing on the averi awrence tre t foo a mile one of the most diffie it problems that still armain to he be met la Is how to wapl l the use of wagons having wide ted lit tit place of those provided with narrow tires it has been hown that the wide tire actually maks roads while uhlie the narrow tire quickly cuts them to pieces and ant weara wears 1 abeta out |