Show 1 rf MAT 11 ubin state 11 Enil leper A sail salt like ov 8 luon 1106 notice la is hereby given that vre drederick derick ei et al at whore whose rid dreim ain elington utah have made apello ton la in accordance with the requirements requirement of chapter chapter session law laws of utah 1905 to P P trop r P e e echt r g 8 cuble feel per second of water t from r 1 price 10 a river ver marbod county utah i said water wilt b lie diverted by ex au channel known ni as farnham Kam liuni ditch MA nt a rolat paint wilch which bears north 41 43 daire aj west reet distant from corner of see 10 T twp 15 S 9 south 0 uth I 1 11 I 1 bast last salt lalie ba baso a and n meridian rt d ian from chere it wilt will be conveyed for or a distance of feet aad there used from march it 1st to october inclusive of I 1 each e me h year to irris tate aarom of land ere em bracell bra ce t in sec sect t ja 2 24 1 ond nd 38 30 imp 15 south jtb kar itar re 11 1 att ana ieca 1 tw awu I 1 south ganve II 11 bast st ta fait L lake ke bala 64 redlan much of 1 mid water wo may be nee aary will he be usei use for thedo the domet itic ur 1 the inhabitants residing 11 on salt IP lands 14 1 iest enatO in tile state mate ermin er min 1 obice INO no ml 11 probst 1 the of aalde application c a I 1 reinna mus be om made by 1 IE la au and uni bled tiled in this I 1 loftice e e within t h in thira 30 ilari day after gater the cow cletion of thi h publication of it th 4 notice CALF I 1 state i ato e tirel puh b nov 1 late data if tt completion of pub aeo 1 5 |