Show or of 0 Nel wellington lington 0 oil cot apau xan utpal place of 0 business busl nesi Is V carbon bounty utah notice Is I 1 hereby biven thit thi t at ata 13 of tho the directors of osil said company beld held on the let da day ici ct october igoe ten tent tents P per share was as levied levied on the capital the payable on tho ath day of october 1 HOC poe to tidwell irons treas aurer at his artle if in N eh egington ington carbon county utah any mock upon which a ua may remain un unpaid on tile ath daj duy ot November 1900 if 00 will be and or eale at cumla auction a and unla made e before w will ill bosold the oin 1 igoe at 4 0 clock n P in to pay the delf sg ment torether together with with the cost 1 I biver disint and expense of mie wile L DG A P TI bayn secretary carbon CO anty utah first arst pub oct ji las last NOT nov 16 |