Show in 1 11 eastern and southern south e rn utah uta h EMERY DV COU COUNTY NTY castle dale date grogro 4 ov t I 1 nth joseph hausen of 0 castle dale bus to 0 o to work in the timber this winter dr dl 0 J forguson Forgue on of caddo has purchased of hyrum byrum 8 oly the drugstore store tull building dlug in castle dale consideration LM X william oman and anti mie mia aaron oman sr of mb mt pleasant anine to cuete dalo dale the eaily part of tho the week tj to attend the funeral of tho the little 1 l daughter of mr and mrs anion oman james jen jeffs s of cintio dalo was serl bously injured this morning by a it vicious jersey bull which attacked him in his corral ills shoulder aboul dor win wits die located tind anti his breast quite hadly bruised the 0 month daughter of mr and MP iq aaron oman died sunday ot of pneumonia sifter it protracted ill funeral ti wore were hem held ut at tho weeting geeting house houm on oil ledue Wed nelay olay afternoon castle dalos town board gran granted tiLd a franchise franch on wednesday wed deml ay 0 41 tile eastern utah telephony telephone company to establish it local telephone exchange hert and also alike ft tike franchise to 0 0 11 or s salt sit it lai lahe city tit 0 Beh unlit wd anti hector evan c avo purchase eed from roin bernstein I 1 tho the loader Merran mercantile tile busl afi ti lita essIn ln castio castle dale date and have havel inov nov d w into the now building on the Ten elleon laon corner of market rna the bench on ii bortl of castle dale la Is steadily ding q I 1 0 miller Is nw 7 addling a it thle e addition to hie his home fritz te ift Is putting the bouc es to hta his new foul roero house mrs caroline peterson Pe tereen Is building a log and adobe house and unde E a E draper la Is putt ingon the touches to hie his house president mary A sort amson and councilor maria guyman of the relief society stake loard board lately in carton county und and this northern part of enter emery county in the interest of the tile society they found ical lical l nil fully organized and doing good work with the wc eption of castle oate clate tho the agunoy w ancy in that board being caused by the elizabeth young having to mexico the filling of this vacancy wai loft left to the pm presiding alding older morgan evane evans K iho republican party elected lie its 4 county ticket last with the of and euper super tn of schools for i tive 0 1 E larato beat 11 J W 4 thirty live otes erge A land beat C 11 bohnson loh votes for w su superintendent perin to adent howell received a greater majority than two years ago alonzo brinkerhoff for senator of tile TwIt tn district has a it majority of in bounty county AROUND J alfred knudsen la Is painting our meeting hous N mr nut nuil MM mrs john halley lime i noved to lorron for the winter there ays ate still n faw few of groin grain round around town uniting alting for tile thi osher we liae no whooping cough la in town for which e nt nav very thi lunka ill mr andars nud mrs attie 13 beeks old abby all didy october asih of ir w john rich lately on it null nall which ran through his foot causing him to usa it crutch for 11 44 week I 1 mrs lila id beach is 14 very ery eick alth lilt the doctor id ia doing ati bee be c in for her but sho she suffers severe ly her mother other in la with her for awhile it 0 nud and wife wont to the tile qu quarterly artt iv conference a t price also bishop lyman S bach ach and anti john rich bishop 1319 bol beach wont went oa on to cicur clear creek and after conference to visit with f friends ond and relatives es huntington no sickness here nt at predent the new ow school ahouee Is looming up tip nicely the allers are in their now it albence lealdo A rov occurred near the tile saloon oa on Wedo wednesday caday night in which george brandon Bra of castle dale und and ati tt and boy roy cowley of Clevel cleveland antl floured hintt pulled a knife and george pulled a gun th tha latter went off in tho the handa ot of brandon la in a scuffle und and nearly took ft a linger finger off of 0 brandona left hand ono one ball grazing krailo the temple 0 of matt cowley it la Is presumed the when more will be learn learned etl EVILLE laet last monday afternoon it hull ball game gaine took place between the boya of the public school nod add the Orang orangeville eville town boye boys tho the school boys did soine some fine playing plo ying the town team coti coi blit alst ed of what la Is left of the tile old orange valle adur atur beum und Im imported potted players 1 ono from camle dale date tind and one from frola casi ie to gato gate thu to ii team thought they hud had an easy thing with the small school hoys boys but tho tile latter pro proved ed too anuth for them they went in to win and anti you yon bet bat they came out victorious the game was ot of soven seen innings and the result showed twenty six to twenty one in favor of thoi school boys who wits still had an inning c TOWN OF EMERY 11 joa ph broo eon mayfield has been visiting hero here for some time v wih ith hia his aisters sf al eters our sull schools are running although though th principal mr eskelson Ea Us kolson kelson it hi is but live student students mr and nd mrs nel ner r jensen flot aiom have bm been n hero here visiting iola iela tives and f friends delia delta edwards edvarda Is IV going to biond tho winter with her sister mrs mamie manile edwards at tit wallace pette our saloonkeeper had just built a nice little brick house and rood into it on the tile ath dinst ier mr and mrs james hoggan froni from manti are hero herp visiting with mth their daughter mra mrs willa rd beacock ye acock oc k afew dabs ago mrs wallard Wll lard peacock guvo birth to a bouncing boy I 1 weighing eig hing twelve teho and it half halt pounds pound arti alfred hanson ll unset who was reported critically ill last week is on the improve and Is considered out of mrs nho ho has iken tor for some dulo with dempsy unit and a tumor in tho the stomach etoi has gone to rabbit valley to 0 from arc m patriarch blackburn quito quite a 11 lot of t the tile client wheat ell eai buffered suffered from froin rust but healand heat hea tand indents ats nm tit present taking n position as reed Is running out I 1 exult will soon havo have to go to cattle dale anti ml for our wheat eury ulila who hus 1 14 little luceau ill CL 1 batol hits tho tile baillo its is little gold mine A gloal deni teal of bd Is ct et lu in the fielda it seems wi though thore there la Is too 00 oo much to haul 1 8 it Will talus our oldest merchant mercha nr has hag boti for etline pa paiit looking foi jos it to cut out tho tile middle lilan in buying up the seed which ho he succeeded 0 z u locating oca ting thua thus enriching the bliwn se verial hundred do colars lars it la Is estimated thi th thi i there will bo be from ten to teve carloads car loBus loans fit it I 1 lucero lucern seed FLASHES mrs henry lords la is quite quito III with pneumonia miss taylor one of the presbyter laa tau teachers tea chera Is DOW the ido governess erness for G V V laing chris larsen it id ba reported Is suffering with what appears to be nn attack of appendicitis L SANPETE COUNTY ml pleasant amov loth bantes B reynolds and anti mici IL dello belle oldham aro are to bo be married at banti next wednesday 0 J ra to salt ill lake ke early in tho tile week eck expecting to secure a position and antei intel mra mrs norford 4 abat hounion to U bait salt lako lake count this week where she win will join her husband and remain II 11 carlson was down frou brou murray during abo week his 1 brother franka sickness brought him hint here mrs orson lee hai beon up front roni her savior sevier county lome during the week visiting wibb relatives aad old friends I 1 marritt murr luge ge license vm granted in salt stilt lake this week for john W pearon of that city and anti mary E re tarson of fairview miss 1 eva anderson came canie homo thursday from salt luke lake where eho she hae 1 aas beon for about five it ia is I 1 her 1 er intention to remain john A mansol aniah week for cedar city where the they y liuto employment as stone masona which will last a month ur six weeks joseph jensen waa down during the week from bingham Bing junction whore where he has steady employ for tile den denser or and hlo rio grande ralli oad L U font to salt lake last sunday he ile boea with the tile intention of it the employment ho lim expect expects to find materializes teria lizes if the plane plans of those promoting it do not riot go amiss an outdoor ice tee shat ing rink will be numbered among I 1 ML Plea pleasants gants pleasure resorts for the coining winter N der aumon pido mrs darke and anti mrs moore of salt lake were ere in town last night thy the local daughters of Itebe cen lodge lloy are grand of that lodge in utah eph kph Ilau stu ji and und ney noy two oung men af this city hae jime opened a it restaurant ut tit scofield this week they hao a good location uell furnished come and it good business bui loesa AJ standard crop of lucerne aal ie Is almost a complete failure ibis 1 car there ly its not a carload of seed beed where iq Is usually from irani ment tle to thirty carloads A crowd of boung folka folks enjoyed a noel outing Thum lity eventus by hy dehing south of town aa n couple of miles ind anti building litigen bonfire botill rex cooking looking and anti enting luncheon 11 and having atoll good time generally mrs 1 4 I Y V draper aas granted a devoice and anti tho tile custody of her tier two children afi 11 judge ferdinand erickson la in the tile district court it 1 this i mk ee k drunkenness and anti failure A I 0 provide ere the riven tile twelfth t elath of Sati peto county comity han hanselle gelle assort ution comp the me lu schoola schools sa n pete so ler A ute a nd G arfield Garl lold met in tit the rian church at mand friday and saturday november 2 and 5 one delegates bealles ngoy nian other others In terestea ere present at a it it meeting of tho the directors dir ectore of the coal compana evl evening illg it waa was decided th lit thit it the tile rud rund 1 to jo tho the mine lillne would be kept T snow cornea this year it such a thing is possible the kompany la IS in alne condition financially although lesa less coal bas beer sold from the mine this year than for yeara previous 0 E hanson chino over the mountain from front clear creek thia this beek he lias has been engaged in q sawmill forthe coal aca company there during the summer anil anti as that work Is through he will not return ut at present although he iua may 1 later plenty of good employ menthol men ha log ing been offered lie ile reports about eight inches of enow snow on the level on the mountains cast of this valley alley v several duog man from this city and the round falls left wednesday Kini lyerly where they are offered employment la in the minea and where they expect to remain indefinitely those who wont that day were will averett arthur Xv everett erett K R Johan johensen Joh unsen seli william and john shelly thomas thoma Spen sound nad will coat coats they have been engaged by johnny bell who la Is with the company by which thea will be and anti alip came up from 1 there a week or BO so ago go in search of men others roin towns in the valley have bae gone also tile men itlen will icelo meent no ullars ol alper month find IOUI 11 GRAND COU moab times timm nor P F 11 hammond br is I 1 in all city y this week marketia ma a t of sheep seth dunn expects to 0 o leavo leave purt of abo week for gree where le will probably rail rual tore ture home ho tho the regular monthly m roc tho the town lioard board wa was held evening the allian ae as treasurer treasur arwas was ac abc acc james V V stark wai wa i ampol appoint nt it hi Is 8 place pi aw tho the maxwell hotel opec opened tied t under tin an entirely new TOBI man mrs honeycutt a slater sister of goodman Goo diaan who recently tho the south has purchased the and opened tho the same saine to the election dai M 1 I fowler ina manager nager of nado mine at minors miners basin moab thursday aud will be for several days he ile report mo 1 ing along in good sha shar basin and the prospects ful winters run tho the ery best |