Show BIG CANAL cal I 1 AL SOUTH SURE fio president and general manager mannar with surveyors coming coillie d today or tomorrow ready to start on the work D AI general ina of tho the T utah mali irrigation and power company was in price tuesday he camo came down v m ith a couple ot of Ini investors estors from salt lake city they having previously visited tho green juver river section and having heard of 0 the price lands to bo reclaimed wanted to see them they went awaa awa from hero here well pleased with ahat hat they saw utter after being drien about the country both liuo become interested in holdings to tho the boath of town and aro are to return after a vork haa has begun on ilin big canal general manager landreth ie Is jut buck back from a trip of four or ali iho 0 weeks in iowa 10 michigan and illinoia illinois and while away talked price and the tile pos of castle valley to hundreds of people iio h confident of bringing man bottlers settlers hero here during the coming year Where orono crono atlas in the east ho he ea 8 people are anxious to tornow know of at tho the west and especially the opportunities for ho ile 1 returned to salt lake city in the tile I 1 evening where liu itu met diett T il fitzgerald president pre eldont dont of the company and they together have selected end fir jr an office for foj tho the company whilo while the tile general ot of the company an arti to bo be in Ch chicago leggo tho the salt lake of flues are to bo be maintained for COQ comen lenco during tho fine of the building of the canal and the dam at 6 the old mammoth reservoir fitzgerald and landreth Lan dreta ere are expected in price toda or tomor X row in company with isaac bayar inneo laco ol 01 st george and engineer En gincer an derson ot of provo the former will give some twenty days of bis his timo time to survey euney sur vey work for tha company and upon lea ing to engage in other pursuits demanding his tits attention the vork of tou la Is to bo ba carried through by A jerson manager landroth landreth baates that the ditch will not be built bull this fall a so that a crop can bo be had from the high wate dext spring but thai th alcon con work will start as soon fis as the survey Is I 1 established |