Show D I 1 U IT I 1 H C 4 PAP DUN former trial judge john 1 son his lawyer 4 BATCH OF NE NEW W EVIDENCE IS iff OUT plea of self defense by condemned man to be listened to jo by ly he the board US charlea Char leti lat 16 illa lui who ta U serving a ufa ift term in the koto prison for killing hi isi ito und tt 1111 lain ain Tibi bette in dan san tuno junn county four ago haa has ap plod to tho tile state board of pardons for an unconditional pardon pan loii tim tile epli 4 cation will bo be conal dered at tho tile DO 4 cember ine bettink net tInK eting of the tile burd ward tho 4 death gente oce was wai lenaw 41 d N orew i ifer ver 17 but it waif rard coilla muted to lift life N nent f a art attracted oa 01 A r ut the time il othor iwho gnp atis idill i 1 is its dutch charlie shot tr tibbetts ibbetts A tille geI alth tit hav hi wife F in has ha hawa alwis a clail lied th T the killing rifling of i hie ills wife was aft un tin accident it W claimed J ovid eoLO enLe ii 1 aguelo N ns its tt to warrant A a tho th it ld la unno C q that thai jude Joh johndon lo noon who vw as tw tilo trial judge in tho tile caie ca en ie viii join in jn tile application for it perdon and wilt appear ewerson AX ully lefore the pardon bound a |