Show MANY YEARS OF LOST odd Exper experience lence of a man who once wrote a book sook 1 I have b been e en told ead said a man ot of experiences that it bt is not unusual unusual I 1 ter nuo IV u spend much thought and toll tall over inventions of sort and another ory orly to flod mad when they took these things to wa washington a hington to b bo a patented e n ted that the same idea ideas had long before been worked out by somebody else and that patents had already alread 7 been issued OB on them I 1 bed had that e experience I 1 Per peri lence ence once with a book 1 I spent fourteen years once writing a book and I 1 had bad it alt gilt tiit corn com i plated and then one em av stopping at a second hand band book et I 1 r t eked up from a ae 1 of wd at flie cents each one ilia i title in 1 the very ru ds aaa at I 1 had scolded for thet 11 flo of my books book and the sentence in this ON hook book wax was al a mos most t identical with that in my own somebody else had bad had the same idea lda that I 1 bad had worked over so long and bad had written and published a book about it fifer yeara years before |