Show TOWN and COUNTY if BRIEF C choice glee lot of 0 hats ju jua arrix ed 1 I mrs I 1 kirkwood I 1 go to tho the senate saloon finest line of cigars in eastern utah ja jes rooney of helper WAS look took iak fog after bis his business bue inuss interests Inte ut a winter V quarterma Qu artera during the week JM J U miller is book at colton after jabeir at P salt lake city hospital wita a in luckl ild attack of ta fe foor or william WIllin tu brown la Is no ion langei get conducting the burl earli I 1 saloon it for the estate but has gone gotke to michigan pa permanently W WJ J ridd formerly with the rio grande and tho the santa re I 1 no nt at work ou on the strawberry valley I 1 ariga tion project with the engl io in apartment part ment nichols agun have liae closed out their galoot business ot at moffat tho the building been leased 88 a dwelling nud tho the stock sold off to sev erol eral diX differ erent cot bartles ghomas P F kelter sheriff elect on the democratic ticket ie Is to lovoto moo to price about tho the ir of the bear ear in ae the meantime ho he will resign the office 0 of president of the lown town board the globe company has purebred the general merchandise stock of bernstein at tit castle dale william 0 behunin and hector evans are interested largely in the new concern F it Merc weather of scofield hiis hits been appointed jury commissioner by judge ericksen Ericks cn instead of 8 if H hen richeden of tho the same place mere leather menther wont eat from price t denver den ver last tuesday evening where III he e la Is to pur purchase chae hb his stock of hollday goot goods iq Will william faul D livingston nas as hero monday on business in connection with iii attora of the utah irrigation and power company he ile as wearing his broadest smile bec autie of republican tic victories tories lit and for the tile air mid mis W M echola cainie ia In intrain from tho the reservation rese mation country on oil sunday last and departed from froin hero here alie following day mr nichols goes to pioche lic nev where he will engage in mrs mm nichola nichols laiq Is fisit in ogden for awhile later going to her former home in missouri to the winter passenger and freight cranic on the main fiefe of the iho 1110 grande western was as delayed about six hours last saturday by the tile derailment of a number of freight can on the inaina line near te bluch turnout out it few miles from thistle junction tha tile derailment of the freight cars v as caused used by a broken rail no one as Z injured ared that a snow allow of fat tind and floe fine sheep will bo be hold at salt lako lake city during tho session of the Natio nut ers to be held there january and wail decided at it meeting of the flate wate board of last ast week this bow will it ie Is baki bald surpass all efforts along tho the same line live und and f from rom now on accle efforts will be put forth to make M a le I 1 it t a M it decess trailing amusement including theatrical football teams tens etc ete hereafter will not bo given party rates over the demer dener ami 1110 Q arnde according to action taken re bently in cancelling these rate rates thia this action it is to has been as a result of i it circular soot sent out by thea the transcontinental passenger tion a d sent originally to tho tile chicago chicaro and alton by secretary Secret arf moseley of tho the interstate commer e cammi with tho the statement that the rato rate was not in legal effect W D bera bt ers 0 of the staff of the strawberry Str awbery valley biota project prole ct states that the worl dorkof of constructing the oh on the project ie 18 progressing sto etoal wIlly lly and satis fictor lly and already a it amount of work liaa has been done dont irom the nature of the tile machinery its to practically educate w overy wery ery man as its to the tile nature of his particular duties and anti this fact up to now haa has been the tile means of consider able dela thia this condition Is being gradually grad urill over overL toino bowmer io weer and from now on the proem pr pro oRm greiss III lo bo 10 marked r M landretti landreth and wife cabie in 1 from front chicago wednesday evening mra landreth haa has been lug at gladstone ind mich during the past uve fire months und and the low altitude of that legion lias has much improved bor ber health she will spend several dayi with rionda friends in this place white while landreth awa to tn green river and price utah to look otter after a new irrigation scheme that he and others tire interested in near tho he lie experts to eoon soon open an office elspit tra spit lake city and take up his duties aa as general manager of the utah irrigation and rower cont cona pana Pall sado ocolo colo tribune oth |