Show thanksgiving SERVICE SERVICES BY SCHOOLS AND OTHERS AT PRICE TOWN HALL ihre ih re rf will vill ix be Thanks gl ing ot at aileo pileo to hall FL anday iday november ait it 10 in ili tho foro forenoon noon tho the following has been 1 arranged song elong congregation invocation IM N harmon y chirug leather wo we thank theo thee prof pupils beading reading of proclamation 4 leila lella smith history of thanksgiving john it 11 lleyellyn Lle nellyn s hills pupils concert Ile citation ats 1 morgans puella semuon prof prot J M 31 burke I 1 chorus chortis 1 count you C II 11 Marcu sene pur pill its coo con at recitation miss Cros byi pupils mies Na Nae eglee glos pupils chorus chortis miss xulla hills pupil |