Show OF A 9 MORE MORI OR LESS personal PER NATURE dr butt permanent tient dont lct let first door east of bank dr kirkwood dentist permanently located neat next to poto fOco the clothes make the wo we make tho the clothes provo tailoring company um J W butt returned sunday sunda luet last from an oxton extended ded it with her parents in Han kansas sits marriage license haa has been issued to K X N P jenson jensen and bertha N X davis both of spring glen gion pocket maps of utah in two MAO elzee sizes with valuable statistical information for ealo sale at the advocate J D lloyd of price haa hits been taken to a salt alake city hospital for an operation for appendicitis mr and mr alre william heed reed liuo bue a bran brun new boy baby buby at their home tile tho oung man arriving sunday now line of ledgers journals day books cash books and general supplies just at the advocate office mark alark 13 braffet attorney for the utah fuel company compan as here ties day on bustness bual bust nest neos for the which ho he churich livingston Living iton former chief cleric for the utah fuel company at Sunny alde ie Is now keeping books for a big dairy concern at zion for sale hundred and sixty acres land laud hut thu will twill como under inder p proposed ed new ditch plotted and among best land on oil price aher see it W crockett county commissioner james bowns downs went from price to somerset colo nat monday on one of ills his periodical inspection trips for the utah pool company compan 1 D W llo idaway lius hits been appointed a commissioner to take testimony hi in a land contest ot of J W wart christensen involving an entry near desert lake dean D holdaway formerly of price la Is now working Nor king for a bifi big mercantile company at bougham BIng Blugh bani am and is said sald to have it t splendid position po eltion himself nira self anci family hove hao recently dovw there from salt lake city tho the telephone hole hue live froin from clear creek to P pr ice co wae connected up loat 11 monday this completes the caran and find emery county system sya teni tho the rocky mountain boll bell people ure are bu ing slowly froin from thistle to castle GL u E 0 davia davis ot 0 mountain croie mo nod and F 8 guggenheim of kan sas city ivere hero here monday looking tho the lands to comb under the now new ditch over they are well troll pleased with prospects hire find ad have invested in 11 acreage last 0 en log the second number of the lecture course which consisted conol of the ruyal male Quartet tt ua as presented at town adil to it largo large and audience each gentle man was an artist in his hn line and nil nit who attended report this entertain ment a first clasa class production saye says tuesday e deseret news coal dea deafen leri repert cars still short but ti fair supply arriving the rail roade roads aro are taking the great bulk of the out ait it from the mines the ban san pedro ie Is getting ita its supplies from cas tie tle gate at ami and will not bring tiny any of its oil burning engines onto the sall lake division as the cost ot of erecting tanks and hauling the oil from california would hardly be warranted at fit the present price of coal the ladles of the helper christian temperance auniol entertained friday af tern a at the home ot of mrs thomaa thomas mcgrath mrs 11 hoffman offman rind mrs metz gave two excellent readings margeret Har geret kesler 1 and avd AIs mcgrath gave a it humorous dialogue followed by two recitations by the same young ladles after the program refreshments were served plates being laid for fifteen tho meeting then adjourned to be entertained on friday no ember 23 J by mrs metz A D ferron superintendent of tho the haven raven mining property on the former reservation has just returned to the mines alier titter a visit of several days to his home in salt lake cit Olti the raven is now put ting its product on board the tile cars at bollier summit it having recently completed a wagon road to the latter station which 13 twenty eight miles from the mine A tramway 1 ii also being constructed for convoying conveying the clat erite from the down the mountain taide to tho wion wagon road ferron itri th tho opera itous progressing nicely D 31 landreth of green given river utah who I 1 Is 8 at the head of I 1 a gigantic scheme to reclaim by irrigation fafty thousand acres of arid government land lying just south of price utah stohl arched arab ed in den denier or monday and rod stated last night that work on t the ho project would begin within thirty days Laud landreth said that already 11 e and acres of or the land which will be used for fruit and grain growing had bad been pad P ad to eastern persons ix radons the io ll 11 bucked backed by chicago capital landroth landreth who la Is stopping ut at the ox ford hotel will leave for his homo hoino to day denoo denser er colo times ath T A fitzgerald of chicago who ie to taking a prominent part lu in the utah irrigation and power company project arrived at itt the tile wilson monday with the announcement that the plans ire are now completed and actual opera III I 1 re commenced abonce the company bar purchased the elo for A main mammoth moth reservoir near price on the acner and rio orande grande about miles southeast of salt luke we are going to put fafty thousand acres of land under water said fitzgerald which will make a very considerable addition to the agricultural rebourta of this section we are now prepared te td commance com cOmIl monce lance contracts for the big ditch and reservoir lr 11 8 silt tit lake I 1 herald |