Show LARGE SHEEP DEAL DUL IS PULLED OFF AT SALT LAKE walter jamea james of black hock rock and N EL miller efer 0 of mt pleasant pleas aint lime closed a contract with D F saunders dors of salt lake for what la Is believed bolt bell eved to be the largest sheep deal of alio ID in utah tho tile portion of the lot that is ready mady for market Is to W b shipped in la two train load to los I 1 nabs alq ap t the heinal remainder ader will he be turied on th tin i range in the A of black bock rock far the winter 3 A tra elleg freight for or the salt lake route who lids been sui wrin tending the shIp Wont says the range conditions in Sot southern thern utah aro are better than taic haeghen ha ben ethen for tho the last lait teen years yea re |