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Show ww bneligence Report’... <> DOYOU HAVE ASTHMA? bout 5000 Americans die needlessly each year from asthma. So says the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, which is conducting free screenings across the country starting May| to help adults and kids find outif they have asthma. Symptoms include chronic coughingor throat-clearing, wheezing,tightness in the chest and shortness of breath. The screenings also are a chance for asthmatics to talk with a specialist about how to control symptoms. Undiagnosed or undertreated, asthmacan cause irreversible lung damage.Fora list of screening sites and dates or to take a quiz to see if you or a child has asthma, visit www.allergy.mcg.edu on the Web. Turn Beauty Inside Out ired of how Hollywood depicts wom- en? Sometopactresses and young Elvis Presley 25th Anniversary Tennessee State Quarter Tribute of the U.S. Statehood ‘The Collector's Edition com. a colorized Tennessee Statehood collectible ever released and represents a true collector's red on genuine U.S. coinage. Quarters. I's unlike any Elvis Quarter from Elvis’ home- treasure to be appreciated for state, commemorates the 25th Anniversary of Elvis’ untimely generations to come... a must havefor all Elvis fans.” passing in 1977. Reaction two “After acquiring the bril- the tribute has been nothing short of spectacular as droves liant uncirculated Tennessee of fans are scrambling to obtain the coin before any pos- Anniversary Tennessee quarter amives in a stunning black felt Presentation case suitable for display with your finest col- lectibles. Each coin is backed by the Intemabonal Collectors Society 100% Buy Back Guarantee and comes with an individually numbered Certificate of Authenticity, “It's a sensational way for fans young and old tw establish a link with one of the most ‘Yas at CaP tapos batons @ te ese ateyeun Bu Zt iePy Ets first recording artist ever hon- sible sellout occurs. The 2002 Tennessee enduring icons of the 20th that actually fuses a brilliant order their coins as soon as Century.” added Hubbard. Given the worldwide Statehood Quarter is colorized by a revolutionary new process popularity of Elvis, fans should color portrait of Elvis into the possible to avoid the disap- face of the coin. Each collectible pointment of missing out on tibwe is completed with the Official 25th Anniversary logo from Graceland along with a statehood quarters, we begin the meticulous colonzation a person whohas a beautiful face,” says forces wil Jom in Rachel Johnson, 12, who’s on the editorial board ofthe Fgy Women girls’ magazine New Moon, which sponsors the event. In May, Rachelwill be one of46 girls who visit Hollywood ave portect “King ofRock & Roll”Joins Presidents on U.S. Coinage Memphis, TN - Elvis Presley uniquely American collectible sake as dazzling as it is colfans are “all shook up” over the combines the legendary appeal lectible.”explained Hubbard. announcementthat the King of of the “Entertainer of the The Elvis Presley 25th Rock & Roll has become the Century” with the popularity girls are, and they"Il say soon May 15 —the third annual Turn Beauty Inside Out Day—to encouragefilmmakersto look at more than a Size 2 when deciding who to put onscreen. “We want to promote being yourself and being healthy. to tell people that they’re worth just as much as Rachel Johnson (1) and actress Lindsay this unique collectible opportumuity They're available for just $9.95 + $3 postage & han- reproduction of Elvis’ unmistak- process that actually fuses the dling, limit 3 per household. classic umage of Elvis ontothe Send your check or money facing of each coin. We then onder to ICS, 10045 Red Run the most collected icon of the seal each coininside acrystal- Boulevard, Suite 3S0PASQP3, 20th century.” stated George clear capsule to assure the Owings Mills, Maryland Hubbard of the Intemational dazzling luster will never tar- 21117, of call toll free Collectors Society, exclusive distributors of the coins. “This painstaking work is a keep- pisaing e's + hep 1-800-641-0020 to meet producers and others in an effort to change a few minds. Theysayit’s importantfor kids to discuss with adults what fages aad they see in the media and not compare themselves to the stars onscreen. Joining the campaign are actresses Lindsay Wagner, figures, 8 why Susan Sarandon, Kathy Najimy and Janeane Garofalo. NewMoon also sponsored a contest for kids to complete a8 they all we the sentence“IfI made the movies...” and tell what they'd like tosee in Hollywood. To learn more, go to www.parude.com. see ouscresa! |